gameplay: really complex and with a lot of variety.
characters: there is LIKE A LOT, and well writed too.
story: simple and well done and maybe too much...i explain later.
scenes (erotic ones): REALLY FUCKING HOT...but kinda cheating.
pics: stolen?
conclussion AND dissclaimer: i dont like this kind of games that much, i mean.
if you draw a know character and then make a parody, is kinda ok, they are just draws.
but this are real persons, somebody litteraly get fucked infront a camera, and you are using it them to make your game, is like making a profit of the efforts of another people in your advantage.
i know the nature of this page is "non sanctus", but there most be a balance,
between fair and unfair, and this doesnt feel fair to me.
now, NOW. WITH THAT SAID...fuck!, this game is so well done!. the gameplay is funny to follow and play,
is a bit slow in the navigations ( but mostly because all the content that got inside) the MC is amazing, i mean is, its know exactly what it wants, and how it want it, no monkey business, elegant and well manered.
and at the same time, so misterious because, you dont know a lot of his backround or how he got to were he is now.
but surprisingly his story matter little, is the story that he share with the other characters that keeps this game moving on.
so many stories, so much scenes and content and places to be. (even there are so much content that maybe you miss some of them)
this game is just so well done... good damit!.
this game TOTTALLY deserve your time...i cant say the same about your money.
BEST SCENE: it happens after one of your clients tell you about when she was raped...dude. that hits me deeply
because, the reaction of the MC feels so autentic and manly...i have to release the grip on my dick for a moment just to think about it.
psdt: play it with a mod or something, seriously, there is like a TON of things to do, and so little time.