VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game, the story is honestly really good so far, i'm always waiting nervously for the next update to see how things will progress, the animations are also really good and pleasant to watch, the characters are just gorgeous and each one of them have a unique personnality i really took a liking to a lot of them.
    I'm eager to see how this game will lead us.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    - Jamie is the GOAT. She is everything you want in a GF, she's got the looks, the body, she cares about you, and she wants nothing more than for you to be happy. The fact that she not only lets you fuck whoever you want but actively HELPS you in doing so makes her just about the perfect love interest in a game like this.

    - Girls literally throwing themselves at you, which is what we all came here for anyway lol.

    - I know this is just an adult game and it's not meant to be super polished or a literary masterpiece, but the story gets frustrating at times, or rather the way the story is told, it's like huge exposition dump after exposition dump.
    - By Day 3 or 4 the MC's schedule gets to be exhausting, even annoying. You do something and then you have to report to each and every girl and give them a rundown of what you did and then meticulously let them know everything you are going to do for the rest of the day. Story would be a lot smoother if everyone could just get updated on what has happened without the MC having to do so himself.
    - There are certain characters whose storylines I ended up skipping entirely, because nothing was happening and it was just the same story over and over. Coach Harper is such a demanding character, while not really offering anything, she needs help. Azel could also have been pretty much written out completely and there would be almost no change in anything, all she does is blame herself and apologize.

    I know I wrote a lot for the cons, but it's because I got really into the game and have some strong feelings. Overall this game is better than the majority of the games on this site and should definitely be played.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Edited to add some further observations at the beginning of Season 2:
    It's hard for me to understand the rave reviews this gets. Even if you like happy harem games, there are way better out there, and if that isn't your type of game, this one literally has next to nothing going for it.
    Still, this gets reviews about how it is the best harem game on the site, with a great story and fantastic renders.
    To me, that's just infuriating. How low do your standards have to be to think that this has the best story? This isn't even soap opera level, this is just boring. The MC talks, talks, talks, talks with all these girls, and they are all long and completely pointless conversations, often interrupted by another girl, who then starts the same conversation with the MC again.
    Ugh. Render quality is good, BUT they all have this horrible duckface and are all tweaked to look somewhat familiar, so that basically ruins the quality of renders.
    I like Harem games, but frankly, I expect more, I expect a story, I expect at least a small, tiny level of rationality and realism and I want there to be some limit to the numbers of girls, so that I can form at least some of an emotional connection with the girls.
    I fear that the very same people who love this game so much are also the ones exerting pressure on devs in many game threads and as it seems with the goal to change all games to be more like WVM and in this case this means a bland and boring harem story, with an overabundance of identical girls (characters, not looks), with lame vanilla sex, no tension, no thrill, nothing to keep you interested but the power fantasy of having every girl that sees you want to be with you.
    But it's not even a good power fantasy, because the MC is such a fucking wet blanket.
    I hope the future the game's fans want for this site never comes to pass, nothing could be worse than a majority of games here following that same lame pattern.

    I waited a long time to review this game, because it's successful and lots of people love it and I know my review won't put a dent into all these raving 5 Star reviews, unless maybe if I gave it one star, which it doesn't deserve at all.
    In the end, I decided to do a review so that people know what to expect.

    This game is 100% vain wish fulfilment.
    The MC is the best at his game (basketball), he is ridiculously famous in the town he just started to live in (IDK how it is with college athletes in the US, but I doubt there's THIS much celebrity hogwash around them usually), EVERY SINGLE GIRL HE MEETS WANTS TO FUCK HIM and none of them have any problem with him fucking them all and having multiple girlfriends.

    So it's a harem and that's fine, I really like harem games, but even for me it's just too much, too many girls (with non-distinguishable personalities or so glaringly two dimensional that they are just boring), too easy to achieve, without humour and any finesse in writing that makes up for an unbelievable story.

    The thing is, if your fetish is easily achievable harem, with little to no problems to achieve it, with literally dozens of girls available to fuck, this is exactly the game you want.
    The girls only have eyes for the MC (he sleeps with about 10 of them in one bed, just after a few days), they aren't even into each other at all, which I always consider a horrible waste and it seems every update there are a few new ones.
    Again, if that is what you look for in a game, this is exactly what you want.

