4.60 star(s) 16 Votes


Active Member
Aug 11, 2020
So did he actually make a post with information about it?
That would be hilarious XD!
This dude is jumping from project to project without finishing any of them.

At this point you can't even blame him, it's the supporters that keep putting up with his bs.

Kudos to Wildeer though, any other artists would have been flamed to oblivion for doing these things but he somehow manages to sedate his subscribers over and over again...
This guy's a genius I guess... the fking Mentalist 2.0 XD
seems his supporters are fine with it :KEK: :KEK: :KEK:


Apr 15, 2021
View attachment 1162561
seems his supporters are fine with it :KEK: :KEK: :KEK:
Honestly I don't think that they are necessarily "fine" with it.

Rather most of them have probably fallen into the trap of wishful thinking... "just 1 more side project, just one more month then he's finally going to release GKP3 or LiT".
They don't see what's actually happening, not because it's not visible, at this point the scam is blatantly obvious, they don't see it because they don't want to...

It's like the people that still kept their Cyberpunk preorder although after countless delays it became rather obvious that something had to be off...

However the saddest thing is that those how chose to keep quiet and look away now, will be grossly disappointed once one of two things happen:
1. The animations get released but are a massive disappointment since the incredibly long waiting time set extraordinarily high expectations which Wildeer is incapable of meeting.
2. Late 2021 or early 2022 Wildeer announces that GK and LiT will be discontinued.

Either option 1 or 2 is obviously also going to apply to a possible "tentacle" project...

Personally, I've lost interest in both GK and LiT once things became rather obscure and Wildeer refused to give any insight regarding his bigger projects.

It just saddens me to see how great Artists that work,8-12 hours a day, that communicate openly + always deliver on time struggle with making ends meet while Wildeer makes 12k a month doing non of that...

To those who think I'm just blindly accusing Max /hating, just wait and see...
At the end of this year you'll realize that I was indeed right.

Well I tried I guess... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Active Member
Nov 2, 2016
Honestly I don't think that they are necessarily "fine" with it.

Rather most of them have probably fallen into the trap of wishful thinking... "just 1 more side project, just one more month then he's finally going to release GKP3 or LiT".
They don't see what's actually happening, not because it's not visible, at this point the scam is blatantly obvious, they don't see it because they don't want to...

It's like the people that still kept their Cyberpunk preorder although after countless delays it became rather obvious that something had to be off...

However the saddest thing is that those how chose to keep quiet and look away now, will be grossly disappointed once one of two things happen:
1. The animations get released but are a massive disappointment since the incredibly long waiting time set extraordinarily high expectations which Wildeer is incapable of meeting.
2. Late 2021 or early 2022 Wildeer announces that GK and LiT will be discontinued.

Either option 1 or 2 is obviously also going to apply to a possible "tentacle" project...

Personally, I've lost interest in both GK and LiT once things became rather obscure and Wildeer refused to give any insight regarding his bigger projects.

It just saddens me to see how great Artists that work,8-12 hours a day, that communicate openly + always deliver on time struggle with making ends meet while Wildeer makes 12k a month doing non of that...

To those who think I'm just blindly accusing Max /hating, just wait and see...
At the end of this year you'll realize that I was indeed right.

Well I tried I guess... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Since the beginning I always felt he was more interested and better at creating assets than actually animating videos, but had pulled those 1 min videos still. Now that it requires more dedication, he just lost interest.

Also, the one other thing he was very good at was branding. Good design and focus on what he knew he got, which was a good model with Lara.

My 2 cents.


Jul 11, 2020
My guess is that he has trouble animating cumshots, and does not want to release something imperfect.
maybe... But the strange thing is that he was one step away from release and since then it's been over 6 months... Something must have happened to me. If you have nothing in your hand, you don't say it takes a few days and instead months of silence pass...


Apr 25, 2021
Sorry if it's already posted but he has a new animation with Lara. In a corridor, above a trap, pleasured by monster tentacles. Anyone got a link for the 1080p w/ sound?

