4.60 star(s) 16 Votes


Engaged Member
Nov 2, 2017
I don't want to engage on an infinite conversation, but this is the same as always, most of those artists you named are WAY below the quality of this one, and none of them is as good, I never said wildeer was a good animator, but all his animations are better than the ones from those artists and his renders are on another planet compared to those, I appreaciate the hard work and the will to improve they have (not all of them show improvements tho), but I'm just being objective.

Seriously something about this guy triggers people, because this is the only thread that when I give my opinion everyone starts to trow shit and it's always the same, comparing his stuff with other stuff that is clearly on a lower level.

Sorry, I'm bored of this conversation, I won't answer more comments from this thread.
Really? You really think artits such as Hydrafxx, Pew, Nyl, Amazonium are worse than Wildeer? What the fuck are you smoking man?
Wildeer hasn't even put out an animation in almost a year. And on top of that the actual animations are average a best. The only thing Wildeer has going is the models he uses. These other animators have high quality models as well, but they also can animate far better than Wildeer, and with much more consistency while still delivering an actual end result.
I don't believe for one second that you actually looked at any of the content from that list of artists, you just brushed it off because "noBodY Can bE BeTteR thAn WiLdEer".
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New Member
Mar 3, 2020
Really? You really think artits such as Hydrafxx, Pew, Nyl, Amazonium are worse than Wildeer? What the fuck are you smoking man?
Wildeer hasn't even put out an animation in almost a year. And on top of that the actual animations are average a best. The only thing Wildeer has going is the models he uses. These other animators have high quality models as well, but they also can animate far better than Wildeer, and with much more consistency while still delivering an actual end result.
I don't believe for one second that you actually looked at any of the content from that list of artists, you just brushed it off because "noBodY Can bE BeTteR thAn WiLdEer".
Hydrafxx has by far the best animations out there IMO. His models are top tier as well. He's got the best Tifa model in use and his new Rachel model is leagues beyond competition. Wildeer has talent, but its hard not to get upset about the lack of releases. So I feel you.
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4.60 star(s) 16 Votes