Why your favorite devs/content creators quit and take 'breaks'


Sep 25, 2021
Burning out happens to everyone sometime for various reasons and especially if it is more of a hobby side Project.

I was just wondering about the social Stigma. I wonder if that is more of an american/other country thing.
In most of western europe porn generally has been less and less stigmatized over the years (aside from some outlying conservative groups and somewhat depending on your kink).


Sep 25, 2021
Yeah, in the west we've definitely moved past family and friends judging just because of kinks. Outside of more conservative areas anyways; the more conservative areas are still a stones-throw.

The social stigma does apply though, it's just mostly to employers. With the amount of fresh college grads with their heads in the clouds of wanting to become a game developer and student debt up to their neck; to fulfill that dream they will basically do and take anything. So employers can afford to be picky about who they pick because they can just throw a net and catch a game developer who has had no project potentially tainting them or bad stigma attached to that person. The indie adult game devs, their portfolio if it only has a porn game can basically kiss their chances goodbye of working outside of any adult game companies, which those companies also have the option of just throwing a net out at the closest college campus and grabbing a game dev so that indie devs chance of getting hired is even smaller.
Hmm but is that because of the porn part or because Adult games are often seen as shovelware (which I think is the bigger stigma) ?
Besides the fact that working and especially getting stable work in the IT Sector has become a total shit show.


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
To elaborate a little about the "Social Stigma" srun123 mentioned, the problem (in my case) is not the Social Stigma per-se but its derivative, that fact that I have to hide something enormous in my life from almost everyone around me. I can't talk about my doubts and failures, can't boast about my (meager) success, just carry this huge, heavy secret around. If you're an aspiring musician, or a mainstream game developer or a poet or whatever you can show your work to others but we porn creators have to hide it.

I guess I am somewhat luckier than other developers since both my wife and my best friend know what I'm doing but I'm not sure others are so lucky.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
To elaborate a little about the "Social Stigma" srun123 mentioned, the problem (in my case) is not the Social Stigma per-se but its derivative, that fact that I have to hide something enormous in my life from almost everyone around me. I can't talk about my doubts and failures, can't boast about my (meager) success, just carry this huge, heavy secret around. If you're an aspiring musician, or a mainstream game developer or a poet or whatever you can show your work to others but we porn creators have to hide it.
To be fair, that is not that different from developers working on big companies that have to sign NDAs, they also have to hide specfiics of what they are working on from everyone, and sometimes those projects die before completion so you also die with the secret.

And honestly this is the same to any creative endeavor, not everyone likes to share specifics of what they create even when there is no porn in it, artists don't always want to be criticized by family members or close friends, afterall stuff you create always feel intimate regardless if there is porn in it or not.

In the end, you don't really have to hide anything, you can boast to anyone that you work on visual novels on your free time without going into specifics, most people don't care about specifics in the first place.

You don't need to lie, you just have no reason to overshare, like most creators.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
I can relate to the social stigma part, but I think is more an issue of ME not wanting to talk to anyone about sex or even my sexual orientation. I only came out of the closet for my closest family (the ones living with me). The rest of my family, co-workers in my last job years ago or even the buddies I hanged out in university? I never told them about my sex life, or even if I'm gay. I don't know if it's a self-defense mechanism, or if my fucking closet is bigger than I thought but I cannot get myself to be open about sex unless I'm about to get laid with that person. But anyone else? not a word, and when I'm asked about why I don't have a girlfriend at my 40s I get pretty defensive, almost aggressive and tell them to fuck off.

And how this affect my view of being a porn game dev? it's pretty negative, it's almost like hiding a big secret on your back. To everyone else, right now, I'm an HTML/browser game dev but I never told them even the name of the game. At home no one ask anything else as long as I use everything I get from the patreon on the house's bills and expenses.

I really envy the devs who can share their work with their loved ones or be very open about this to everyone, I can't get myself to do that.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
I never told them about my sex life, or even if I'm gay. I don't know if it's a self-defense mechanism, or if my fucking closet is bigger than I thought but I cannot get myself to be open about sex unless I'm about to get laid with that person. But anyone else? not a word, and when I'm asked about why I don't have a girlfriend at my 40s I get pretty defensive, almost aggressive and tell them to fuck off.
Honestly this sounds completely normal, I see no point in sharing sexual preferences unless you are talking with someone you are sexually interested in.