    For me, there are issues, some I've already mentioned and I don't want to drivel on endlessly about how it is just too much for me, so let's instead go to the other problems.

    The art.... it's alright, some girls look really good, some look weird yet attractive, some just look weird... one major issue is the duck-face though, never before have I seen it used to such an incredible extent. There isn't a single girl in the game (and remember we are talking dozens of them here) who doesn't have it to some extent, and most have it so strong it looks almost like a disfigurement.
    It's just the weirdest fetish to have for me, that some stupid grimace is the standard face-set for all girls in this game and in the beginning it drove me crazy, now I'm kinda used to it, but it's still weird.

    I did write you can get all women easily... well that's not completely true.
    I like milfs and I like taboo relationships and there's not enough of that here.
    Yes, there are some milfs and at least one with whom you have a sort of relationship, but the pretty milfy teachers? They are way too clingy and you think all the time, that it will happen now, but so far it never does.
    Damn, do I want to boink that baseball coach, but no just hugs and kisses.

    Even though from the beginning there were hints that the MC and his stepmom have more than familial love for each other, it will seemingly never happen, because patreon. No patch, nothing.
    And that goes for the lovely sister as well and it also means you will never get your main girlfriend to eat out her sister, who is also part of the coven by now.
    That just sucks. Especially in the step mom's case, because it was clearly intended, shown by kisses and looks and even characters talking about it.
    This is of course something you can't mention in the thread at all, you will get angry replies and a dozen facepalm emojis, from all the rabid fanboys, who wildly deny that incest (even step-incest) was ever a planned thing.

    To sum it up, this is a nice harem game, with no tension, all girls have at least one slight deformity and there will be no incest (except maybe kinda, not sure, possibly some independent, not promised patch ONCE the game is FINISHED).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What's not to love about this game? From the simple visual novel-esque mechanisms of the game, to the wide variety of beautiful characters that are either romanceable or will be romanceable soon, to how badass and awesome the MC is, this game always makes me feel good and I always look forward to the next update. Especially when the regulars on this thread always add something new to the table and bring up interesting and amusing discussions.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    MC is a 'good guy'
    Great story overall - lots of plot 'highs and lows'; many interesting characters; opportunity to pursue multiple relationships with MC
    First person POV - allows player to 'be' the MC
    Nice, detailed renders of the characters
    Animations smooth
    A few grammatical / language issues
    Maybe have a few more animations
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I started to play the game, when it was at day 4. Since then, I did my best, to get the most recent updates, as soon as they came out here in F95Zone (a bit low on cash, to join the other Patrons), because this game is awesome!
    Without giving out spoilers, here's my review:
    This is one of only few VN's to give us some sports on the side (probably the only one with basketball in it). Luckily, I'm a fan of basketball (European one, though), so it was one of the reasons, why I started to play WVM.
    Now, there isn't a lot of basketball (It's an adult VN, what do you guys expect?), however this game gives enough side drama, to have an interesting, somewhat simple, yet fun story. Besides, the story itself could have a shot at Hollywood (Maybe a bit exaggerating, but you get the point).
    Graphics are great as well, there're a lot of lewd scenes and usually, the amount grows up by at least one per update.
    Another thing, that usually comes up with a great game, is a great community. There are lots and lots of theories, cults and other crazy stuff going on in the discussions, however they are still incredibly supportive to both the author of the game, as well as each other. Great job, folks!
    Well, there is one shakier part, and that is the author - Braindrop. This guy goes for the perfection (at least in quality). While it usually is a great thing, in some cases it is visible, that it adds a weird effect, where the author is seemingly forced to constantly apologize for delays. Honestly, man, the majority of community does not care about those delays, because we all seen, how difficult Your situation was. My advice is - Ignore the bad comments, those are common within any great stuff, regardless, if it's a game or something else. That heavy apologizing might also look a bit weird, so I recommend to not overdo it (That's experience talking, it looks somewhat bad) either. Stay healthy, safe and keep up the great work, because it's been obviously beyond great so far.
    To conclude this, this game is absolutely worth to play, hereby I rate it 5.5/5 (+ 0.5 because it's 2020).
    Keep doing the awesome job, Braindrop!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting Story, Lovely Main Charakter + Family/Friend/Harem.
    Atm, Twice a Month updates, sofar everything goes as planed. No Incest and NTR, which would feel weird in this Game. A Dev who comunicates with the Patrons/Users. Community which is pretty supportive to the Dev and the Users who needs help.
    So all in all: Passt schon.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1490985

