marmaduke ;
The issues I have with the newer builds are:
1. They keep adding in new prototype systems, but don't end up removing existing prototype systems, or improving upon the existing systems. Lets take combat and sex, as two examples:
Combat, first started with the Spear. Then they added the Bow, which made Spear combat pretty pointless, as you could more easily and more effectively kill even Chakkar. Then they added the Assault Rifle, which made the Bow pretty pointless and the Spear even more so. They haven't gone back and removed the Spear or the Bow. They haven't improved either of them in over a year. Heck, even the Assault Rifle has issues like not having an ammo counter, and they haven't implemented something simple like that yet.
Sex, first started with basic animation loops. Then they added gangbang scenes that required you to memorize which specific people you have to gather up into a group, to engage it with. Then, they added multi-grouped animation loops, wherein there is an idle, a foreplay, a main, an internal and an external cumshot. Then, they added the prototype sex system for humans, with effective transitions between each action. Then, they created sandbox specific scenes and story mode specific scenes. But, many of these older basic animation loops have issues. For example take the Minotaur Throne animations, wherein the minotaur sits on midair. Or the fact that many of these basic animations don't even have anal/vaginal options or the pose variation slider does nothing. There is no consistency of these things in the basic animations. The gangbang scenes typically have neither a pose variation or a vaginal/anal change either.
They really need to prune the things from the game that they don't want, and more heavily focus the experience. Because right now, it feels like a serious case of feature creep, spectacle creep, and a complete lack of development direction / good design.
2. Physics seems to get worse and worse. The number of times, I've seen the girls boob go inverted or get stuck in her arm, or has a misalignment of cock to hole, seems to increase with every new build. Considering they haven't changed many of the old animations, I don't see why these errors keep popping up. I also liked that in the older builds, back in 2017/2018, you could modify the physics to suit your preferences, then they got rid of that.
3. Performance seems to get worse and worse. Texture pop-in and object pop-in was supposed to be addressed by the extended load screen that they implemented, but now its starting to occur again. I can handle a solid 60 fps in most areas, even flying, but it absolutely tanks in the Fisher village, to the point of it affecting gameplay. A shooter needs to maintain a minimum of 30 fps, before it becomes hard to react to threats in time. I could understand performance getting worse if they implemented a Witcher 3 wind physics system, or had ray tracing, or used HDR instead of Bloom, but they aren't doing any of these things.
4. Cum still looks like wet paint. And you don't get leaking creampies and any creampies you attempt just explode onto her skin anyway. So why both having an internal orgasm option, when there is no possibility of creampies, gaping, or keeping cum in the holes and not magically appear on her skin.
5. Story seems to get worse and worse. The dialogue systems are getting worse, the text has more and more typos, you have nonsensical actions that lead to sex, and honestly it just feels like they should focus more of the sex elements, and less on the story elements, because every attempt they've done on the lore, or story, or quest development has made the game worse, rather than better.
I could rant on further, but these are the top 5 points.