There is a distinction between being ashamed of what you enjoy or simply not sharing personal information you have no need to share.

Boundaries are healthy. You should feel confortable to tell others to fuck off when they start overstepping boundaries or oversharing things you are not interested in.


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
Not really, in fact shame and guilt are natural and biological traits relating to human intelligence. If you feel no shame at all you are most likely unaware of your surroundings or not smart enough to notice how your actions can impact others around you, making them uncomfortable for no reason.

Also just stop to think for a second, are you really interested in knowing what family/colleagues are consuming for porn? What are you going to do with that information in the first place? What if you learn things you didn't want to know?

It is a dumb premise in the first place, it isn't stigma that stops people from talking about porn, the reason most people don't share this stuff is simply because there is rarely someone interested in this information.

If anything you are the one that somehow views it as something worse than it actually is, probably result of repressed education or something similar.

Not really, in fact shame and guilt are natural and biological traits relating to human intelligence. If you feel no shame at all you are most likely unaware of your surroundings or not smart enough to notice how your actions can impact others around you, making them uncomfortable for no reason.
Case 1 of misunderstanding what I wrote: I am not saying shame and guilt are the result of society, I am saying that talking about sex or porn or whatever is not a biological trait.

Also just stop to think for a second, are you really interested in knowing what family/colleagues are consuming for porn? What are you going to do with that information in the first place? What if you learn things you didn't want to know?
It is a dumb premise in the first place, it isn't stigma that stops people from talking about porn, the reason most people don't share this stuff is simply because there is rarely someone interested in this information.
I don't care about sports. My friend spends all day watching sports, and I don't want to have a conversation with him about sports.
I care about porn. My friend hates porn. I want to have a conversation with him about it, but he wouldn't care.
I don't see the difference, and if you say that nobody wants to talk about porn obviously, that is not a reason. You would have to break that down into deeper level of reasoning of why nobody wants to talk about porn, which would then lead into societal rules that dislike porn.

Just to prove this point 100%:
Why are there discord groups of porn or forums here of people talking about their favorite game with each other, their favorite scenes, etc. They will talk to their ONLINE friends while being ANONYMOUS about porn, but not in REAL LIFE. Because there is a consequence of societal values in real life, where there is not while being anonymous online.

So when you say people don't have interest in talking about porn. This is not true, clearly their is interest, but in real life society does not usually allow people to talk about it. But online, you can see just how interested people are. I mean, take porn out of all the discord channels and the forums, and the conversations are exactly like people who have conversations about their favorite movies, games. There is no difference except one can be talked about publicly, and the other cannot.

If anything you are the one that somehow views it as something worse than it actually is, probably result of repressed education or something similar.
I don't understand why you wish to attack me in this manner, and try to be demeaning towards me . You are making assumptions about me based of what i've written. Especially when, social stigma is just one option for a developer to quit, it is not a requirement. The other options, motivation and money, you are ignorning and have sought to align me with social stigma for my own reasons of quitting. Motivation and money are very easy to explain. You have taken the complexity and length of my conjecture about social stigma, for being my reason for quitting. I understand, reading a part that is specifically longer than others, and more descriptive, may lead one to think that is their main reasoning. But it is not, it is just one of the options for devs/artists quitting, and that is all. This is a subjective analysis of why devs/artist quit and nothing else.


Active Member
May 6, 2017
LOL! The main reason is that all these "DEV's" are not "developers" in full meaning of definition. It's just guys who want their game with Blackjack and hookers/make some easy money. They don't have experience, suitable education. They don't take any obligations. They don't understand how to develop and promote games. Just random guys who decide to do something cool.
You can, of course, search for deep meaning, pretend to be an artist suffering from a creative crisis, blame external factors, but in the end, everything is much more prosaic. Creating a full-fledged product is a fucking hard job! Even professionals don't always succeed. Why such optimism - to think that some inexperienced guy can handle it?


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
I can relate to the social stigma part, but I think is more an issue of ME not wanting to talk to anyone about sex or even my sexual orientation. I only came out of the closet for my closest family (the ones living with me). The rest of my family, co-workers in my last job years ago or even the buddies I hanged out in university? I never told them about my sex life, or even if I'm gay. I don't know if it's a self-defense mechanism, or if my fucking closet is bigger than I thought but I cannot get myself to be open about sex unless I'm about to get laid with that person. But anyone else? not a word, and when I'm asked about why I don't have a girlfriend at my 40s I get pretty defensive, almost aggressive and tell them to fuck off.