    Fantastic game! Not particularly realistic, it has a fairytale vibe, but I wouldn’t count that as a problem. The characters are almost all lovable, and the girls are hot. This has quickly become one of my favorites!
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I felt so SO Disappointed and have to give 1 star. Got Baited by dem positive rating so hard.

    The girls are FUGLY, FUUUGLY.
    I gave up after encountering the crossed-eye, purple haired chick (not the main girl, i didn't bother to catch the crossed-eye's name).. i just can't...
    I can only think of 2-3 girls that actually good looking (i guess zoe, kimmy and the half shaved blond, i think her name starts with "s"?).

    Story is not intriguing. So much dialogue and stalling.

    some of the lewd scenes are good tho, esp. with zoe, i liked the scenes with her.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I have never been invested into a visual novel so heavily. Genuinely makes me yearn for more. Them visuals are fantastic, everyone is so god dang adorable. So good it made me sub to their patreon, which I very seldom do. Give it a shot.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok That will be a long review i guess.

    General Thoughts:

    This is one of the best game i played recently and in the top 10 of this site according to my taste. I played it for 2 days straight and been really glad i didn't try it earlier cause doing it this way was so great! I'm quite pleased by this game even if i have quite a lot of criticism but who doesn't ;)

    Graphics: 5 Stars (easy)

    So this game is GORGEOUS! All the girls are well done, the decor is nice sometimes great and sex is great to.

    About the girls: Ow MY F god!!! The two main girls are just perfection. The side characters are often gorgeous even if some are not my cup of tea. The outfits are generally top quality. Eyes and lips are what make this game special for me. I wish we could have some pubes but that's ok to me.

    Sex and animation is kind of ok/good. Basically that's great if you see one scene. It lacks of diversity by my standards, we have generally a porn clip sequence: Kiss, strip, Blow, fuck and moneyshot. I don't say there is not diversity but it lacks a bit for my taste. And obviously the problem which turn down the rating is the animation which is basic . Not much to say about that, it makes the job done but not really fancy or gorgeous. Better have this than nothing....

    Sounds NR easy there are none.

    Scenario: Hum... difficult to rate i have plenty to say. Objectively i would rate it 3.5, for me that was 4+

    So... How to start...

    I won't resume everything like people often do but i did like a lot the premises which was very original. Felt a lot like something that could be true in reality and that's a really reaaaaaaaaly good point!

    Sooooo things turned to be a really good harem game if you like the onewith the chick magnet guy. If you like more games with choices and consequences ( BaDick, WTHI etc...) this game is not for you! Oh yes you will enjoy it nonetheless but you got it didn't you?

    Basketball is not my forte but this game had a good balance about slice of life and sport in it. If you thinks about a more reality inspired criticism it is quite a joke... the guys doesn't really train hard and if somebody has that work ethic he will be nobody really quickly... But that's ok like i said initially because that's a Porn game ^^

    Tackling some hard thing now: Inconsistencies! This game is riddled of them and sometimes that's hard to get by it. I won't make a list (but i can ^^ ) because they are quite numerous. I talk about story, personality etc... Not a deal breaker but sometimes that was hard on my immersion. The big one is the time management! It is awful and really i don't mess around. Ethan's day is about 30-35h long and not 24 like everyone else... You can get 3 dates, 2-3 fucks, 2 training, 5-6 scenes and 1 classroom in one day WOWWW TOOO much. That's overwhelming and difficult to follow sometimes. Especially when you go out of the classroom and you see 3-4 girls in succession with each their problem. You forgot everything you were to do before that lol. That would have been so easily fixed with doing less with more time simply... There's game outhere which has so less content and don't feel empty with a good time management. It's like the author wanted to blow our mind and make the more in the less time possible. That's a shame because it hurt the game even if it comes from the best intention. My little bit of advice no more than 3-4 plots a day and that's all good! Easy fix for future update! Ethan has 1 year to go and we got 8 days seems like weeks lol

