2.90 star(s) 60 Votes


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
when starting wickediland.exe an error occurs: "microsoft c++ runtime" requiered to run, would you like to install now?
is that normal or did get scammed?
It's just libraries needed to run code. You can download the runtimes straight from Microsoft's website if you don't trust the game application.


Apr 13, 2018
the game doesn't even run for me....
but it is the same for the game "The_Parasites_Alpha_v_0."
I think it's some Unreal engine problem
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2024
the game doesn't even run for me....
but it is the same for the game "The_Parasites_Alpha_v_0."
I think it's some Unreal engine problem
did you install the Unreal Engine Prerequisites for your Os? i noticed that in my game folder only the 64bit version was included. the game(s) won't run without it.


New Member
Jul 17, 2018
Early Game Bugs:
-Fisherman Tutorial Quest: Can't talk to him once you've made the wooden spear.
-Tool-bar: #2 slot is all sorts of funky when adding/removing items. Becomes unresponsive when removing and locks item. Some items won't add to it either.

Also, why is the pubic hair disabled?


Sep 20, 2021
how can it get MORE buggy as time goes on??? Ugh - this game has SOOOO much potential that is being tossed out the window...

bugs (in addition to some already mentioned):
* HUGE GAMEBREAKING BUG: [E] to talk. Occasionally (and NOT rarely) it toggles the START of a conversation but never actually triggers it - but the game *thinks* there is a conversation going on, so you can't use the [E] functions for ANYTHING else. And you cannot stop the conversation, because it never actually started in the decision tree. (probably a typo / broken edit in the initial conditional for talking to someone sends the code... into oblivion). THIS CAN OCCUR AT ANY CONVERSATION OPTION.
* HUGE annoying bug - levels, skills, and quests all reset to initial start conditions (even Fisherman quest starts again) on every 'Respawn' event (portaling in / out of tower, dying, loading a game, etc.) so the character is back to level 1 and all progression wiped. Note, you cannot re-do quests (even if the 'conversation' bug didn't bork the quests) as some of the flags still are set which bugs the quest and any current quests you are in the middle of. Respawn function needs to be re-written instead of just edited.
* graphical error on Respawn (and often 'reset' - i.e.: after sex) events: various body parts may or may not become invisible (though sometimes it is the equipment on that location). Probably due to masking things for sex scenes and (depending on the scene) not everything being toggled back 'visible' again. Probably also can be fixed by re-writing the Respawn function.
* doors (on EVERYTHING - including the place the player builds) STILL do not function! Usually they just don't move (which, kinda makes them a WALL and not a DOOR), though rarely one is correctly able to move freely, but then cannot be 'latched' - also making it NOT a door. Which makes building your 'home' for a safe place to sleep pointless, since they are gonna get in anyway.
* Cave / Path to 'Sanctuary' village is incorrectly mapped: one end is 'under water' and the other isn't - so trying to traverse it bugs the game state... not that there is anything THERE, but still. (if this is intentional due to the content not being finished, just block it off with a boulder or something rather than bugging it)
* Expressions: Sometimes she has them, sometimes she doesn't - but her looking completely BORED while being molested by a HUGE monster destroys any immersion in the game/events. Again, most likely an error in toggling states.

1) You are a professional developer (by definition: you have a Paetron; you are being PAID to code. Amateurs and hobbyists DON'T get paid) so you really MUST follow professional habits: Comment your damn code! How can I tell you don't? Because; while boring, painful, irritating and monotonous; commenting GREATLY speeds up and enhances bug fixing... and after following the game progression for over a year, you are having a LOT of issues fixing bugs - really appears you are slapping Band-Aids over them rather than fixing them and now the layers of Band-Aid are so deep they are *creating* more bugs. Common issue in starting coders and can develop into bad habits (looking at YOU, Microsoft - ya bastards) - break it and actually FIX the bugs.... which means start commenting (and mapping) your Code.
2) Focus on said bug fixes for your next TWO releases - yes, it's boring and not as exciting as creating new content, but you have a MOUNTAIN (actually a few) of content and world-building. If you don't start fixing NOW (so you can take into account the necessary changes when adding more content), you are going to 'paint yourself into a corner' and find that when you DO actually attempt to fix the bugs, the fixes themselves will break your game / content. Plus your contributors will be MUCH, MUCH happier with you for a playable release that isn't constant frustration (no-one plays a porn game to be frustrated - well, unless they have much more severe mental issues than anyone I have ever heard of).
3) Make a few of the 'inhabited' areas safe to sleep/rest in... for a price (which is not necessarily up front and known at first). The Fisherman, the Wildlings, etc. have a safe place to rest and should be willing to share for some... favors. Yeah, sex, but also perhaps some simple quests? (chop firewood, gather, be naked <and accessable> in camp/cottage, etc.) Maybe have her be tied up and whatever (sold to the ogres / troll-kin?) if the NPC doesn't want her themselves (or becomes tired of her). This provides a place to rest when just starting out, but 'encourages' the player to build their own place as soon as possible. Just have it not (necessarily) 'Game Over' if she is captured / sold - have some way to escape.
4) For your players that don't have the 'Preggers' kink (or are just tired of it after the first couple times), have the Sorceress have an option to 'magically harvest before birth' instead of the accellerated pregnancy and 'grow the fetus in a magic tube' (or whatever) so the questline (and content) is still valid - maybe just with different rewards.

