I really appreciate all your feedback everyone. Much of it is justified and makes sense at the point that we are at. But please keep in mind you are seeing a state of the game that usually mainstream developers wouldnt be showing to the public for this very reason.
We dont require anyone to pay for anything if they dont like the current state. But if you want this game to get to the finish line, this is the only way.
Why do you think AAA studios havent been doing adult games like these yet? For reasons that we dont need to talk about here, investors and publishers wont touch this subject with a 10foot pole. It is up to indies like us to make these games and hopefully move the industry towards a more progressive position in doing so.
But we cant do it on our own, games like these are expensive to make and money doesnt grow on trees. Patreon and sites like that are a blessing for our industry even tho many people dont want to see it that way, and I get why. But if you think that thought to the end, you realize the alternative is no games at all unless someone fronts the entire dev cost out of his own pocket and very few people are that rich and willing to produce adult games with that (actually no one is or we would be seeing that stuff outside of the crowdfunding bubble).
So again, if you dont like the state we are in and refuse to "buy the game like this", dont support us. Pirate the dev builds here for all i care, but stop complaining and making this about us being incapable or unwilling to finish the game. There is nothing I want more than to finish this game. We came too far to give up. I had my doubts in the past but honestly I feel more confident than ever that we will finish this game. All I can ask you is to be patient with us, watch the updates roll out, read our weekly progress reports and chip in if you like what you see.
If you did read this, thanks for your time
Carry on,