    One point of the story and i hope english people can relate to that but the story was about "CareBears" for me,Bisounours in my language. Everyone is happy everyone is kind ^^ For the main character, the building was great and we get the idea why with the dreams and all (no spoiler) but for the others??? i never met people like all of them lool. Even the hardcore "bitch" is at heart some kind of lame carebear ^^ Hopefully, there is some villain but even one of them is not so dark and
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    Quite funny to think about the carebears but when you see the number of hugs in this game LMAO I had enough.
    BUT and that's a big BUT, i like it nonetheless!!! Yes that's was refreshing with all those game about bitch, slaves and corruption (i do like them please continue making them)

    One big point i wish to discuss is about the 2nd chapter when everything turn to harem game sooooo quickly! No build up, no work, everything is offered on a silver plate with a sexy playmate on it When you see all the content offered in game about this theme you get it, so much girls stories etc... you can't have that or this game will be way more longer...

    The length of the content is realllllly awesome!! This is a long game with lot and lot of interesting scenes , side stories etc... I'm impressed!

    The choices: Not really one if i say so myself. To resume, i would say it is more about what you want to see like a menu and not so much about story crosspath and true choices. Maybe for elisabeth but i have played only once so i don't know.

    So there it is my review one of the biggest i wrote to date and i hope you enjoyed it. Ah and yes the final rating is way better than my point to point math average because i like a lot this game PERIOD ;)

    EDIT: I 'm reading and correcting it for a few more minutes i need to see it printed before validating this enormous review for a non english speaking guy ;)
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a game of extremes.

    The renders are absolutely fantastic. It's a beautiful game. The dev has put the whole 9 yards into making the game look lovely. It's worth 4 stars or more simply based off the very obvious effort put in to make the characters look brilliant.

    But..... the game suffers from being just a bit too bloated and incredibly too convenient. Like the Main character has absolute bullet-proof plot armour. Everything just aligns up for him. I don't mean that bad things don't happen, or I'm annoying because I want to see bad things happen to him, it's more.... it seems to be so perfect it feels artificial. At times it kinda comes off like he's actually in his own version of the Truman Show. Like he could buy a jacket from Goodwill, put his hand in the pocket and pull out a faberge egg.

    He's a top athlete, on the way to the top. Gets his choice of locations for his education but goes to a smaller school for personal reasons. Solid opening, quite original. He has a beautiful girlfriend but they haven't done the deed yet. He also has a beautiful best friend who wants to jump his bones. He then has the choice to admit his feelings with her but then the girlfriend finds out but she loves the MC SO SO SO SO MUCH she wants to share him. Wut? So he is now completely guilt free to starts sleeping with basically every female character with a pulse within 20 minutes of meeting him. Age doesn't matter, social status doesn't matter. They all want his dick and have no issue opening their legs for him basically immediately like his dick can cure the rona. So that's.... odd. You COULD explain it away by pointing out he's basically a super star (for his level) basketball player but I don't think you fully realise just how many women we're talking about here that just want his dick.

    As I mentioned, the women on offer are almost oppressively vast. It's a game which doesn't so much need a walkthrough as a glossary of the women to work out who is who. On more than one occasion I've had to stop and go search to see who the hell a particular character is. There are something like 15 odd characters with lewd scenes (ranging from nudity to full sex) and although admiralable I think the game is actually the worse for it. From playing... I think 7 days of game time there's so many characters I feel I'm not actually getting to enjoy most of them apart from the "main" two. And not only that but because it seems I'm meeting so many different characters, the ones I've already met I don't feel are getting the scope to flesh them out. Some only appear for one scene then you don't see them again for a few days. The problem is because there's so many women the game feels really really busy. And looking at it from a high level development perspective I think that'll cause the game serious problems in the long run. It spends so much time introducing new characters for the MC to sleep with that it feels the story is punted into the long grass. Which is a shame because the times when the game slows down enough to actually expand on a character, it's brilliantly written.

