
Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
spoilers please :)
He didn't mention any names except Cedey and unless you've got that far in the story you won't know who she is anyway.

Wendy isn't exactly a spoiler, she's been mentioned in the game from the start.

Not nit picking, just pointing out his post didn't spoil any of the story. Cedey isn't known as Cedey so no one will know until it's revealed anyway.

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
i wonder ...will Wendy move in with them ?she will right?she must....right?i hope
i hope we get to see more of her in the next update....well more of her and Cedey
i think she will also ... soon i hope :)
my only thoughts about her moving in tho .. will Willow go after Wendy for letting her go or will Willow still love Wendy ?
I think that Wendy will either move in with them or find a place near by so she can be close and still give them space. Willow did say she has seen mom (Wendy) here and there so I don't know what her reactions will be when she sees them both. I just hope it is not something like Wendy sees Stacy and says how much she misses her and is sorry she let her go. I will probably have a mental breakdown if that happens.


Devoted Member
Mar 28, 2017
Just a random observation, but has anyone paid attention to MC's nutritional intake? Not counting Meals On Legs (aka cunnilingus) and the ocassional knuckle sandwich, both of which are pretty low on nutritional value, I can only recall off the top of my head:

-Breakfast for dinner with Azel
-Pizza at Harp's place
-A burger from the diner Penny works at
-Chicken or a salad or Por que no los dos? at House 2: The Second Story
-The Chef's Special during the Shauna date

Did I miss any meals, or even mentions of food? Not a critisism, this isn't Lord Of The Rings where every meal gets its own three pages. I just thought it was funny that between the sex and the sport (mostly sex though) MC seems to burn a LOT of calories and doesn't seem the need to replenish that often.
Play BB.After 1000 breakfasts and 1000 dinners you should never feel hungry again.
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Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2017
Until someone proves to me that Damien does not have a parent in the hospital that is being paid for by Ryker or someone Ryker works with/for I understand why Damien was there. I can't put a stranger/someone I just met/teammate over family. I know you all think he should have done more, but if you have to choose between saving a family member or teammate I am sorry family wins every time. Now if we find out that the family thing is a lie well than fuck Damien, but until that is shown to me he has a chance to redeem himself somehow. I have to play the role of neutral here since I need more information to make a proper judgement on Damien. I support that fact the Damien is being kicked off the team as well as being kicked out of the school, but leaving him open to a path of redemption could help down the road. We have no idea as to what Damien knows about Ryker's plans, just because Ryker is in jail does not mean his plans can not move forward.

I know you are all ready to give up on him, but keep an open mind. We don't know his side of the story completely yet. Hell him and Gorg could be playing double agents as well. Just a reminder all we know that Damien did was spy on the MC, give that information to Ryker. Yes he showed up to the bowling event with Ryker but we did not see him attack anyone, we saw him carry away the injured person and bring him inside. Then we know he tried to stop anyone from going outside. We do not know exactly what that meant and what other actions he took. Yes he aligned with the side of evil, but a lot of good people make mistakes and can be forgiven later. It is now just a wait and see game.
I'll give you the path to redemption point , sure I don't mind letting that door open BUT doing nothing is the same as doing the deed
How should i say this...take for example american law...murder charge...if they are 2 people involved both will be tried for murder even if the other one was coerced in some way he still is as guilty as the other person who did the deed, in the eyes of the law.
Now if i'm mistaken...please correct but I'm 99% sure thats the case, and even if I'm mistaken I still feel like he could have done a bit more to help us out, I'm not saying put me over your family but maybe for example let me know that he was coming here to stirr shit up, things like that.

The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
Until someone proves to me that Damien does not have a parent in the hospital that is being paid for by Ryker or someone Ryker works with/for I understand why Damien was there. I can't put a stranger/someone I just met/teammate over family. I know you all think he should have done more, but if you have to choose between saving a family member or teammate I am sorry family wins every time. Now if we find out that the family thing is a lie well than fuck Damien, but until that is shown to me he has a chance to redeem himself somehow. I have to play the role of neutral here since I need more information to make a proper judgement on Damien. I support that fact the Damien is being kicked off the team as well as being kicked out of the school, but leaving him open to a path of redemption could help down the road. We have no idea as to what Damien knows about Ryker's plans, just because Ryker is in jail does not mean his plans can not move forward.

