The cinematic cam is very weird(mostly weird angles) and manually adjusting the camera in sandbox isn't too fun, is there any way to load someone else's camera presets?
IMO, they should let us position placed cameras in play mode.
It would work like this:
(I bet you anything they already have this planned.)
1. We're controlling Maya, we move her around like normal.
2. We press Pageup and it possesses our first placed camera.
3. Now you can move the camera around like the Edit mode camera.
4. Then when you're done, you can press Pageup again to the next camera, position that one.
5. If you keep pressing Pageup, you'll eventually possess Maya again.
(Of course you can press Pagedown to cam possess in reverse)
6. Then maybe add a hotkey that instantly returns possession back to Maya; default character, no matter which camera is possessed.
This allows for rapid Camera positioning.
If Wild Life was open source,
I could do the work for free, just sayin.
If you have A LOT of cameras, then you could press TAB and move the camera around the edit mode way, so you have both options.
On a side note, the current camera possess implementation in edit mode would be ideal to move around cameras created for each animation in a queue, for automatic camera switching feature by animation. This means each animation by default has its own camera which can be enabled.
I'd be willing to add this feature for free.
Sandbox core functionality is done, it just needs to be restructured from the point of view of an end user, like someone who uses it for hours a day.