    To put it into perspective, the game was first posted here in August 30th 2019. So after a year and change in real time, a week has passed in game time. A lot of sex happened in that week sure, but it's still a week of story. The game could do an awful lot better by having 3 scenes with 6 characters as opposed to 1 scene with 18.

    A beautiful game where you are only about 10 clicks from sleeping with someone but if you're playing it because you want to follow a story then I'd recommend parking it and coming back in a year.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Great renders, very sexy girls and a lot of variety. You even have optional trans girls in it, which is always nice.

    That's about as much good you will get out of this "game". This feels like it was made by a virgin, to virgins who never had a girlfriend in their life and are completely oblivious to how girls act in a relationship and/or towards guys in real life.

    The MC is the most boring character ever. He's a literal god in the game who does no wrong, always says the right thing and has no flaws. Girls throw themselves at him and worship him with no development, no personality and just so happen to be okay with getting cucked by the MC.

    Look, if you want to press Ctrl to skip dialog and just fap to the renders, this is a good one-time playthrough to waste your time with. But so is real porn which happens to be better in every regard. Like, this game was able to make threesomes boring, even a threesome between a girl, a trans girl and the MC. How on earth are you able to fail that?

    This game is mediocre, boring, uninspired and a big waste of time. None of the choices matter, the girls are unrealistic and braindead who worship the male Mary Sue that is the MC, for no reason.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is actually incredible, from the girls to the story/plot, everything just keeps drawing me in and i couldn't stop playing it. The only downsides to this game are no incest as well as that certain variables like "daddy" kinks cant be changed from within the menu if you only wanted it to be for one scene and realized that you preferred it the other way, i feel that a menu that would allow you to change the variables on relationships with girls could also be useful to be able to see certain dialogues or scenes without having to replay the whole game again. However, these two are really only preferences and does not take away from how good this game is.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    I Got No Strings On Me

    I'm giving this a poor rating vs terrible as you will get many hours of good gameplay out of it. What follows however is a convoluted nightmare of nonsense that makes it boring and aggravating to continue giving a fuck about the MC or any of his paramour's. From IDK the eighth time or so the MC changes houses I just couldn't seem to want to look at Ducklip's BigAss or TokenGender Swapboy again.

    Insignificant choices, unrealistic MC, and pandering to pateron have this game crapping out after around day two. Do yourself a favor and play the first two ingame days and consider it and what follows as two separate offerings from the developer.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just... i dont know to describe how good it is so far so here it go.

    I am a huge fan of harem games or college games and the combination is usually something I was looking to play, that said if I could only play one game on this site it would be WVM.

    (BD) has created a wonderful story of a small town boy who goes to a college with a losing basketball team and begins to transform the lives of everyone he meets. Yes, there is a lot of sex but that isn't the reason I play this game (okay, not the only reason), the dialogue and relationships feel more realistic than a lot of games I've played. The renders are top notch, the women are cute, sexy, beautiful and I look forward to every update. I normally can go to sleep after one of the games on this site but with this one i just couldn't until i played more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2910840

    I`m not usually into harem type games and tend to go for ones with female main chars (though not many around), so I wasn`t sure about this one and the basketball theme put me off, but I love college theme games and decided to give it a try. I `m glad I did!

    This game was really addictive.
    The MC, our boy, is like a really nice guy who is a superstar arrived at an average college. Our guy meets lots of nice girls with their own personalities and helps them cause he`s just that kind of guy and cause he likes adding hot girls to his harem hihi.

    The story is fun and kinda sucks you in, wanting more and rooting for our boy plus the girls are hot and my favorite is Shauna...she has such a great personality and great taste in hair dye hihi. Bailey is cute too...and Willow when we see her other side. The baddies are real assholes and Ryker would sooo get my stiletto heel in his testicles!

    I enjoyed this game so much and really look forward to the plot updates and drama....Cedey and Brubru made something land in my eyes and water..uhm yeah.

    The dev really seems to care about his game and his fans, he should feel proud of his work. Well done Mr Braindrop!
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I know that my opinion isn't the popular one, but I'm going to say it anyway.

    This game is boring.

