You know, I've been a lurker here for years only posting like... twice, maybe? But I cannot understand the entitlement from those that are so ungrateful for the opportunity to even try a *build* of a game that is being offered at no charge.
I agree that just because something is free, it doesn't make it immune to criticism but for Christ's sake, what some of you are saying is just not criticism. It's simply bitching and moaning.
For everyone complaining about the state of the game, what exactly are you expecting? It's not developing fast enough, there's no real content but animations, it has bugs that are slightly annoying, Your expectations would be relevant for a finished, released game but this is not that. This is a game *in development*. It's like complaining that the cheese isn't melted on the pizza a stranger just put in the oven and then complaining how it's the worst pizza ever made *while it's still baking*. Not to mention, he's not making the pizza for you but for people who helped pay for the ingredients.
The latest is a TEST BUILD. It's a temporary build of a game between proper builds, released to test certain systems before properly incorporating it into the game. The fact that some would complain so goddamn much about that is just unbelievable. Maybe some of you are trolls, I don't know.
Do I think some changes and additions would be nice? Sure. But unless they're constructive I'm not going to share them. Otherwise, what's the point? Then it's just complaining. That said, here is a constructive one:
Some folks aren't into furry/bestiality/ugly-porn/other fetishes. This game has by far the best and most varied animations since Illusion games, which are now just unimaginative, constant rehashes and it's getting old. So for those of us in the market for more "vanilla" stuff, they could really take advantage of that demand by simply making all animations that are compatible with models of similar stature available across the board. Perfect example is Iljah (as I mentioned in a previous post). I'm not into fat ugly dudes banging hot chicks. Many people are not. But he has some fantastic animations! So if they made a model of a regular dude, named him Joe and assigned those animations to him, that'd be awesome.
On that note, if eventually they can implement a custom character creation system with a free roam world, they could allow players to make a character, choose a stature (model skeleton), and then load whatever animations that are compatible with that stature to their custom character. That would be cool.
Also, I don't enjoy that there is no "ghost" model option to make better use of the free camera system. So it would be cool if they had transparency options for models while having the option of showing just their junk. I imagine that's something they've thought of anyways.
Anyways, in short, I guess I just don't get some of you who think that going on about optimization for a test build of an in-progress game is real, thoughtful criticism.
Okay, back to lurking.