I think that the Dev has decided to hold off on public releases until he has finished all development of the game. MULTIPLE undeserved complaints comparing the Refine version to his earlier release in a negative light really discouraged him.
I sympathize with his position, and wish people could have been more supportive considering this was actively moving forward. In April, after the last release, he stated the following on his Discord:
"I just wanted to explain why there'll be no public releases anymore. It started to feel like hitting myself every time I do free public releases for some time now. Why bother? It's not for extra $ to paywall. This probably result in less as it'll reduce exposure, but at this point I just had enough."
The next day, he relented a little:
"Once Wicked Rouge is completed, I'll make it public free".
Fidless, not putting words in your mouth. I like the game, and will wait patiently until you are comfortable with releasing the content publicly.