And how this affect my view of being a porn game dev? it's pretty negative, it's almost like hiding a big secret on your back. To everyone else, right now, I'm an HTML/browser game dev but I never told them even the name of the game. At home no one ask anything else as long as I use everything I get from the patreon on the house's bills and expenses.

I really envy the devs who can share their work with their loved ones or be very open about this to everyone, I can't get myself to do that.
Thank you for providing an instance of social stigma being a reason.

I would like to clarify, I am not advocating for people to go and talk about their sex lifes or masturbation lives or anything, and become a free spirit of free conscious or whatever. I'm just listing the reasons, and why it is the way it is. I'm not asking for it to change or stay the same or anything.


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
LOL! The main reason is that all these "DEV's" are not "developers" in full meaning of definition. It's just guys who want their game with Blackjack and hookers/make some easy money. They don't have experience, suitable education. They don't take any obligations. They don't understand how to develop and promote games. Just random guys who decide to do something cool.
You can, of course, search for deep meaning, pretend to be an artist suffering from a creative crisis, blame external factors, but in the end, everything is much more prosaic. Creating a full-fledged product is a fucking hard job! Even professionals don't always succeed. Why such optimism - to think that some inexperienced guy can handle it?
This is true, and the reasoning is mainly because the porn community is seen as a less competitive and easier avenue to succeed than real life. Which is why there is going to be a overall worse quality of 'devs' as you say.


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
Among other things. I'm also saying that gameplay is primary and everything else secondary, and that entertainment is primary, and everything else secondary. All depend of the player, and you find them all among the more than 5 Millions members here.
And of course it's part of the point. There's some creators who've quit because they promised a gameplay that they can't achieve to code correctly (I forgot this reason in my previous reply). This while, as I said, there's some who quit because they don't know how to continue their story. How reasons to quit can not be part of the point in a thread explaining why creators quit ?

Yes, it's totally untrue.

Do you really think that someone like Oni, who make arts since more than a decade, and is on Patreon since near to nine years now, do Rogue Like for the money or the exposure ? He don't need his game, released every now and then, to have both.
And what about all those creators, around half of them, who earn less than $200/month ? They don't have the money, nor really the exposure, and yet they continue working on their game without quitting... It's not like all live in a country where life cost, and/or rate change, favor them, or have a well payed job.

Plus, must be said, it totally contradict what yourself said. How can one expect to earn money, and get more exposure, by doing something that you present as so demonized by the society ? Take one second to think about it.
"Since everyone hate porn and believe that is the most shameful things that exist, isn't it the best way to be known and swim in money ?" Who would think that exactly ? Well, except a psychopath of course.

It's probably because you fail to understand that for the vast majority of them, it's not a career but a hobby. They are doing it because, well, why not doing it ?
If it pay in money, well it's good and they'll not complain, but it's not the reason why they decided to do it. Seeing people liking what you did is already a good feeling, and for many it's also a way to be payed back for their efforts.

No, the truth is that their isn't such thing as "real world"/"virtual world", at least not in that way and for this topic.

An artist isn't not an artist in the "real world" because he only do numeric art. A coder isn't not a coder in the "real world" because he only share his software/games on internet. And it's not because we don't know their real name, that it's not the "real world". Many actors, singers, and other, don't use their real name. Is Nicolas Cage, by example, not an actor (yeah, well... imagine) in the "real world" just because his real family name is Coppola ?

You really don't have the start of a clue regarding the subject, right ?

The porn industry is one of the most competitive sector. For each person you know from this industry, whatever if it's an actor/actress, an OnlyFan model, an artist, a game creator or whatever, there's a thousand that are pure nobody. And among this thousand, you'll never see, nor hear about, around 90% of them.
And of course, in top of that there's the fact that it's a niche sector. Despite what I said regarding how tolerated porn can be, it's not something consumed regularly enough by enough persons. Yes it make money, but not because there's a vast public. It make money because a part of the consumers believe that it's forbidden and therefore that their privacy worth this price, while another part of the consumers are in desperate needs and would pay whatever the price. But nowadays those two aren't the core consumers, just those who permit to the industry to earn money.

