This looks cool. When I load it up all the textures say "could not load media"? are there any dependencies? I don't understand why I wouldn't have the textures
I just used custom textures from different URLs so no, you don't have to download anything. However I noticed as well some textures are slower to load (might be server hosting issue where i lend textures from) and some are a bit bigger texture so it might take from seconds to few minutes to load up textures. In future some of these links might go down and textures go missing but it shouldn't be the case now. It could be hosting site being slow or your internet struggling to load that amount of data. It's not a lot but I saw similar issue with 200mb connection where some wooden textures took like 20s to load. They might be PNG or smt.
Yeah I know now what did I misunderstand... I thought the delay time counts from zero everytime. So I have to add to the prevous value everytime, right?
Delay button starts when it gets activated. Sure you could fire them off in weird chains but I built all mine to fire off as one cluster and just do simple math of animation time and delay block time to make somewhat smooth transitions from camera to camera.
Yes sorry. That map was actually my first creation partially so its total mess in terms of clarity and I just use random stuff which is not very clear at all.
I checked it out and it seems you try do similar hide initial scene and then show the animated scene.
-You can place the true/false commands on the first delay button:
--Set visibility false on the initial animation you want to hide
-- Set visibility true on the animation you want to show
--- you can place these commands on the button itself or the first delay. And to recover from the scene set it other way around on the last Delay trigger that frees you from the camera for example.
Issues I saw in the map are:
- In character animations there is line ''Go to index'' - you named this same as the ''run'' event on the ''event function''. Go to index is just command to make your animations to move to animation X on the chain. 0 being first. So I used this command as type of reset which seemed to work nicely (one can also use this as animation changing instead of sex timer freely flowing forward. For example if you want to give player power to advance from scene to scene manually). So basically just rename ''go to index'' and make sure it fires with 0-value (via delay On timer done or button on button down) if you want to start always from the first animation.
- Delays you made are made to fire cameras which are named MayaCam1-3. These cameras doesn't exit so you just need to make them and they will be possessed. Put the MayaCam1-3 command on each ones ''possess'' or ''un possess'' field. So first one MayaCam1, 2nd one MayaCam2 and on 2nd ones Unpossess field Mayacam3 so you get out of the camera loop. Camera fast button you can find from the list on left big green button places it where your editor camera is.