Someone had to pay so you could get it for free.
I disagree, nothing GateKeeper related deserves any pay, at least not yet.
P1 + P2 were nothing but a teaser and P3 isn't even done yet + seems to just be an even longer teaser.
Patreon has become worse than video game preorders!
There's always a few idiots who preorder games, basically telling the developers "you don't need to deliver a finished + polished and bug free product, we'll instead even pay you for the unfinished mess you call beta".
Patreon however brings this to a whole new level.
Wildeer earned over 200.000,00 Dollars even though he didn't release a single product, that being an actual GateKeeper animation including sex scenes.
This absurd phenomenon completely undermines the concept of trading which is "the voluntary exchange of goods or services between economic actors".
On patreon there often is NO exchange of goods or services, just a vague promise of what might happen sometime in the future...
It's like going to the store to pay the cashier 50 dollars but instead of getting your groceries, you walk home empty handed.
If you pay a craftsmen to work on your porch and he doesn't show up or only does a little and then leaves to never return again, no sane person would ever send them money in hopes of them returning to one day, finish what they've promised to do.
On the internet however, you'll find 3000 + idiots that seriously believe that sending, some anonymous person on the internet, money for not doing anything is somehow a great incentive for that person to start working diligently again.
If you try to explain this concept to any sane person, be prepared to be laughed at or even called "an idiot", both these actions would be perfectly justified because whoever actually believes in the concept of paying somebody for not working, will make this person work even harder (some time in the future) is in fact an ABSOLUTE IDIOT.
These idiots are the main reason we don't have 2 or even 3 real Gatekeeper Episodes yet.
So no, they DID NOT pay so i could get it "for free".
By paying they are actively PREVENTING me and anybody else, with common sense and a few braincells left, to get the chance, to pay for a finished, quality product or to get such a quality product for free.
Furthermore they actually actively PREVENT such a product from ever existing.