The same apply to the adult gaming scene. As I said, around half the creators earn less than $200/month, it's far to be the "I swim in money" dream that you present. And I'm sure that you wouldn't even recognize 99% of them if I would give their pseudonym.
Of course, there's few that have a great life, but over the more than 5,000 creators on Patreon, less than 100 earn $10,000/month or more. And this is before taxes, while in many countries you can't earn this much without a status of freelancer (or even society, it depend on the country) what mean that there's even more cost behind. Plus, of course, most of those who earn the most are in fact a team, what mean that the earning is shared between the members.
In the end there's what ? Around 50 persons who have at least $5,000 that reach their bank account each month ? It's more than the average salary, but far to be a fortune, and even further to be the porn dream you talk about.

Do porn pay ? Yes, if you are the lucky person who win the jackpot. But only in this case, and really few win the jackpot.

A burnout, that is a medical condition, is the strict opposite of your "motivation" reason. You quit because you are so motivated that you burned your life while doing it...

Sorry but, starting the moment when you limited the reasons to starts creating an adult game to the smallest group, it's the the reasons to quit you listed are the niche example.
You said above that you are open minded, yet you clearly wear blinkers and can't imagine that there's other reasons than yours to starts creating a game, and therefore to stop doing it. "Do the game you want, and don't do it for the money", it's the most frequent advice that you'll see members with the green developer badge give.

If they value you poorly, why are you still talking to them ?
My mother cut all bridges with her jerk brother, and my wife cut all bridges with her own mother, to the point that I didn't cared to tell her that her daughter is dead. If someone value you poorly, whoever it is, cut him/her off your life, period.

*sigh* I'll pass on your really poor definition of what a cognitive dissonance is, and address the more interesting point....

You assume that there's necessarily a cognitive dissonance, what once again tell a lot about you and the way you imagine the world around you.
But the truth is that there's absolutely no cognitive dissonance in the fact that the people who know that I'm involved with porn don't changed the way they see me. It's just that they don't care at all about porn. It's something that exist, and if someone want to be involved in it, well, it's his right.
And it's what I was saying. The majority just have no thoughts, neither positive nor negative, regarding porn. By default if asked about it they'll say that it's probably bad, because it's the expected answer. But if they starts to think about it, most of them will come to the conclusion that it's just something that exist, and that there's no more reason to see it as positive or negative, than there's reason to see "walking in the wood" as positive or negative.

*sigh* Everyone hate porn here, yeah. It's why they publish Sade and sell it in library, why there's porn on one of the main TV channel and on none purely dedicated TV channels, and so many other things porn related.

Stop believing that you are open minded, it's false ; at least when it come to porn. Despite your presence on this forum and the games you tried to create, you are convinced that it's something evil, and totally unable to question this thought. To the point that, when someone present you another perspective, that apply at the scale of a whole country, you are totally unable to consider that it can be a reality outside of its person imagination.

And now you are insulting both my intelligence, my friends, coworkers and family... This just because you are totally unable to imagine that there's people out there that don't despite porn as much as you do it deep inside you.

You see, this is a cognitive dissonance, and at its best. You are on a adult/porn game forum, and you tried to create two adult/porn games but, (not so) deep inside, you are convinced that porn is one of the evilish thing that exist. And, obviously, since you are clearly unable to resolve this dissonance, you totally broke and dive deep in the rabbit hole.
It's not while working on your games that you were trying to escape reality. It's in this thread, where you try to rationalize your situation, while doing your best to picture a world where everyone is like you, that you are doing it. Since you can't live in the world as it is, being as uninhibited regarding porn than mostly everyone else on this forum, you invent the world at your image, and picture all creators as tortured artists who sold their soul for glory and money ; and for some bears or futas.

Seriously ? For you the easiest way to know if someone is truthful is to imagine how he would be if he was truthful ?
God, you are way more damaged than I thought...

This said, well, I can answer this, because I also modded for none porn games. And it happen that those who know both have reacted to both news in the exact same way. But I guess that in fact they really dislike video games, so it's not a proof, they are just lying all along and I'm too idiot to see it.