    It's another typical harem game, but there's not even any worthwhile story. It's just the MC banging his way through nearly every single girl he encounters while doing the most mundane things. Every girl you meets acts almost exactly the same, and nothing interesting outside of the sex scenes ever happens, or if it does, it leads to nothing except more unresolved plot. Not to mention the dialogue is dull and repetitive. I feel like the same conversations are being repeated over and over. Dark Magic, for all its narrative nonsense, has a better story than this game.

    Also, there is far too much emphasis placed on certain characters that don't really matter to the plot, to the point where I have to wonder why they are there to begin with.

    For example, the MC's adoptive mother. The way things seem to be going - especially given some of the dialogue with Rachael - leads you to believe that there is going to be a sexual relationship developing. But no. It never happens, and according to the dev, who is a stickler for Patreon rules for some reason, it'll never happen.

    I can't help but feel like this was a giant waste of time, and because this is a visual novel with no real choice as to whom the MC interacts with, you can't skip over it. I've come to the conclusion that the build-up was supposed to be leading to a sexual relationship, but because the dev apparently isn't creative enough to make an, "incest," patch for the game that locks off the non-Patreon friendly content (as though Patreon is suddenly a gatekeeper of morality), all those scenes just go nowhere. Obviously the original plan was to include incest. Why else would she be so prominently featured? If there isn't going to be any incest, why include a sexy stepmom character dressed in sexy clothes and put her front and center in the game?

    Simply put, the dev should have figured out what the rules were and made a decision on how the game was going to be structured and what characters would play what roles before he started working on it. At this point, the whole plot-line of the MC trying to figure out how his birth mother being alive affects his relationship with his stepmother shouldn't even be in this game. You could cut all of that out, and it wouldn't affect the overall plot in the slightest, except to make it quite a bit shorter. And this isn't the only place where the game could afford to cut some narrative fat. There are quite a few other characters that are seemingly just a tease, and haven't, or possibly aren't going to lead to anything, despite significant interactions.

    I'm also not a fan of the plot twist at the end of day seven. It seems very out of step with everything that has been happening so far. Why would a bunch of thugs go after a college basketball star to find out where the college president is? It seems to me there would be a dozen better people to go to for that information before you'd start interrogating college athletes.

    I think the dev should have focused on either the college corruption plot, or the MC's birth mother plot, instead of both. The MC doesn't seem like the sort to be involved in the former, considering he seems to have an IQ no greater than his shoe size, but focusing on that would have kept players from wasting time building up relationships that lead nowhere, though as I wrote above, there is a significant amount of that regardless. I found myself rapid-fire clicking my way through the dialogue at some points because I just didn't care anymore about the nth girl the MC has met and charmed in the space of two minutes while more unnecessary backstories and pointless drama are piled on. It all feels very unfocused.

    That's a real shame, because this game has fantastic renders (duckface aside), and the animations are ok, but nothing amazing. The only complaint I have in that regard is Jamie's (MC's girlfriend) hair is constantly in the way of her magnificent breasts. However, having played through to the end of day seven, I feel like I've seen all this game has to offer. It's not going to get any better than this, and the story isn't enough to hold my interest.

    The lesson here is that sometimes less is more.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so good. I love it. BD has done a really good job with the story and the characters.
    Great renders, there has to be a girl to suit every taste. This is the game that I check the most for updates and keep coming back to. One of a few that has had me in tears from the story and writing.

    It can be a little slow in spots, but that really only gives you time to process everything and get your emotions under control.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game... Wow!

    I am not a huge fan of harem games or college games and the combination is usually something I don't play, that said if I could only play one game on this site it would be WVM.

    Braindrop (BD) has created a wonderful story of a small town boy who goes to a college with a losing basketball team and begins to transform the lives of everyone he meets. Yes, there is a lot of sex but that isn't the reason I play this game (okay, not the only reason), the dialogue and relationships feel more realistic than a lot of games I've played. The renders are top notch, the women are cute, sexy, beautiful and I look forward to every update.

    If I was to cite any concerns the main one is that I am worried about the number of women that are in the game already and the number that may continue to be added. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I want the MC to spend more time with the women already in his life and not continue to split his time with more and more and more women. I was going to qualify this with something about how I am worried about the story but I will just end with: I trust BD.