2.90 star(s) 60 Votes


Jan 25, 2020
The new save system seems also buggy, my savegame from new game seems to be broken, i load it and instead of a lvl 20+ girl in my new build "castle" i get a naked lvl 1 girl on the beach, when i load it from that point again, it loads it properly but it seems like there are things gone, like chests with all the loot in it, and forges are also like fresh build, all the loot i placed there is gone, and in a couple minutes the game is getting laggy to a point when it freezes completely, because of that i did not have an opportunity to test things like the wolf pets or if the slave girls are still useless and are not able to follow through the dungeon "loading" doors.
slave girls? How to get? What can they do?

I tried testing saves:
1)Inside a built house
2)Near the built house
The game would occasionally freeze when trying to save. "Near the built house" is safer


Mar 2, 2020
Does FSR and Frame Gen work for you guys? I disable and enable both FSR and Frame gen and nothing changes... I even set FSR to performance and the image quality is the same, I tried changing setting and restarting but upon restart everything goes back to default.


Mar 2, 2020
Not sure, i was seeing the duplication before i went to Isabella's tower , but i get the completed quests spam every time i enter or leave a dungeon or when i reload my my save ..... i can enter the dungeons and loot them but when leave that loot goes poof
but i guess it could be part of the duplication errors ......I don't envy the dev trying to track it down

I also wonder if the duplication by all these items is what is causing the game slow downs that people are experiencing
I just recently started playing this game and upon my second login all loose loot like stones and fiber is duplicated twice so I can loot everything twice.
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Oct 26, 2018
slave girls? How to get? What can they do?
I found two so far, as i remember correctly both were inside dungeons, one had no options to talk, the other had a talk menu like the wolf pet with options like "follow me" "stay here", not sure what their purpose is, maybe later they can be used for breeding or other kinky stuff, maybe they might be quest related, like bringing them back to the village, or they might act as additional group member.
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Apr 9, 2023
So... sex defeat system... does that mean the only sex is when you get defeated? you can't choose partners, or anything? Kind of confused here, any help understanding would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Apr 5, 2020
So... sex defeat system... does that mean the only sex is when you get defeated? you can't choose partners, or anything? Kind of confused here, any help understanding would be greatly appreciated.

the Sex defeat system is optional insteat death, but is one way to get pregnant (if activated) or avoid to defeat in battle. you can also have sex if you mastubate near enemies, and with your followers. i think there is more quest relevated sex stuff too and will be more opinions in the future. this game have great potential if the bugs will be cleared. is an great work from this little team of devs. i am looking straight foreward, because they have made good progress in the time i have been watching this game.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
So... sex defeat system... does that mean the only sex is when you get defeated? you can't choose partners, or anything? Kind of confused here, any help understanding would be greatly appreciated.
you can trigger sex with monsters if you have the grit points hit Y near the monster you want to mate with you start masturbating he hears you and comes to take you .... hit B to end the interaction ..........and the escape key to stop masturbating
There is also defeat sex with the monsters ( note normal looking bears wolves scorpions and wasps are not sex able )

and you can also create summons from your offspring or get 10 vials of sperm from the same type of creature to create your own you can then have sex with those offspring too.

you create the glass vials from sand in the furnace then every time you kill a breast you will milk some cum from them into a vial
take 10 vials to the research table you build from, your building plan in the crafting.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
Help, Why can't I get pregnant, all the settings related to this mechanics are turned to the maximum ?
what all monsters have had sex with you ? sometimes the monsters choose the wrong hole ....you still you should be able to get pregnant...keep trying and use the cum animation during sex that might help mine is set to hotkey 8 but check your interface settings


Active Member
Jun 18, 2020
does he talk to you at all ? when you hit the E key near him
yes, just hit E when it shows on the screen for the fisherman. But what is easy to miss, is that you have to click on the answer to choose to say it and the first one has just one answer, so it is easy to assume that the answer is nothing you have to click on. When you click in the next dialog on 'have you something to wear for me' he gives you the first quest.....

Sammy One-eye

New Member
Jun 3, 2021
Here's a torrent for the latest version available from the OP downloads. (date of download: 2024 05 22)
I cannot guarantee it will be faster than downloading from elsewhere, but I've always preferred torrents.
(Right Click > Save As .torrent)
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Nov 12, 2017
I cannot play this game, its laggy as hell, not at first where everything goes smoothly but later in the game is totally unplayable when trying to save, load saves or even to basic things in the game.
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Active Member
Jun 18, 2020
Error message :
LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Serialization\MemoryWriter.h] [Line: 48]
FMemoryWriter does not support data larger than 2GB. Archive name: None.

