VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game seems to have struck gold in the Ren'Py community, akin to a homeless person winning the lottery. However, my experience with it has been quite disappointing. Everything from the renders to the story, dialogue, and overall narrative flow is so poorly executed that it borders on offensive. I wouldn't be surprised if there were suspicions of it being a money laundering scheme, given the amount of profit the developer seems to be raking in.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a decent "game" (there's no game factors in it, just a Visual Novel) Even so I like it. Beautiful ladies and some "ladies" that you can sex up. Progress on this game is relatively slow but steady
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    There is zero character development, it just jumps from one sex scene to another in a endless cast of characters. Just too boring. The Jaime character is also obnoxious and you are stuck with them. Giving a star solely for the amount of content
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I initially liked the game, but dislike the stylistic changes made retroactively in later updates to the point that it has pretty much ruined the rest. The text is rambling and stilted, the plot convoluted and slow, and the developer seems dead set on changing everything I liked about the game to be the exact opposite. I don't anticipate a satisfying conclusion to this game and have pretty much given up on it. It's a shame.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The game was a 4/5.
    It now deserves a 1/5

    Has a lot of content, but MC just bangs everything that moves and BD adds 5000 new characters instead of developing the already massive cast, when, and IF we get an update.

    BD teases certain content that we know will never be added, and the Update schedule was consistent, now non existent, the number of renders magically gets smaller with no reasoning. BD just bans everyone who doesn't agree with him.

    Semi decent game, but the dev really dropped the ball here.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of polarising reviews, but a 3/5 is absolutely the most accurate score.

    The positives are largely due to the abundance of content and the good visuals. There's plenty of sex scenes, a variety of women, and they all want to have sex with you.

    The negatives involve everything around these things. The characters basically have ZERO character besides their fawning over the "totally perfect and amazing" MC. The story is boring as shit with barely anything interesting going on, which drags its feet through the ENTIRE game. By the end I was just skipping through the intensely repetitive and tedious dialogue to actually get to the POINT.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Harem game ever. Season 2 basically just started and i already counted like 15 girls/Women, and thats only the number the mc had sex with. there are waaaaaaaaay more. really excited for more updates. one thing that is kinda unrealistic is that the girls fall for the mc way too fast, even if he is famous. i can understand a crush or maybe even lusting for him, but for love its way too fast. there are only four girls where it makes sense. his first girlfriend jamie, his childhood friend shauna, liz who had a crush on him for years and coach Harper, because those two have gone through some hard shit together.

    anyway still a good game, kinda too bad we dont see mcs face, makes it funny sometimes tho with a black screen on his face. MCs backstory is also kinda fucked up, makes for some serious drama. but alls well ends well amirite.

    The Animations are really good and one thing here to add is i dont mind the mc having a big D, you get used to that in these games, but sometimes i dunno if its like the angle or something the size keeps changing. sometimes normal size, then porn size, sometimes the size of my fucking arm. its weird.

    all in all def recommended if you are into harem games with tons of romance and pregnancy as well.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Has to be the most boring VN in the site. The story has no depth and can be summarized in one sentence: All the girls and all the future girls love the MC, all the girls will fuck the MC and won't mind sharing.

    Porn stories really don't have to be realistic by any means but even considering a porn setting this is just absurd. Some of the models are hot so you can just skip all the dialogue and get straight into the action.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    On the plus side, WVM has a lot of content, but since its MC has “magic horsecock syndrome”, there’s no challenge whatsoever and the story’s absurdly unbelievable; it might as well be a kinetic novel at this point.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I like to call this game the "man with the golden dick simulator". You are basically playing as a God amongst men in this game.

    + A fuck ton of content
    + Somewhat interesting story
    + Decent relationship content and dialogues with characters
    + Lots of girls to choose from and very diverse
    + I really like some of the girls

    - As someone who finds vanilla scenes boring, I did not really find the h content very hot. (Maybe I'm too far gone or it's purposefully done this way as it is a more "mainstream" game)
    - I personally like when you have to actually put effort to try and romance a girl, at least a little, (like the thrill of a chase) but in this game you are drowning in pussy and you don't chase girls, they chase you. Your cock is the most coveted prize in the school.

