I like this guys art, but something about it makes me feel "eh". I think it boils down to it never really seems like the women enjoy whats happening to them... only that they are the target of some happening. If you compare his stuff to d3d, bob, jackerman, nyl and a bunch of the more popular artists you realize wild presents so much lust, but very little enjoyment. No fun, no excitement, no turning point. I understand that I'm being nitpicky about whats becoming softcore 3d porn... but I'm just wondering why I don't love this guys stuff even though I enjoy the subjects he presents. Most women I know enjoy the lust and attention, but really enjoy the happening. After the mystery, its no longer allure, they just genuinely enjoy that you are probing their guts or blasting their asshole and pushing them beyond their understanding of their comfort zone. They are hopping from toe to toe because the joy I give them is something they literally can't experience on their own because they gave up control. I feel like this artist can easily convey this type of terror turned into melting joy, and that they don't feels like something is missing by design. This artist spent the time to create a relationship between some of his characters but it doesn't feel like it ever goes beyond servant and mistress. I feel like the sub should be melting in anticipation of her mistress wrecking her, not surprised, then passive, then basically becoming a love doll.