I know you are all ready to give up on him, but keep an open mind. We don't know his side of the story completely yet. Hell him and Gorg could be playing double agents as well. Just a reminder all we know that Damien did was spy on the MC, give that information to Ryker. Yes he showed up to the bowling event with Ryker but we did not see him attack anyone, we saw him carry away the injured person and bring him inside. Then we know he tried to stop anyone from going outside. We do not know exactly what that meant and what other actions he took. Yes he aligned with the side of evil, but a lot of good people make mistakes and can be forgiven later. It is now just a wait and see game.
I don't honestly give a crap about Damien either way but to be fair his presence there that night doesn't automatically indicate that he has some deeper involvement in Ryker's shit. It could simply be that Ryker has put him on a shorter leash now that his working for him is out in the open and forced him to come along.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
we saw him carry away the injured person and bring him inside. [/ISPOILER]
That person wasn't injured, it was a fake to get someone in, that was said by someone. The person he carried in started some shit.

I'm well aware of your eagerness top forgive someone that screwed over not just his team but his own girlfriend on more than one occasion and was more than willing to go along with violence and the kidnapping of a girl and possible murder as that would be the only way to keep her quiet.

However some of us would rather he fucked right off and never returned.

Like I said, if he is due a forgiveness run it needs to be very fucking optional.

As far as i'm concerned they can go ahead and carry on with their plan to kick all 3 of them out and good riddance.

That would be a deal breaker for me, i'm not into the whole "power of friendship" bollocks. You fuck up, you deal with the consequences and he fucked up way too many times for me to ever give a shit about any sob story he dreams up.

Same for that other parasite, Kenji.

I also don't give a toss if big and hairy was puling his punches because "he's really a good guy and didn't want to hurt him just make it look like he was" because he stopped giving info to Belle and could have stopped that whole shit show.

Trust is earned not given and Damian did nothing to earn mine in the first place and shit on every single reason to ever trust him again.


Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2017
That person wasn't injured, it was a fake to get someone in, that was said by someone. The person he carried in started some shit.

I'm well aware of your eagerness top forgive someone that screwed over not just his team but his own girlfriend on more than one occasion and was more than willing to go along with violence and the kidnapping of a girl and possible murder as that would be the only way to keep her quiet.

However some of us would rather he fucked right off and never returned.

Like I said, if he is due a forgiveness run it needs to be very fucking optional.

As far as i'm concerned they can go ahead and carry on with their plan to kick all 3 of them out and good riddance.

That would be a deal breaker for me, i'm not into the whole "power of friendship" bollocks. You fuck up, you deal with the consequences and he fucked up way too many times for me to ever give a shit about any sob story he dreams up.

Same for that other parasite, Kenji.

I also don't give a toss if big and hairy was puling his punches because "he's really a good guy and didn't want to hurt him just make it look like he was" because he stopped giving info to Belle and could have stopped that whole shit show.

Trust is earned not given and Damian did nothing to earn mine in the first place and shit on every single reason to ever trust him again.
110% agree


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
yea we got tagged in the middle of that mess but I wasn't quite sure what they were saying either lol

Basically we were talking about different things. Imperial was making a point that Ryker had no reason to lie about something since he hates MC anyway and that supported that Damien told the truth, While my point was the fact that Damien was there at all and all those times he left Jasmine alone gives a strong indication that he is way deeper into the Ryker posse as he had said. Whether the reason he stated for starting and continued to work for Ryker was true or a lie.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Snipped because long post and I just wanted to clarify something
I just want to point out that I have no issue with you wanting to forgive him. I do love that you are that open for redemption and the world is a damn sight better for having people like you in it.

It's just not my choice of things to happen is all and his character annoys me.

Just wanted to clear that up because I don't want you thinking i'm getting at you with my Damian rant.

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
yea we got tagged in the middle of that mess but I wasn't quite sure what they were saying either lol
Yeah I saw that and thought to myself did I say those lines in one of my posts? I mean I do say a lot of crazy stuff here, but I couldn't read through the crazy there like I normally can.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
I own 2 Gwyneth Paltrow pussy candles.

I can't verify if they do or don't smell like Gwyneth Paltrow's pussy but they do smell really nice.
Really 2? At how much per, again? :oops: Cuz, canned tuna costs about $2, although you'd have to provide yer own wick. Just saying.

