3.00 star(s) 32 Votes


Jan 27, 2018
Unfortunately 3D unity games, and especially Unreal games tend to overwhelm my secondary laptop that I play most games from this site on. So I didn't get very far into this one, but a couple things I did notice - the menu is fairly limited, there are no options for video or audio settings. And most annoyingly there is no way to leave the game. I had to alt tab out of it and close from windows - that seems like a very big oversight to me. Perhaps I simply missed the exit game method - but I have decades of experience playing PC games and if I am having trouble then others are too.

Von Rose

New Member
Aug 2, 2021
Just an early preview here.
Still working out all its interactions with the current systems but hopefully shouldn't be more than some hours still, maybe less than that
I think u have a really cool idea for the game and I got mad respect for u getting straight to working on it again.
I will wanna see what u do wit this.


Nov 21, 2018
couple things, you should set your UI canvas to scale with screen size, and some of the walls have messed up colliders or something, cause I walked straight off the map. Great concept tho!


Dec 9, 2017
I liked it so far, have been having trouble finding the great hall, where i think it is is flooded and i have no interactions
but anyways, waiting for the update lol
Are there any nsfw/lewd pics yet?

PS* Pro tip for the ball game, if you have it, use a controller. I completed it in 5 minutes with it, the controls are far smoother lol
Even if the buttons wont work the analogic stick do, jump with right hand on spacebar and move the ball with the lefty in the controller


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
I liked it so far, have been having trouble finding the great hall, where i think it is is flooded and i have no interactions
but anyways, waiting for the update lol
Are there any nsfw/lewd pics yet?
Thanks you and thanks for playing! And yup, there are nsfw pics in a handful of scenes. The update is up on itch now but I still have to take a look at getting it up here. Until then, you can download it from here
Should also be a runthrough video up on youtube in a bit to refer to when stuck or the directions aren't entirely clear

I think u have a really cool idea for the game and I got mad respect for u getting straight to working on it again.
I will wanna see what u do wit this.
Thanks a lot, seriously!

Unfortunately 3D unity games, and especially Unreal games tend to overwhelm my secondary laptop that I play most games from this site on. So I didn't get very far into this one, but a couple things I did notice - the menu is fairly limited, there are no options for video or audio settings. And most annoyingly there is no way to leave the game. I had to alt tab out of it and close from windows - that seems like a very big oversight to me.
There is now a quit application button in the new build haha. And 40% of the reason the game is chugging on older PCs is because I am not that all great of a 3d modeller and the models you see there have far higher polygon counts than necessary. Will hopefully be remedied in the future if/when I'm allowed to hire a 3d artist


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
couple things, you should set your UI canvas to scale with screen size, and some of the walls have messed up colliders or something, cause I walked straight off the map. Great concept tho!
Thanks! Yup, working my way through missing colliders now and definitely need to have another look at the UI in general soon

This game is definitly something different, and I really enjoyed it. Finally learned the layout of the school, but a map and a compass and more descriptive doors would be appreciated. Minigames were insanely difficult, skipped all three of them before I reached a rage state. I think I triggered duelling class too early? I stumbled upon it on day 1. It was the first thing I did and now, after herbology, it's says I already finished Duelling I, but still tells me to go to to the classroom in the East Building?
Really looking forward to returning to this in a year or so, when it's richer in content and polish. Good luck.
Thanks a lot for playing and the sentiment! And yeah, in one of the first builds I had accidentally left the duel classroom open early, but it should be fixed now on the build on itch
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May 11, 2020
Thanks! Yup, working my way through missing colliders now and definitely need to have another look at the UI in general soon

Thanks a lot for playing and the sentiment! And yeah, in one of the first builds I had accidentally left the duel classroom open early, but it should be fixed now on the build on itch
Is any NSFW content gated behind non-repeatable skill checks or dialogue options at this time? Like, can you miss content if you choose the wrong thing?