0x00007ff6dab6a65c WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!operator<<<unsigned char,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >() []
0x00007ff6de80248d WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!TArrayPrivateFriend::Serialize<FComponentSaveData,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >() [D:\RocketSync\5.3.0-27405482+++UE5+Release-5.3\Working\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h:3590]
0x00007ff6de8040e8 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!operator<<() [D:\build\U5M-Marketplace\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\EasyMultiSave\Source\EasyMultiSave\Public\EMSData.h:252]
0x00007ff6de802235 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!TArrayPrivateFriend::Serialize<FActorSaveData,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >() [D:\RocketSync\5.3.0-27405482+++UE5+Release-5.3\Working\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h:3592]
0x00007ff6de80411a WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!operator<<() [D:\build\U5M-Marketplace\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\EasyMultiSave\Source\EasyMultiSave\Public\EMSData.h:295]
0x00007ff6de802643 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!TArrayPrivateFriend::Serialize<FLevelArchive,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >() [D:\RocketSync\5.3.0-27405482+++UE5+Release-5.3\Working\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h:3592]
0x00007ff6de811b41 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!UEMSObject::SaveLevelActors() [D:\build\U5M-Marketplace\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\EasyMultiSave\Source\EasyMultiSave\Private\EMSObject.cpp:1069]
0x00007ff6de80bff1 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!UEMSAsyncSaveGame::InternalSaveLevel() [D:\build\U5M-Marketplace\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\EasyMultiSave\Source\EasyMultiSave\Private\EMSAsyncSaveGame.cpp:175]
0x00007ff6de8111be WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!UEMSAsyncSaveGame::SaveLevel() [D:\build\U5M-Marketplace\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\EasyMultiSave\Source\EasyMultiSave\Private\EMSAsyncSaveGame.cpp:165]
0x00007ff6de69f79c WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<0,UUEGoreSystemAnimInstance,void __cdecl(void),FNotThreadSafeNotCheckedDelegateUserPolicy>::Execute() [D:\RocketSync\5.3.0-27405482+++UE5+Release-5.3\Working\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateInstancesImpl.h:650]
0x00007ff6dd505d82 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!FTimerManager::Tick() []
0x00007ff6dd05490c WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!UWorld::Tick() []
0x00007ff6dcee9dbe WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!UGameEngine::Tick() []
0x00007ff6dd5fed75 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() []
0x00007ff6dd60697c WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!GuardedMain() []
0x00007ff6dd6069fa WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() []
0x00007ff6dd607a0c WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!LaunchWindowsStartup() []
0x00007ff6dd60fd04 WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!WinMain() []
0x00007ff6e01dc8ae WickedIsland-Win64-Shipping.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
0x00007ff975737344 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
The game is for me now in a state of unplayable. I found a way to get the camera moving again after dying by 'just' getting into the 'esc'-menu and return to the game. The above fmemory crash is caused by not setting the lightmaps in the world settings in unreal on compressed and can only changed by the dev.
Another problem is that there is no delete in the game (or I did not found it). Items out of the inventory, doesn't matter if personal, chest or table will get maxed out after a crash. Even old parts that at some time were in that inventory reappear. For example I dropped all stone axes at the beach and they lay there until I quit the game. When I restarted they had disappeared, but after a crash all the axes were in my chest that had no axes inside before the crash and when doing the last save, but those were some times earlier in the chest and reappeared. I tried to empty the chars inventory, but after half of it it crashed again and that even happened with all settings to low.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
yes, just hit E when it shows on the screen for the fisherman. But what is easy to miss, is that you have to click on the answer to choose to say it and the first one has just one answer, so it is easy to assume that the answer is nothing you have to click on. When you click in the next dialog on 'have you something to wear for me' he gives you the first quest.....
yes i know i was trying to answer
post about the fisherman and seeing if i could help him


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
The game is for me now in a state of unplayable. I found a way to get the camera moving again after dying by 'just' getting into the 'esc'-menu and return to the game. The above fmemory crash is caused by not setting the lightmaps in the world settings in unreal on compressed and can only changed by the dev.
Another problem is that there is no delete in the game (or I did not found it). Items out of the inventory, doesn't matter if personal, chest or table will get maxed out after a crash. Even old parts that at some time were in that inventory reappear. For example I dropped all stone axes at the beach and they lay there until I quit the game. When I restarted they had disappeared, but after a crash all the axes were in my chest that had no axes inside before the crash and when doing the last save, but those were some times earlier in the chest and reappeared. I tried to empty the chars inventory, but after half of it it crashed again and that even happened with all settings to low.....
to get rid of extra items either move them to a chest or toss them to the ground using the drag function


May 22, 2018
The game is unplayable after a little while right now. Here are the issues I saw so far :
  • After exploring a bit, the game starts stuttering every seconds and gets a huge stutter every 30 seconds, dropping time dilatation to 0 removes the stuttering, I guess it has to do with lightmap calculation...
  • Everytime you load a save or go through a door, you loose all your grit, the only way to get it back is to level up. Grit doesn't always work and you sometimes get killed even though your grit level is sufficient.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
The game is unplayable after a little while right now. Here are the issues I saw so far :
  • After exploring a bit, the game starts stuttering every seconds and gets a huge stutter every 30 seconds, dropping time dilatation to 0 removes the stuttering, I guess it has to do with lightmap calculation...
  • Everytime you load a save or go through a door, you loose all your grit, the only way to get it back is to level up. Grit doesn't always work and you sometimes get killed even though your grit level is sufficient.
I know this is not perfect but it should help hit / on the num pad to bring up cheats ....... look at the list for grit potion and spawn 30 or so ... you can also make them using the recipe in the caldron
as for the fps stutter in settings graphic's settings lower them a notch from where they are currently and see if that helps
good luck
2.90 star(s) 60 Votes