Is .8 going to be huge or??? I don't understand why dev is so slow, this game looks way smaller than many games on the site. Compare the progress on here to like College Daze or something.
The next update is 0.7o with a tentative ETA of late September / early October. 0.7o will focus on Alexis' training and post-training content.
0.8 IS going to be major. 0.8 will focus on changing the foundations of the game.
IF you are going to compare this to College Daze, I have some hard numbers to throw your way.
College Daze has 3600 image files at 1.25 GB. Wife Trainer Files has 22000 at 1.9GB. College Daze has 1547840 words in total - coding included - according to Twine. Wife Trainer Files has 1090768 words of pure dialogue according to the Renpy Studio linter. The Renpy Studio linter does not include coding, it only includes outputted text. If I had to venture a guess, Wife Trainer Files easily contains 500000 of pure code if not a lot more, which would make Wife Trainer Files larger in terms of words.
Wife Trainer Files also offer a lot more diverse content than College Daze (such as fetish content). The content philosophy of Wife Trainer Files is 60/30/10. 60% of the content should be easy for the player to get. 30% of the content should be a challenge to get (Most of the Fetish content). 10% of the content should be hard to get or require the player to very specifically seek it out (Most of the extreme content, such as watersports).
Most games here also do not support modding, while Wife Trainer Files embraces it. There is new optional content you can get for Wife Trainer Files through mods. There will continue to be made more mods.
You have probably only skimmed the surface of Wife Trainer Files and have most likely not explored all the content.