Some feedback on photo shoots:
It seems that rather than the entire photo set in a list, it seems to be a random sub-set of the whole, generated at the time you select (rather than modified on the fly when you choose 1/2/3 for the next photo).
This is a *bit* interesting in that it gives an element of randomness to the photo set but there is an argument that the frustration in trying to complete the set offsets this positive.
Not sure how interested you would be in coding to prefer untaken pictures in the set- would be additional coding work for minimal gain.
It may be best overall to just list all available photos in sequence?
Secondly there always seems to be a "This is the last shot" end photo on the last, the 2nd last and the 8th? last photo of the selected sub-set. Is this a bug? An unexpected outcome from the clothed/naked photo set rules?
Finally when viewing the photo sets from home (under students/photo sets) all the images appear properly scaled.
In the photography session often the photo dimensions are stretched/distorted. (Note: I am using downloaded image packs from the google doc)
Is there a way to use the "album viewing" display mode for the photography sessions so the images are consistent?
Great game, love your work- just my thoughts on some improvements.
I'll try to respond as accuratly as possible.
Yeah the photoshoot system is picking the photos at runtime before you gets to the photoshoot to improve gameplay and having a bit of variations, I've made some adjustments in my current version but here is how it's done:
(for each photo)
(0.292 build)
If the player already owns it: 33% to be skipped
No condition: 20% to be skipped
(in my dev build)
If the girl if not a "nympho"
& photo is t4 type & girl corruption is under 44 : 50% to be skipped
& photo is t5 type & girl corruption is under 55 : 50% to be skipped
& photo is t6 type & girl corruption is under 69 : 50% to be skipped
The code is already favorizing none-taken pictures over already owned ones.
Maybe the 'no condition' 25% chance to skip a photo is kinda dumb tbh as on bad luck it will just hide some photos.
On the other side it helps the player progression in the set as less photos mean less willingness consumed
(but I've reworked the willingness consumption to be easier on highly willing girl so deleting this % is relevant, will remove it for next ver.)
About the upcoming changes of 50% of not showing the "very too kinky ones", it's to avoid the girl blocking you and ending the photoshoot, if the 'blocking' pics are not there you will be able to 'jump' to the next 'soft' part of the set allowing you to get more photos out of it.
Yeah the 'this is the last' being in the 3 last photos is kind of a bug. The real explanation is that when I've developped this there was no obvious solutions that didn't required over-engineered code. Didn't had time to re-check that since ^^
The scaling issues are probably due to bad photoshoot.ini configs or vertical pics and horizontal pics having a common size.
I can't do much about it, the related modder need to fix it.
About why it's not showing distorded on the album, it's bc the UI element is a square so you can't really have scaling issue when the ratio is 1:1, it's just a re-size not a 're-scale'. As for the photoshoot the target is 1920x1080, 16:9, so yeah if the configured ratio is fucked up, fucked up scaling happens ><
I'm using the same photo.getImgFittingSize(x,y) function in either photoshoots, album screen, sponsors menus etc...
Thanks for the feedback!
It's with those kind of feedback that makes the game play better