EDIT: This is the 720p ver. /w sound it seems
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Jul 11, 2020
He had a few HDD failures
So, one step away from the release of Lit7, the hdd breaks, you have to start your work from the beginning again (let's say you only have the models made public available), and do another project (gk prologue)?

Well, that would be a strange approach. If you lost everything, setting, characters, etc., then it would have made more sense to abandon all ongoing projects, but say so openly. Anyway, not to fool anyone, if he had the breakdown in November, I think an artist of his thickness would have published something for April...

Attention, mine is not a complaint, as written months ago, communication is the basis, otherwise you only create huge expectations that will then inevitably be disregarded (I challenge you to find a fan of yours who would now settle for a 2-minute video)...
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
Jul 25, 2018
So did he actually make a post with information about it?
That would be hilarious XD!
This dude is jumping from project to project without finishing any of them.

At this point you can't even blame him, it's the supporters that keep putting up with his bs.

Kudos to Wildeer though, any other artists would have been flamed to oblivion for doing these things but he somehow manages to sedate his subscribers over and over again...
This guy's a genius I guess... the fking Mentalist 2.0 XD
Icstor and Milfy City is another one....
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Jun 20, 2017
So, one step away from the release of Lit7, the hdd breaks, you have to start your work from the beginning again (let's say you only have the models made public available), and do another project (gk prologue)?

Well, that would be a strange approach. If you lost everything, setting, characters, etc., then it would have made more sense to abandon all ongoing projects, but say so openly. Anyway, not to fool anyone, if he had the breakdown in November, I think an artist of his thickness would have published something for April...

Attention, mine is not a complaint, as written months ago, communication is the basis, otherwise you only create huge expectations that will then inevitably be disregarded (I challenge you to find a fan of yours who would now settle for a 2-minute video)...
Info from his Discord:

HDD 1, failed in January, Then HDD 2 failed in Febuary. He has been looking for solutions in the meantime and recently found cloud backup.
He was able to save most data but lost references, materials etc.
He has also been trying to find the best way to do fluids and improve project management < lol
He started to get issues with file bloat which caused lag etc.

That's more or less everything concrete that I know about his troubles and why it was delayed. He's been kinda transparent to his supporters in the discord about his issues but nothing else.

However from my observations...

Wildeer has said he spends 10 hours a day working on the main projects.
Given a 6 month timeframe a 5 minute video is simply not really good enough (some of his supporters agree) even with all the computer issues.
His animation qaulity probably wont justify the amount of time spent either. Sure it will look great; his lighting, models, details are nice to look at.
But I doubt the characters will really move much and they will get put on a loop with different angles with minor transistions.
Though I could be wrong and we're actually going to get something close to perfection.

Compared to Amino or NYL work.

Amino is constantly updating and showing previews showing the progress he is making, his scenes are also very technical and difficult to animate yet he takes roughly 1 year to animate a 30+ minute animation and works at a steady pace.
6+ Months since Wildeers last animation and the supporters are going to get... 7 minutes max? then afterwards it's a gangbang scene in LiT8.

Nyls' aproach is to animate short scenes in between his large projects which is far better than waiting; I think it was 4 months for his Cassie x Sindel x Sonya animation to be fully completed.

And you're right LiT7 should be a disapointment if it's like 2 minutes.
The Animation was originally meant to come out around December right? 4 months delay and he isn't communicating like Amino does when he has to re render scenes etc, so there's no timeframe apart from "when it's ready"

And his approach is odd like pls, "focus on your current project you delayed, don't start another one" lmfao. I don't understand this either. he said he was working on his project management back in early december but uh... yh

Looking at his Discord again is kinda interesting to see the interactions too...

Some poor guy basically got a PR answer from Wildeer after sending in a few paragraphs about his discontent.

A few patreons don't even want Gatekeeper

And very vague answers by the big boi himself. Still not hate towards him, some people just work really, really, really, slow...