    Still giving it a 5/5 for the effort the devs put, and objectively speaking it is a well made game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Well the game is overall good specially the one big tits blonde milf. This is actually my first time seeing a option to make one of the girls have a dick and yes i turn it on the option with the girl with a dick and let's see if it will turn me on or not well at least the girl was beautiful and it actually turn me on somehow, well the girl is submissive anyways even it has a fucking dick that's the overall good part but Yeah PUSSY ALL THE WAY BABY its still better, well since I have a experience on it, so now I will never turn on the fucking girl with dick ever again
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Imagine you returned home from fighting in a war for your country. Your mother embraces you with tears in her eyes and smile on her face. It's a very heartwarming and emotional moment. Now imagine, instead of your mom, it's a girl you have spoken to only once before in your entire life, displaying same emotions. Creepy right? Now imagine, it's actually 5 girls... 10 girls... 20 girls... 50 girls??? I have no clue at this point. Suddenly a pleasant experience has turned into a horror show. UNLESS... that is the fantasy you hold dear in your heart and want to enjoy it through an Adult Visual Novel.

    WVM is an Adult VN that will satiate your childhood fantasies when you didn't know how the world works or a normal human being behaves in any given situation. Here you can hug every pretty woman you lay your eyes on. You can sleep with them while being fully clothed just after meeting them one scene prior. If you want to actually take them to bed and do grown-up things with them, which requires the naughty action of getting naked and using your unmentionables; then all you have to do is select the option "YES" instead of "NO"; as that is the extreme length this VN goes in terms of barely surviving the tag "Kinetic Novel".

    Much has been said about the game and the Dev. I won't repeat them. You can read other negative reviews as my complaints are already covered in those. Instead, I want to look at it from another angle and actually praise the Dev. That's why my rating is 2-Stars instead of 1. The extra Star is awarded to the Dev.

    Many people have been inspired over the years to create their own game after playing a few from this site. I can tell that the creator of WVM is no different. A Dev can be young, naive and lacking any skill in writing anything coherent. It doesn't mean that they shouldn't try. But what happens when a Dev suddenly starts to make 20K+ within the first year of the release of their game that they never could have foreseen.

    Should we expect that the amount of followers they gained and money they made, directly translate into their game creation abilities? Of course not. While the argument remains that they can always learn and do better but that's a different discussion. The problem with WVM is that it still holds same amount of buzz(although a lot of it is negative at this point) and keeps on making an absurd amount of money to this day.

    Are the consumers mad for liking this game and throwing all that money? Possibly. EA makes more money from micro-transactions than selling their games. Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy made a Billion Dollars in box office. The world is mad. What can you do!!! The Dev didn't know he had 10 in Luck and now he has cleared every single casino in New Vegas.

    In an ideal world, I'd take 90% of what the Dev makes and distribute it to other devs whom I like and are still struggling after years, despite having games that are better than WVM in every aspect. But in reality, all I can do is to congratulate the Dev on his success and hope that if there's a second game then before making that; use the money to take some creative writing lessons. I know it's just an adult VN, but it's not 2018 anymore when just having few naked pictures and animations were okay. These days, there are many talented Devs not only doing those things but also providing a solid narrative, in-depth characters and believable story as well.

    I know the first season is getting reworked. Unless it's a full rewriting of the main plot and characters, there isn't any incentive for me to return to this game. One thing that I didn't see mentioned before or maybe I missed, is some of the characters have transparent glowing noses. I think I read a comment before that mentioned that the Dev created a lot of the characters in Blender. A lot of the characters aren't usually found in other games or store so it must be true. While I commend the effort, it seems to me that there was only one template. Around 20+ girls look exactly the same with slight variations and glowing noses. That's just my observation. The Daz store models can be easily distinguished and look more natural than those created ones. Maybe shouldn't have made that many custom characters and kept the number to a minimum to keep them unique.

    That's it. These were my thoughts. If you think this is a 5-Star game(there are many 5-Star reviews), then I'll simply express my "Sigh!" and quietly move away from you. Otherwise, enjoy this whacky fantasy where you'll need to stretch your suspension of disbelief so thin that it'll tear and break. You'll turn into a mindless zombie. That's something.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    It´s just boring.

    The models don´t look bad some look even hot.

    But that doesn´t save the game at all.

    First the story is mo0stly just go to a place and fuck a new girl who already love you, and that is just boring the MC is one of the worst things in the game because he is too perfect, big dick, good looks, in a basketball team, already has a girlfriend, already could have a harem. It would be better if you played someone who kinda has to earn something or not everyone likes, this MC is just boring.