I already answered something like this, on this forum. It was years ago (2018 I think), but I guess that if someone want to dig he would find it. It's simple, I would support her in the exact same way, whatever if she want to be a dancer or if she want to be a stripper.
I'll go further. I was once asked what would be my reaction if my daughter told me that she is a prostitute. And my answer was that I would buy her a small flat in a good neighborhood, taking a loan if needed, for her to works there. If she want to be a prostitute, well, as long as it's effectively what she want, what can I say ? What can I do except respect her choice ? It's her life and her decision, the least I can do is to ensure that she'll do it in acceptable condition and as much in security as it's possible.
You see, it's this "being open minded", not the "I'm sure that you would not agree" that you had in mind.

As long as he like what he is doing, and don't pass in front of the camera in case it's porn (or at least give me the name of the movie, that I avoid it), why should I care ? Why should I judge him ?

I remember that time, years ago, where my wife and I were dinning in one of my uncle's house. Him, or his wife, forgot to hide the case of the porn movie they probably watched the previous night. And well, what happened was "oops". And that's all. No, "oh my god ! My married uncle know what sex is and looked at porn at least once in his life, what horror" or anything like this, just an "oops, sorry for the mess" situation.
And, a bit more disturbing I agree, friends of my mother are libertines and sometimes have sex party at their home. And I know that my mother sometimes goes to those parties... Well, good for her I guess. I would have preferred to ignore it, but I don't care, why should I ?

We are adults, sex is part of life, and porn is just a part of sex. There's nothing but natural behavior here and really no reason to be ashamed ; "don't tell my mother that I'm policeman, she believe that I play piano in a brothel"...

Well, I guess that it's your case, but please stop projecting yourself on the rest of the world.

It's not a question of writing, it's a question of projection.
You are quitting because you lost all motivation when you discovered that you don't earn enough to compensate the social stigma you feel by creating a porn game. It's your reasons to quit, and it's only your reasons.

When DarthSeduction have to quit because of his health issue, there were none of those reasons involved. Same for the creator of Ethan's Legacy series, who've quit due to a burnout. And what about Veqvil, who quit for what decency make us call "strictly personal reasons" ?
How is it due to one of these reasons when (I don't remember who) had to quit because a hurricane destroyed his house and island ? Same for this one who lost everything in a computer crash. There's also that one who, few months ago, didn't quit on himself but was cancelled by his wife when she discovered that he was, again, cheating on her (in real life, not by doing a game). Or this one who had to stop because he now study oversea and would lost his scholarship if he earn money. Isn't it the strict opposite to your "money" reason ? He quit not because he don't earn enough, but because he earn something.
And if Dr Amanda and Ecchi Sensei are living dead games since years, it's explicitly because the guys behind fail (more than once for the first) to make the game mechanisms they want, nothing else.

All these cases aren't few exceptions to your rule, they are just some of the ones for which we know for sure that they absolutely don't fall in your three boxes.
Of course, there's some who quit because they lost their motivation or because they didn't earned enough. There's even one that fall more or less in your social stigma box, since he was kicked out by his girlfriend when she discovered what he was doing on her back. But your three reasons are just three among the many others. And it's not because it's your reasons to quit, that they are the most common ones.

Say the guy who explicitly claimed that players are totally unaware regarding what it mean to be creator, and only see them as liar who want to stole their money. The same guy who more than implicitly said that my friends and family aren't truthful in their feelings toward me, and that I'm too idiot to understand it...

If you don't want to risk to feel provoked, don't insult those you speak to. And if you don't want that people address you behavior, don't confuse a forum with your therapist.
You are assigning what I write, as my own specific situation for why I quit, in which you actually don't know why.

When you associate myself with cognitive disonance, you are assuming I quit and are justifying it because of the reasons I list here. In the end, I could also comment on instances of disonance in what you say, and justify it. And even then, you could reply with what I've just written and say the same! It's a tragic circle, and non of it is worth going through unless we have actual details and facts about our lives laid out, to actually determine somewhat objectively.

In example of a case of misunderstanding between what I wrote and what you read: In my perspective, believe it or not, I was not insulting you when I said " And truth is, while I'm sure your friends are still your friends, and your family still loves you, this does not mean they are truthful".
This is not a statement of fact, it was a question, a plausibility that it's possible they are truthful, and possible they are not. The point was to question the possibility, but our differences in perspectives allow for two different interpretations about what was said. It did not even come to my mind that it may have sounded like I was callling you ignorant and therefore stupid. You can attribute this to my poor writing, which you said that is not the issue, but this is a clear case that I did not think throughly enough to convey the point the way I Intended. I would like to apologize for that.