Active Member
May 18, 2020
Well animo uses lots of loops too + with all respect quality of his movies is nowhere near wildeer's.
Im actually surprised moderators arent shutting up everyone, when i was in his discord like 80% of all the messages were written by mods lol (there were like 6 of them lol)


Jun 20, 2017
Amino transistions into loops and has more character interactions, his characters interact with the enviroment compared to Wildeer who just fades to black with minimal movement. Wildeers' work is good or seen as better because his assets are higher qaulity because blender is superior, but maybe LiT7 will be different.

It might be the mods then who are doing the main defending...


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
Wilddeer's Lara model is top quality (except for the face perhaps the best I've seen), but otherwise the videos are a pretty big disappointment in both content as well as length, how much actually happens in them, movements seem slowed down to take up more time to stretch out video, poor communication, excuses, etc.. It's honestly pathetic that some really good and dedicated authors barely scrape by, while someone makes a good model to then falls asleep on their laurels, milking naive patreons for years after and getting rich with it. I don't buy the HDD crashes being reason for so much lost work and delay (they really don't break down as much, especially if you go for the quality brands and models), because if you make so much money you can afford some serious top-notch hardware and if your livelihood is dependent on not losing your stuff you will surely be backing up EVERYTHING REGULARLY. Of course, you can afford that hardware if you don't spend that money on Porsches or travel or whatever...

Honestly, most if not all of the work with this particular Lara model is now and has for a while now been achieved by 3rd party artists (like Strauzek, bifrost3d, etc.) while Wildeer is just floating somewhere in ether and I'm looking to them, not the original author, for more content and especially quality.
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
I just fear or maybe even simply think that if Wildeer doesn't produce content, he might well end up being "just the guy who made THAT Lara model", while everyone else reaps the benefits
It's already happened and it's not the other artists' fault. Others reaping the benefits? lol! They're not "reaping the benefits", those artists are ACTUALLY doing work and producing results and giving their fans something and that on regular basis.
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Apr 15, 2021
Wow… I though I would just get hated into oblivion + banned :O…
Cool to see that people here actually got some decency left :D!

Thanks a lot for all the responses.
Personally, I don’t buy the “HDD crash” thingy, if you make this much money you can easily afford an NAS-Server + a cloud solution on top of it to make 110% sure nothing ever gets lost.

Animo and Nyl are both on a completely different level imo, both communicate and deliver time and time again, yeah Nyl makes “shorter” clips + large projects and Animo takes his time but both never fail to deliver while Wildeer… well you guys now the deal by now.

At the end of the day we’re all just speculating, maybe he lost interest, maybe he’s just working really REALLY slowly maybe @jillkfsdj is right…
No one really knows which is by far the biggest issue with Wildeer… if he’d talk openly about his problems regarding output and communication the community would find a solution but sadly he keep quiet…

Whatever it is, Max is going to run into huge issues down the road, you can fool lot’s of people for a long time but you can’t fool them forever and at a certain point his supporters will turn against him.
Hopefully he releases both animations soon, apologizes and actually starts to communicate openly, however I feel like it’s a foolish thing to hope for at this point :confused:.

Either way, thanks for your comments guys :)


Mar 31, 2020
Whatever it is, Max is going to run into huge issues down the road, you can fool lot’s of people for a long time but you can’t fool them forever and at a certain point his supporters will turn against him.
In my opinion that is wishful thinking. He has over 2500 patrons as of now, each contributing at least $1 per month. Even if that number plummets to, let's say, 1500, he would still make decent money, for providing BTS, teases and perhaps some progress on side-projects.

People have spoken up on the Discord. It doesn't really lead anywhere.

To back up my claim: Look at what happened with MilfCity. Project's been live for over a year or two without any update. iirc the dev has still thousands of backers who contribute money each and every month. It's mind-boggling.