I really need her to visit me so I can compare.

Look, I know she's weird but she's still hot and i'd totally tongue punch that punani.
Not gonna judge someone else's celebrity crushes, considering my long list of really out-there choices.

But considering no other celebrities jumped on the scented candle band-wagon, it's probably a good indication of exactly how weird dear Gwyneth is.

I wonder what the marketing slogan for other celebrities would be though. :unsure: Like take for example Dwayne Johnson.

"Can you SMEEELLLLL.... what THE ROCK is PACKING?!?"

I wonder what MC's marketing slogan would be...

"This Candle Smells Like A Foot-long Soaked In About A Dozen Different Pussies And Assholes"?

The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019

Basically we were talking about different things. Imperial was making a point that Ryker had no reason to lie about something since he hates MC anyway and that supported that Damien told the truth, while my point was the fact that Damien was there and all those times he left Jasmine alone gives a strong indication that he is way deeper into the Ryker posse as he had said. Whether the reason he said that he started to work for Ryker was true of a lie.
I kinda adressed that in a post of mine a bit up the page in reply to loco prolly would ben better aimed at one of you but like I said that whole exchange was kind of a mess lol

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
That person wasn't injured, it was a fake to get someone in, that was said by someone. The person he carried in started some shit.
Holy crap did I really miss that? I need to do another play through because I swear the guy he brought in needed medical attention and verified that Ryker and his crew attacked first.
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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
I know you are all ready to give up on him, but keep an open mind. We don't know his side of the story completely yet. Hell him and Gorg could be playing double agents as well. Just a reminder all we know that Damien did was spy on the MC, give that information to Ryker. Yes he showed up to the bowling event with Ryker but we did not see him attack anyone, we saw him carry away the injured person and bring him inside. Then we know he tried to stop anyone from going outside. [/ISPOILER]
And as was stated later after that event...the bouncer was involved...as were some inside staff. Quite easy to assume given that information, that Damien was to be a part of the 'make sure no one comes outside to help' group. It was never said in the game to my recollection..but the whole thing..inside, outside, Damien...was planned very carefully.

So, on on the outside of things...Damien looks like he was keeping people safe...or you could look at it that Damien was making sure no one intervened ...(unusually...right with Ava and the other guy here) you're just automatically assuming he was 'helping', remember though, team mates only showed up 'after' they overpowered those inside. So my mind is wide open...I'm sat firmly on the fence with him (but nothing goes in his favor I'm afraid from my pov) and all of his actions and words so far could be either/or (without further proof to the contrary).
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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2018
Until someone proves to me that Damien does not have a parent in the hospital that is being paid for by Ryker or someone Ryker works with/for I understand why Damien was there. I can't put a stranger/someone I just met/teammate over family. I know you all think he should have done more, but if you have to choose between saving a family member or teammate I am sorry family wins every time. Now if we find out that the family thing is a lie well than fuck Damien, but until that is shown to me he has a chance to redeem himself somehow. I have to play the role of neutral here since I need more information to make a proper judgement on Damien. I support that fact the Damien is being kicked off the team as well as being kicked out of the school, but leaving him open to a path of redemption could help down the road. We have no idea as to what Damien knows about Ryker's plans, just because Ryker is in jail does not mean his plans can not move forward.

I know you are all ready to give up on him, but keep an open mind. We don't know his side of the story completely yet. Hell him and Gorg could be playing double agents as well. Just a reminder all we know that Damien did was spy on the MC, give that information to Ryker. Yes he showed up to the bowling event with Ryker but we did not see him attack anyone, we saw him carry away the injured person and bring him inside. Then we know he tried to stop anyone from going outside. We do not know exactly what that meant and what other actions he took. Yes he aligned with the side of evil, but a lot of good people make mistakes and can be forgiven later. It is now just a wait and see game.
I am neutral to Damien but am happy as well that he is off the team and being kicked out of school. But it makes you wonder how he comes back from that, being kicked out of school means he more than likely wont get accepted to a new school. Plus this season was apparently hIs last chance to impress the scouts so his career is more than likely finished Plus if his mom really is sick he has absolutely no way to take on more debt to try to get into another school when he can’t even afford his moms treatments.
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