    The sex scenes also have pretty robotic animations.

    The dialogue is just boring and nothing interesting or funny is said.

    No music which is always bad because it makes the game feel cheap.

    But if you want a vanilla game where you fuck a lot of girls it´s okay I guess.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be one of the odd fish who gives this game a 3 star rating. The game isn't as bad as many are making it out to be. That said, development has gone in a strange and sub-optimal direction. And I think this can be excused if BrainDrop is spending most of his energy at the moment on the season 1 redesign.

    Very simply: there are too many girls now. It's not even necessarily a number issue, but rather the writing has gone heavily in the quantity direction, and consequently half of the characters don't have any personality at all. As a basic rule in this type of development, if you add a new character, you give that character the screen time to have their personality, traits, and quirks develop. Rather, the developer seems to add new characters, teases you a bit with them, and then doesn't really do anything with them for months or even years of development time. In the unlikely event he reads this: please stop adding new characters for a while and focus on adding depth to the ones that are there.

    That said, there's still some really nice moments and development for the few characters that have been given attention, like the recent(as of this post) story point about Rachel was really nice. BrainDrop clearly has the writing chops, but he seems to enjoy spending too much time on the asset store buying new girls, which is a shame. Hopefully the re-write of season 1 will lead to a fully fleshed out character roster, and that's where his energy is going.

    And stop blueballing me on Stacy and Azel. I understand that having Azel content is a no-go for patreon rules, but some sort of officially unofficial modded content would be nice.

    The core narrative of the story has become a bit convoluted, but still has the potential to be good. I don't even like basketball, but I feel like one of the central columns of this game should be No? The game about a basketball star has been in development for 4 and a half years and has only 1 game of basketball even referenced, let alone played? The main plot of the MC's backstory has some potential I suppose, but it has been spinning it's wheels for a while now.

    The renders, particularly the most recent ones, are nice in their appearance.
    The characters are hot, and even though the writing isn't there to properly differentiate them, there's good variety in terms of appearance and body types.
    Not everyone is genetically engineered to be voluptuous, and that's nice.

    Ultimately if you play through to the end of the current version; there's a lot of content, but it feels like a mixed bag of good and bad components. With better love interest character development, a slowdown of the ingame chronology's pacing, and more "everyday" content mixed in with the high stakes mystery stuff, and this game could be really good. But if I'm honest, as of right now, the game feels most like a kinetic novel porn simulator. And there's nothing wrong with a kinetic novel porn simulator; I just don't think that's what this game should be, though.

    5/10, improvement easily possible.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Essentially the game went far to balls deep on the concept of a harem to the point it gets weird. Hadn't played this for years I don't know wtf happened.


    - Hot girls - I mean it has a a fucking LOT.

    - Renders - It's rendered well enough outside some facial expressions. Gets the job done

    - Content - There is a lot here at this point.


    - Story - It started as a budding basketball star going to a relatively small college. He also had a GF and best friend. Now I don't know what the story is. I'm not sure if stuff was been changed or I was misremembering. It well and truly lost me. It went of the fucking rails.

    - Girls - Outside looks I couldn't tell you the names. They just become a blob of dick sucking faces with no real personality or consequences. Which feels like the opposite of what a VN should aim for.

    - Harem - It's porn Pokemon at this point. I've seen a game make a 20+ girl harem work so large harems can be done well. This does not. It just becomes weird. there's points I was genuinely wandering if the ending of the game would be the MC waking up and realizing it was all just a dream. It seems women fall in love with him basically on sight. It's fucking bizarre.

    - Choice - To fuck or not that's basically it. It's awfully close to kinetic novel territory.

    - Facial expressions - Unless there's a hidden camera and they're fucking around for it why do the girls keep making such retarded faces? Actually if all the women are retarded the story makes more sense.

    - Boring - This is about the worst thing I can ever say about a game or novel imo but this is. There's just too many characters with too little meaningful happening. It's mind numbing.

    - Sex - The problem when you have an AVN that throws so many girls with no story or personality is it becomes just pure porn, bad porn at that. Simple fact is AVNs don't beat real porn at been porn without doing the VN part well. If I want an AVN experience this isn't it, if I just want to fap porn stars are a search away. I can't help feel the dev missed the point a little.


