And even the animation loops are getting quite stale. There is no variation in the loops, and physics isn't in the animations; all the bounce is pre-determined. You can see for yourself the difference, by taking an animation, and then at the bottom of the sex animation controls, change the x,y position of animation around, and you'll see the balls and boobs actually bounce, but otherwise not at all during the animations.
The fisher village that is supposed to be an indication of the "quality" of the vertical slice, is anything but quality. Namely:
-> Combat totally sucks with guns; even worse with the bow, trying to hit a space deer in the head, with an inaccurate hitbox.
-> The optimization for the region is horrific... I normally get 60s in most of the other areas, but here I'm dropping into 20s constantly, at Epic.
-> There is no direction and a whole lot of aimless wandering, once you get to the village. There is no clear list of tasks to do once you are there and it is super easy to get lost as you don't have a map or even a directional indicator.
-> The sneaking portion of the spacedeer hunt isn't very clear. Like does it merely detect you once you get close, as there isn't a crouch command and I moved slowly and it still detected me.
-> Locked camera sex animations with not even the ability to switch between vaginal and anal. Seriously guys, come on!
-> Also the disconnect between doing some action and then bam, sex. No foreplay, no buildup, no tension, no "hunt"... just suddenly sex. Honestly, having no story is better than this stuff.
-> And the list goes on...
Even the visuals aren't that great. There is a lot of areas where I'm finding the tell-tale sign that a texture disappeared, because its the UE4 standard criss-cross texture for when that happens. None of the plants are affected by physics, so when you walk into them they are static objects. There is no wind physics either. Even stepping in puddles doesn't produce splashes or leave wet footprints. There is still a ton of texture pop-in, and view distances are pretty bad (I still see objects pop into existence, 25 meters away). There is plenty of places where you hover above the ground and the IK rig just fails.
I think they need to get an entire new set of developers honestly. None of them are industry veterans in making an RPG. Or even in making effective interfaces or good control mechanisms. They may be industry veterans in making animations, textures, and humanoid meshes, but they certainly aren't industry veterans in the areas that they need to make this sandbox into an actual game.