I'm not saying Max is a conman, but you can be a conman if you have some good bait to throw out there, and people will eventually keep paying you money.
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
Wow… I though I would just get hated into oblivion + banned :O…
We all may still get banned for going against mainstream... ;-)

Thanks a lot for all the responses.
Personally, I don’t buy the “HDD crash” thingy, if you make this much money you can easily afford an NAS-Server + a cloud solution on top of it to make 110% sure nothing ever gets lost.
Exactly. These aren't the late 90's anymore, HDDs don't just die like that, especially modern ones. In 25 years I only had 3 HDD deaths: a IBM/Hitachi still under warranty and two ancient HDDs that I both bought used for storage and 1 of them dying was my own fault. HDDs these days are much more reliable and CHEAPER. You can get some seriously good stuff for less than $100 and the only thing you're limited by is the size of your computer tower and how many HDDs you can cram inside.

Hell, USB sticks are plenty big enough not only to save project files (which aren't big to being with), but entire raw rendered videos! Not to mention they're extremely inexpensive. No problem to back-up the project file every few hours or every day to a new folder on each stick.

And he's only now heard of cloud? WTF? Cloud has been around for so long! Even more seeds for the doubt about the truth of the excuses.

If I was pulling 12k per month and actually working on stuff, I'd have at least 5 large-size SDDs and plenty of USB sticks for backing up.

Whatever it is, Max is going to run into huge issues down the road, you can fool lot’s of people for a long time but you can’t fool them forever and at a certain point his supporters will turn against him.
Hopefully he releases both animations soon, apologizes and actually starts to communicate openly, however I feel like it’s a foolish thing to hope for at this point :confused:.
Yeah, not much hope in that I feel. I don't think he's done much work on these projects, tbh., so there is little chance he'll come clean cause the backlash would be horrible. IF he provides anything big it will be something he's started working on this year and not a project he's claimed to be working on for years, those would've long since been released.


Apr 15, 2021
In my opinion that is wishful thinking. He has over 2500 patrons as of now, each contributing at least $1 per month. Even if that number plummets to, let's say, 1500, he would still make decent money, for providing BTS, teases and perhaps some progress on side-projects.

People have spoken up on the Discord. It doesn't really lead anywhere.

To back up my claim: Look at what happened with MilfCity. Project's been live for over a year or two without any update. iirc the dev has still thousands of backers who contribute money each and every month. It's mind-boggling.

I'm not saying Max is a conman, but you can be a conman if you have some good bait to throw out there, and people will eventually keep paying you money.
You might be right…
However I think this might work out differently because of one simple thing, competition.

As far as I know there is not real competition for MilfCity (not really my thing so I might be wrong).
Whereas Wildeer published his Lara model + lot’s of his assets, there are already people like “TheRopeDude” (a professional animator) that make good use of his assets.
It won’t take too long until more professional animators will realize how little competition there currently is in this industry.
Some1 will take Wildeer’s Lara + the horse dong and deliver.
As soon as that happens people will jump ship and Max is going to be in big trouble.

Maybe it happens this year maybe next year but 3dx is a gold mine if taken seriously and marketed well.
The main problem with 3dx atm is supply!
There is plenty of demand!

For all those reasons, I think Max is going to run out of time sooner then he expects, maybe this year but surely next.
Most of this industry’s problems will fix itself as soon as it hits mainstream, which in my humble opinion, is soon to happen.
I could obviously be wrong though… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
For all those reasons, I think Max is going to run out of time sooner then he expects, maybe this year but surely next.
Most of this industry’s problems will fix itself as soon as it hits mainstream, which in my humble opinion, is soon to happen.
I could obviously be wrong though… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What I wonder is freedom stability of animators. For now this industry is kinda staying under the radar (probably not really when it comes to authorities), but if it goes mainstream it will get much more exposure, which isn't necessarily a good thing. From copyright infringement to issues with shady legality of works (who knows, maybe even just Wildeer's videos are breaking some decency or pornography laws where he lives, not to mention videos that others may make - like that recent with Lara and real horse). If this industry goes mainstream and thus public, will artists start disappearing cause they went to prison or had other legal issues? For example, the creator of that Virus in the city game had to stop working on games cause of South Korean laws and the police's eagerness in persecuting and prosecuting violators.
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4.60 star(s) 16 Votes