I think there is a massive language barrier that is resulting in massive understandings. Also, the above ^ example, may have led to you to respond with anger, as the tone in my opinion is quite aggressive. Either way, thank you for your perspective, I learned new aspects.
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Active Member
May 6, 2017
This is true, and the reasoning is mainly because the porn community is seen as a less competitive and easier avenue to succeed than real life. Which is why there is going to be a overall worse quality of 'devs' as you say.
Why "going to be"? Already! This site is crammed with tons of low-grade garbage. Hundreds of games version 0.1 tagged "abandoned". But "creator" didn't forget to create a profile on Patreon, Itch.io, SubscribeStar and god knows where else. Of those games that somehow, with a creak and a rattle, continue to develop, only a very few are really interesting and original.
I don't see how things could get any worse. And it will never be better. It's just the natural state of affairs in this small industry. :)

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
The other options, motivation and money, you are ignorning and have sought to align me with social stigma for my own reasons of quitting. Motivation and money are very easy to explain.
Because the other things you mentioned are even less relevant (motivation,money).

If you need monetary incentive to keep working on a hobby then you will never be able to compete with all the others that have enough passion to work even for free and will be building thousands of hours of experience trying to get good at it regardless of how much they are being paid.

Needing support is very different from deserving it.

Truth is, if you don't have enough passion for what you are doing then very little will keep you from quitting, and honestly it is probably for the best that they quit, maybe then they can find something else they are actually passionate about.


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
Because the other things you mentioned are even less relevant (motivation,money).

If you need monetary incentive to keep working on a hobby then you will never be able to compete with all the others that have enough passion to work even for free and will be building thousands of hours of experience trying to get good at it regardless of how much they are being paid.

Needing support is very different from deserving it.

Truth is, if you don't have enough passion for what you are doing then very little will keep you from quitting, and honestly it is probably for the best that they quit, maybe then they can find something else they are actually passionate about.
Ah, for me motivation = passion is interchangeable.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Just to prove this point 100%:
Why are there discord groups of porn or forums here of people talking about their favorite game with each other, their favorite scenes, etc. They will talk to their ONLINE friends while being ANONYMOUS about porn, but not in REAL LIFE. Because there is a consequence of societal values in real life, where there is not while being anonymous online.

So when you say people don't have interest in talking about porn. This is not true, clearly their is interest, but in real life society does not usually allow people to talk about it. But online, you can see just how interested people are. I mean, take porn out of all the discord channels and the forums, and the conversations are exactly like people who have conversations about their favorite movies, games. There is no difference except one can be talked about publicly, and the other cannot.
No, look, that proves absolutely nothing. Firstly, as a rule of thumb, stating that something proves 100% a point is not very wise unless you're talking about science facts. And that's especially true when talking about people's behavior.

You are, again, projecting your own experience and values. People talk about their affinities and gather around them, no matter if it's online or in 'real life'. If I'm interested in porn, and I look for an online porn forum or discord channel or whatever, of course I'm going to discuss porn in more depth in there because all of us are there exactly for that. But it doesn't 100% prove I wouldn't be doing the same with my 'real life' friends. Actually, it's the opposite, I find it pretty normal in this day and age to talk about our tastes in porn. Every friend of mine around my age and younger, they are regular consumer or has at least some limited knowledge about it (many of the not much older ones too), so making random comments or even having a totally serious convo about porn is not that uncommon while having a beer. Many whatsapp groups of real life friends are used as another source of fapping material as people share there what they like, while also talking about other daily topics. Of course, this needs you to actually know your friends. I wouldn't talk about soccer with my friend who is not interested in sports, and I won't talk about porn with the one who was clearly uncomfortable that time the topic was first brought up.

Sure, sex (and porn) is indeed a private issue and that's why you wouldn't use it as a safe topic to break the ice with someone you don't know, but there's a point in every meaningful relationship where those topics are going to arise because it's just natural. Then it's all about reading the room and, as MeaningLess pointed out, being willing to share some private info about yourself. There's nothing wrong or socially induced in being secretive about your more private bits, but of course some (many?) people are going to treat it like just any other non-controversial topic.