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
Is any NSFW content gated behind non-repeatable skill checks or dialogue options at this time? Like, can you miss content if you choose the wrong thing?
There are a couple of NSFW scenes you can miss because of choices, like the girl changing during the first ball party, and the pink-haired girl when you go in the closet together during the bottle spin, but FOR NOW there isn't NSFW content you can miss because of stats given how overloaded the game is with it atm. It's going to change in the future tho
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New Member
Feb 7, 2018
Played it for about an hour or so, and enjoyed the game. Need to get around a bit to feel the map, but it gives nice immersive feeling not seeing the map and trying to figure the location around.
My problems at the moment are:
Recollection of the art/scenes would be nice
General map of buildings could be added, like the plain normal map. Not the typical minimap
Quest logs could be a little more specific
Can't exit the game normally
Movement cotrols are janky (including S to go forward)
Camera controls are non existient, fixed camera could be fine, if it wasn't set to look at the ground (positioning a little higher would be fine)
Loading game from main menu just puts you floating in space, can't do anything. But statring new game and then loading the save works fine.
Idiot-proofing the map would be nice, to prevent from falling through the walls
Last edited:
May 8, 2017
Played it for about an hour or so, and enjoyed the game. Need to get around a bit to feel the map, but it gives nice immersive feeling not seeing the map and trying to figure the location around.
My caviats at the moment are:
Recollection of the art/scenes would be nice
General map of buildings could be added, like the plain normal map. Not the typical minimap
Quest logs could be a little more specific
Can't exit the game normally
Movement cotrols are janky (including S to go forward)
Camera controls are non existient, fixed camera could be fine, if it wasn't set to look at the ground (positioning a little higher would be fine)
Loading game from main menu just puts you floating in space, can't do anything. But statring new game and then loading the save works fine.
Idiot-proofing the map would be nice, to prevent from falling through the walls
I believe there is an update that fixes camera and controls on itch. I haven't had a chance to boot it up (the update) yet though.
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Reactions: bluewitchgames


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
Itch build has problems with saving and loading, though. All loading puts you back at the start and then sends you to space.
Jesus christ I forgot to assign the saver for the character's position in the game world to the new character controller. Thanks for pointing it out. Should fixed in the build that's coming in an hour or so. Has bug fixes to the end game quests too

Played it for about an hour or so, and enjoyed the game. Need to get around a bit to feel the map, but it gives nice immersive feeling not seeing the map and trying to figure the location around.
My problems at the moment are:
Recollection of the art/scenes would be nice
General map of buildings could be added, like the plain normal map. Not the typical minimap
Quest logs could be a little more specific
Can't exit the game normally
Movement cotrols are janky (including S to go forward)
Camera controls are non existient, fixed camera could be fine, if it wasn't set to look at the ground (positioning a little higher would be fine)
Loading game from main menu just puts you floating in space, can't do anything. But statring new game and then loading the save works fine.
Idiot-proofing the map would be nice, to prevent from falling through the walls
Thanks a lot of for playing, seriously! As mentioned, a few of those things, especially in regards to movements, are fixed in the new build on itch. I just have to find a way to take control of this thread so I can upload the updated version etc here
And thank you for appreciating the feeling of "getting lost". I realise there is a fine line though, and there will definitely be a rather rough map soon


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
Alright, new builds should be up and you can now safely save! Can anyone tell me how to take control of the thread here so I can push the updates here as well?


New Member
Feb 7, 2018
Jesus christ I forgot to assign the saver for the character's position in the game world to the new character controller. Thanks for pointing it out. Should fixed in the build that's coming in an hour or so. Has bug fixes to the end game quests too
Downloaded new version, and loaded the save. I have to admit, its a nice view. (still loading is not working correctly)
Also, can you add Return to Menu option? Instead of just Quit the game.

Anothert thing, is there a specific order to do the quests?
Last time I did Double Homework after Herbalist quest and before Dueling I, and then the map became "foggy", some parts was covered in mist even in the building, fireflies spawned all over the castle.
Also how to do the dueling quest? I Finished the class, but couldn't even find it. 1679422200580.png


May 11, 2020
Alright, new builds should be up and you can now safely save! Can anyone tell me how to take control of the thread here so I can push the updates here as well?
Ok, how do you get the hidden scene with Amilia?