    Basically a weak weird story with far too many characters, mostly inconsequential. I genuinely struggled to come up with good points because I was just overwhelmed with how stupid it is now. The word that comes to mind is a mess. This review could seriously have just been 5 words; it's a complete fucking mess.

    TLDR showed promise but ends up been a meaningless sea of sucking and hugging faces. It's a complete fucking mess.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for HUG Simulator... ekhm WVM(S2-C1-E13)
    Let me start by saying that this is probably the last episode I'm playng, there are already like 600 girls in the game(irony) and new ones are being added all the time, and I'm voluntarily in a relationship with 4. So I'm going from one I'd be happy to avoid and hug her to another I'd be even more happy to avoid and hug.


    - A few nice girls.
    - Frequent though brief updates.
    - Giving us the option to reject almost all girls.
    - Dev does not make the mistake of many before him, who out of the blue create our Li`s bi-sex, here we have a choice.

    The bad:
    - We hug every 8 seconds on average with every girl, no matter if we are in a relationship with her or not.
    - Imposed two partners
    - Hugging.
    - We sleep(no sex) with absolutely everyone, no matter if in a relationship or not.
    - Absolutely every conversation ends with a hug.
    - Abandoning the sports aspect of the story.
    - After one basketball game, basically the game is about talking and cuddling and sometimes sex.
    - The goal of dev, is to use absolutely every girl model on the market in his game.
    - Did I mention hugging?
    - Did I? That's there's even more hugging.

    A bit more broadly about the game and slightly spoilerish.
    The beginning is quite promising, you get the story of a young basketball player who will undoubtedly be a future star of the sport. He chooses a college that is quite weak for his abilities, but he is driven by the desire to stay with his girlfriend and friend. Unfortunately, in the course of the story we are forced to maintain a relationship with the girlfriend and, to make matters worse, another one is forced upon us. Fortunately, with the next women we already have a choice and can reject them and, most importantly, it depends on our choice whether the girls will be bi, if not I would probably rate it 1/5 and abandon it long ago.There are dozens of girls in the game and with each update more are thrown in, if you are one of those who go for all of them and you play for the sex scenes, which are not the best although most of the forced ones with two imposed girls i skipped then you are probably will be enjoyed playing it it .Back to the plot, the basketball player after just one quarter of the game in which we "play" dev practically abandons the sports aspect of the game and focuses on the antagonist, who disappears after his defeat. It all happens quite early on, and from that point on the game changes to meet a new girl or girls, have sex with them and hug them or just hug them. Then we hug the ones we've already met and have sex, then talk to someone else and hug them, go to the next room/location where we meet a new girl and hug her.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with good renders and well written english. 90% of the characters are women and they're all into the MC which is kinda weird, but not a deal breaker.

    Spicy scenes are alright and could use a little bit more animation but that's not an easy ask (lots of work).

    All in all: worth playing.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    Too much dialogue that's just filler with not enough content. Once again I think I am starting to understand the Harem haters. I have liked this genre for the longest time. Somewhere, along the line though certain games decided to crank up the Pokemon aspect of this of gotta catch em all and this game is the epitome of the trash. Too many similar/same models rehashed, too many girls to even care about them, & again no proceeding with the plot (this last one is probably because of the sheer number of girls).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic render quality, engaging storyline, and plenty of "content" ;D
    I've followed the development of WVM for a few years now and with each update the quality improves more and more. Despite the struggles in Braindrop's life, it's clear this is a project born from true passion and I'm glad I've stuck with it every step of the way.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Fun Shaundi

    I was a fan of this VN when it just came out: It was something that felt new, fresh, the obligated GF who you cannot dump was never of my liking but at least had a charismatic and fun personality, and all the girls you met had some distinct variety.
    As the game progressed, it got worse and worse. The storyline went from 'fictional/fantastic' to 'ridiculous/over the top' too fast. Too many things happening at once , all the girls eventually get the same personality (worshipers who treat MC as a god in a ridiculous way), and despite being harem there's way too many girls, so many that you just end up getting quantity over quality. (which sucks, cause every girl had an potential interesting story when you just met them, then it just falls flat).

    It also didn't help that the author is a self-proclaimed 'contrarian', so instead of taking (the initial) constructive criticism by fans who actually loved the game, he just kept adding more of what annoyed people, which resulted in cartoonish expressions from the girls that made them look unappealing.

    It's sad cause this one got so much potential and I was rooting for it, but IMO it gets worse with every update.