That said, I don't think you need to keep justifying yourself. Social acceptance is a valid reason to quit, and I'm sure this was the case for some devs. It's probably not one of the most common reasons but it can for sure be a factor. When you engage in this back and forth about it, though, it seems you are indeed giving it too much importance, and I don't think that's the norm.


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
No, look, that proves absolutely nothing. Firstly, as a rule of thumb, stating that something proves 100% a point is not very wise unless you're talking about science facts. And that's especially true when talking about people's behavior.

You are, again, projecting your own experience and values. People talk about their affinities and gather around them, no matter if it's online or in 'real life'. If I'm interested in porn, and I look for an online porn forum or discord channel or whatever, of course I'm going to discuss porn in more depth in there because all of us are there exactly for that. But it doesn't 100% prove I wouldn't be doing the same with my 'real life' friends. Actually, it's the opposite, I find it pretty normal in this day and age to talk about our tastes in porn. Every friend of mine around my age and younger, they are regular consumer or has at least some limited knowledge about it (many of the not much older ones too), so making random comments or even having a totally serious convo about porn is not that uncommon while having a beer. Many whatsapp groups of real life friends are used as another source of fapping material as people share there what they like, while also talking about other daily topics. Of course, this needs you to actually know your friends. I wouldn't talk about soccer with my friend who is not interested in sports, and I won't talk about porn with the one who was clearly uncomfortable that time the topic was first brought up.

Sure, sex (and porn) is indeed a private issue and that's why you wouldn't use it as a safe topic to break the ice with someone you don't know, but there's a point in every meaningful relationship where those topics are going to arise because it's just natural. Then it's all about reading the room and, as MeaningLess pointed out, being willing to share some private info about yourself. There's nothing wrong or socially induced in being secretive about your more private bits, but of course some (many?) people are going to treat it like just any other non-controversial topic.

That said, I don't think you need to keep justifying yourself. Social acceptance is a valid reason to quit, and I'm sure this was the case for some devs. It's probably not one of the most common reasons but it can for sure be a factor. When you engage in this back and forth about it, though, it seems you are indeed giving it too much importance, and I don't think that's the norm.
I'm learning quite a lot seeing everyones perspective. This was just a theory of mine.
Like you say social acceptance is a valid reason, but you don't think that's the norm.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
I'm learning quite a lot seeing everyones perspective. This was just a theory of mine.
Like you say social acceptance is a valid reason, but you don't think that's the norm.
Yeah, it's my view on it, but I'm not the one who said 'people don't talk about porn in real life as they do online and that proves 100% my point'

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Ah, for me motivation = passion is interchangeable.
There is a big difference though, motivation is easily influenced by greed, pride, lust and other external variables that you have no control over.

Passion is immutable and uncontrollable, even if you lose everything else passion alone can keep you going.

In short, the issue is that many people start working towards something for the wrong reasons.


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
There is a big difference though, motivation is easily influenced by greed, pride, lust and other external variables that you have no control over.

Passion is immutable and uncontrollable, even if you lose everything else passion alone can keep you going.

In short, the issue is that many people start working towards something for the wrong reasons.
You are right, I should've focused on being more specific with my terminologies.


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2020
Yeah, it's my view on it, but I'm not the one who said 'people don't talk about porn in real life as they do online and that proves 100% my point'
Sorry, I accidently submitted. This is what I meant to say:

You are right. I should not say 100%, that is much to confident, and is not allowed without any references to sources of proof. Thanks for correcting me.

You are, again, projecting your own experience and values. People talk about their affinities and gather around them, no matter if it's online or in 'real life'
I am just saying I believe social stigma is one of the main reasons. You may disagree and offer your opinion, which you did by saying it's normal in this day and age to talk about porn. Which, is just a difference in perspective. I believe globally, on average, it is not socially acceptable. Verse you believing that it is(if you meant this on a global case as well). There is no right or wrong, just subjective views.

Also for your point that my engagement seems like I place heavy importance, rather it can be seen the other way around. Most of the other points aren't being argued against, therefore I have less to engage in, in those categories. But for social stigma, there has been more controversy, which is why I have been more engaged. Hopefully this is fair to say.