I would love a manipulative character but the whole:
He became this way from being created by a eugenics organization that attempts to create weapons of mass destruction in the form of "perfect humans."
Instantly killed all interest.
Because instead of just having a smart manipulative character we get a lab experiment gone rogue.
To me that just sound as trying to swift blame(As in he was raised that way by evil people) away from the main character and remove all agency.
Instead of being a manipulative man he is a rogue experiment.
As for what i would like to see:
Reading people.
For example:
A girl is insecure about her homework.
*internal thoughts* Helping her with her homework will gain me her trust.
Offers to help with her homework.
After doing the homework event 3 times(because games always have 3 for everything)
He suggest to help her study at home.
Claiming that she is too distracted in the libery and that her room would have a more relaxing effect.
Next scene:
Meeting her mother.
*internal thoughts*
I need to find a way to get them to fight.
So that she relies on me even more.
Severing ties with sources of comfirm is vital if i want to make her my sex toy.
After i made her mine i will use her to get her mother aswhile.
Patience <charname> patience.
Manipulation is an art and you cannot rush art.
Be very polite and helpful while looking for a way to drive a wedge between the mother and daughter.
In short:
I want the main character to look at people as puzzle's to be solved.
Find weaknesses to exploit.
Gain trust and slowly twist and turn the victems until there are so depended on them that they cannot defy him in anything.
An other way might be him hiring a group of gangbangers to have the father murdered tho i consider having to result to murder as a failure.
An other thing would be to convince the mother to fuck the father to sleep so you can have your way with her daughter.
Yes i know none of this has to do with the Doki Doki game.
But it was the first the came to mind.
A good manipulation game focus on working all the angels.
For example:
In a lot of games you can rape to you heart content and the police will not even be called.
That kills immersion.
Having several traps where you have to take into consideration that the police isnt as stupid as media makes them out to be.
For example: Sex in public shoud draw attention.
So being smart about it is important.
Likewise most parents(I hope) care about there kids and will probley murder you if you rape there kids.
or comfirm them if you hurt there feelings.
First step in any manipulation attempt is to make the victem trust you above all others.
Even if they know you are a lying two face good for nothing jackass.
You want them to lissen to you.
To believe you.
Turning friends against eachother.
Convince a girl that losing her virginity is a great achievement.
Talking a woman into whoring herself out to make ends meet.
The sex is secondry.
Getting stuck up pridefull bitches to demand themselves into whoring for you will please me more then all the sex in the world.
For that is power.
The ability to control others.
And manipulation is the art of convincing people to do what you want.
An other example:
Lex luther running for president fully exploited superman paranoia of him to make him look like an fool obsessed with finding evil where there is none.
Using there paranoia to turn others against them.
And when there all alone.
You push them over the edge.
Telling them how nobody will ever believe them again.
That nobody will ever trust them again.
That all they have is you.
And you too will leave if they ever disobey you.
Bring them to the edge of dispare then offer them a way out.
The devil bargain works best on the desperate.