Edit: So, I'm assuming you're working on this, but I'd really advice you to add multiple save slots if you insist on having missable content.


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
Ok, how do you get the hidden scene with Amilia?

Edit: So, I'm assuming you're working on this, but I'd really advice you to add multiple save slots if you insist on having missable content.
Amilia scene is just the one during the bottle spin at the friday party, but I realise the dialogue leading to it is pretty clunky. Going to be fixed. She's going to get some more attention in the future tho. Just got home and making some food but after I'll try and get namechange option for the MC, multiple loads, and the map up sometime tonight

Also, thanks a lot to you and that other guy for the reviews. Means a lot, seriously

Downloaded new version, and loaded the save. I have to admit, its a nice view. (still loading is not working correctly)
Also, can you add Return to Menu option? Instead of just Quit the game.

Anothert thing, is there a specific order to do the quests?
Last time I did Double Homework after Herbalist quest and before Dueling I, and then the map became "foggy", some parts was covered in mist even in the building, fireflies spawned all over the castle.
Also how to do the dueling quest? I Finished the class, but couldn't even find it.
I'd really advise against loading old saves into newer builds until the releases start to come in bigger chunks. Still messing around with basically everything so while a castle might have moved location, your character's position in the world hasn't. I guess it's pretty fun if you want to mess around and get out of bounds tho
When the releases come out in bigger chunks/expansions that don't really touch any previous states, it's going to be a lot more smooth to load old saves. Adding the teleport to courtyard back into the game until then tho!

The weather system is dynamic and isn't affected by any quests (except for the friday night party where it will always rain outside). May have to reduce the frequency of some of them tho. And there is an order to the main storyline but the sidequests can be completed whenever you want!

I'll have a look at the duel thing but it might be a leftover from when the duel class was available too early. Assuming you have a really old save
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Aug 8, 2016
Also, thanks a lot to you and that other guy for the reviews. Means a lot, seriously
Hey, I'm guessing I'm the other guy. Happy to give feedback. Don't let yourself get too demoralized by the initial bad reviews, the fact that you are listening to feedback and updating at a steady pace is really encouraging and I think that if you can work through these early issues this game can be something really unique on the site.

I mentioned a few suggestions in the review which you seem to have already addressed, another one would be some sort of unstuck button. I've noticed a few times the character getting stuck at certain places forcing you to have to reload to get out of it. If we are teleported somewhere safe, like the courtyard, that could also solve the issue people are having when loading an old save and finding themselves outside the map.

Just my two cents. Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck with the game going forward.
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Game Developer
Mar 18, 2023
Hey, I'm guessing I'm the other guy. Happy to give feedback. Don't let yourself get too demoralized by the initial bad reviews, the fact that you are listening to feedback and updating at a steady pace is really encouraging and I think that if you can work through these early issues this game can be something really unique on the site.

I mentioned a few suggestions in the review which you seem to have already addressed, another one would be some sort of unstuck button. I've noticed a few times the character getting stuck at certain places forcing you to have to reload to get out of it. If we are teleported somewhere safe, like the courtyard, that could also solve the issue people are having when loading an old save and finding themselves outside the map.

Just my two cents. Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck with the game going forward.
Really, really appreciated. Unstuck button should be coming tonight, along with some fast travels like the painting in the room finally getting implemented. Again, thanks a lot for the words!
Aug 8, 2016
Really, really appreciated. Unstuck button should be coming tonight, along with some fast travels like the painting in the room finally getting implemented. Again, thanks a lot for the words!
Sure thing and thanks to you for the work you put in. (y)

Hey so now that I have you on the line so to speak, what does Charm do?
It is not listed on your stats screen but you get - charm and + presence if you switch robes. And does it have an effect during the party? Don't think I noticed any. Also, were you able to meet up with the Slytherin girl during the party?
3.00 star(s) 32 Votes