good luck
Lots of great advise and feedback, thank you! Very much appreciate it!

As for commenting code, i do that when necessary but prefer to use very descriptive function and variable names to make the code easy to follow. A very small example below. The issues with bugs in the project is not due to badly commented code, more about legacy code from frameworks used as well as an overall code architecture that isnt ideal (i would do things very differently if i started out today).
Most new bugs in the latest release are in fact from refactoring old messy code (that worked) into better structured and architected code.

As for being a professional developer, i have been very clear since the start of the project that i do this part time outside of work as a hobby with no prior coding experience. I was convinced by the community to set up a subscribestar page and resisted it for a long time.
The reason being that people would start feeling entitled to certain results or outcomes.
The reality is that i now do get paid for working on the project, like you stated. But i will continue to work on it as a hobby as that is what it is to me.

If that is something people don't like, they can simply stop paying to support the project, it's not what puts food on my table. In fact it mostly goes to the expenses for development and paying my contractor, if i spread what i have earned across the time spent, my hourly salary from the project so far is about 5$/h.

I just released a hotfix update that hopefully address the worst bugs in the last release. Most issues where do to a lack of time to do proper playtesting as they where all fairly easy to spot. I wish i could do more playtesting but i rarely have the time to do it and have to rely on the community to a large extent, which results in some messy releases.

Anyways, thank you for your comment and interest in the game, i hope i didn't come off as too defensive, as im merely trying to explain my point of view :)


Jul 15, 2020
As for being a professional developer, i have been very clear since the start of the project that i do this part time outside of work as a hobby with no prior coding experience. I was convinced by the community to set up a subscribestar page and resisted it for a long time.
The reason being that people would start feeling entitled to certain results or outcomes.
The reality is that i now do get paid for working on the project, like you stated. But i will continue to work on it as a hobby as that is what it is to me.

If that is something people don't like, they can simply stop paying to support the project, it's not what puts food on my table. In fact it mostly goes to the expenses for development and paying my contractor, if i spread what i have earned across the time spent, my hourly salary from the project so far is about 5$/h.
It's always fun to see people complaining about devs taking payment on a site where most people just download it for free.

And don't get me wrong, I complain on this site about bugs as well (got a whole laundry list of them in this thread somewhere). But that's because the game is fun when it works, which makes it even more frustrating when I doesn't anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2024
Update 0. 8. 5. 3. 1 Hotfix? too bad there isn't a smaller download available. can't wait to be able to get this on steam. playtesting the game there on a beta channel could be useful :)


Oct 12, 2017
Update Hotfix


R key to take all from loot containers

Character having invisible parts on death/masturbation/scene starts
Iron dropping coal
no collision brimstone
no cursor trading with blacksmith
no "e to interact" on crafting stations
Pickaxe/axe giving exp for hitting non tree/mine items
jizz bottles not filling
Masturbation being prevented by enemies nearby
Enemies sinking into ground when hit
Being able to move freely when laden/overburdened
Spear quest not continuing with baelin
Level visually resetting to 1 on game load

I think, this patch solve many things
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2024
Update Hotfix


R key to take all from loot containers

Character having invisible parts on death/masturbation/scene starts
Iron dropping coal
no collision brimstone
no cursor trading with blacksmith
no "e to interact" on crafting stations
Pickaxe/axe giving exp for hitting non tree/mine items
jizz bottles not filling
Masturbation being prevented by enemies nearby
Enemies sinking into ground when hit
Being able to move freely when laden/overburdened
Spear quest not continuing with baelin
Level visually resetting to 1 on game load

I think, this patch solve many things
what about the pregnancy quest? i had the same problem with that as with the spear quest. any mention of it?
2.90 star(s) 60 Votes