There is so much to comment on here compared to the demo that I am not entirely sure of where to begin.
I would say that Conan Exiles is an apt comparison, though in a bad way. That.. is not a good game, not a good skeleton to build off of. Like that game, there are pieces of things here that seem like they could make something good if they were more purposefully constructed instead of cobbled together with glue.
There is a certain lack of care in QoL in everything from not being able to identify things you're looking at until you engage, to the sex animations having no structure to their interaction and, more criminally, no finishers to their animations.
There is tutorial text that will repeat the most inane things ad infinitum, but more useful information like interaction controls and mechanics dialog are in annoying to read font with no background and only show for seconds with no log to reference if you miss them.
Even the cheat menu options don't really function properly outside of item/mob spawns.
What worries me is that this isn't detail/polish/nuance kind of stuff, this is 'comment your code' tier stuff.
Like Exiles itself, this doesn't have the appearance of a serious project, so much as a run on sentence of an idea with no direction.