VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, we have there one of most fast growing games of this year. So i taken eye on it.

    Game is not bad at all, scenario is somehow fresh and game nicely flowing. My biggest problem is art in this game. Other people here talking about awesome renders, great models, excelent graphics. ....
    GUYS? LIKE WTHack? WHERE? Tell me please where you saw it? Art in this game is definitelly FAR under average. Many models expressions is somehow almost SCARY, when they trying to smile! Almost al models eyes going crossview ? (AmI using right word for it? Looks funny.) There almost no lighting all renders is done by blank light maybe dome and only camera lights.

    DAMN GUYS! If you want to talking about nice art look on games from Philly, NoTvill, Motkey and many others, but this?!

    Quality of art in this game is big NO ( Games in 2016 looks better than this one). Don't talk about great art, if there is nothing even close to great art. That's probably done, because Dev have little experiences with 3D, fine everybody somehow starting, but that hype around ?

    So my Overall is 3 stars, I finded no bugs, storyline is fine, but art draging that game down in a big way. I didn't give 2 only because I already give 2 to much worse game with many bugs and things around than this one is.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen


    You play as a young athlete who enrolls in a college with a struggling basketball team. Your status as the star player has made you very popular with the ladies, and you are given many perks to play for the team. It's basically the perfect setup for a fun care-free romp. Except for one thing...

    The main character has a girlfriend who is stuck in the deepest depths of the uncanny valley. I find her to be very unattractive in both looks and personality, so I would gladly get rid of her if the game gave me the choice. Unfortunately, the game never gives you that option, which means I'm stuck with her. She also happens to have the most content of any of the girls by far, so you end up seeing an awful lot of her. Which is a shame, since I do enjoy pretty much everything else in the game.

    As far as the gameplay goes, it's a standard visual novel, so there's no grind at all. There are some choices that change how the story unfolds, but the only ones that matter are those that involve side characters. The early game has a seemingly important choice to be made about the two main girls but it doesn't matter in the long run because the game funnels you back onto one path later on. These sorts of fake choices always annoy me so that was a big disappointment.


    Not only has this game failed to improve, but it has gotten much worse over time.

    The facial expressions are still disturbingly unnatural, the main plot continues to railroad you onto one path even when it goes against your early choices, and Jamie is forced on you harder than ever before. There are a bunch of new characters that are added into an already bloated cast, which slows the development of established characters to a crawl. The new characters are either redundant, pointless, or just plain awful. The main story is poorly developed, with characters making absurdly stupid decisions in order to drive the nonsensical plot forward.

    It was originally a flawed game with a lot of potential, but now it's just a bad game with a handful of sexy scenes scattered about.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I :love: the game the models I have never seen besides your bff who can you chose which gende she have (female or transgender) that idea i thought is damn hot and cool. The story, the text and of course the models are gorgeous and makes so much fun to play this game, I can only give 5 stars so far and can only say so far dl the game guys and try it out.
    Can´t wait for an update but the good part is that I dont reach the end of this version so far. :sneaky:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    ++ Good renders quality and great pool of girls to get close with
    + Animations
    + Story
    + Harem possibility with no downsides? :BootyTime:
    - No sound (really minor minus)

    Really good experience so far. Story is interesting, girls are lovable, lewd content is plenty. What else to wish for really?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    In need of a positive story, different kind/type of girls, beautifully made models and an active creator? Search no further.

    Models, 10/10. Not only the quality, but also the different types and how the MC talks with them. It feels natural. I have to go back, but not many animations atm. Mostly, there are high quality pictures. Not to mention, none of them are ripped from somewhere. Or not that I know of :)

    Story, at the moment of writing this, it is not really original. Or not really out of the box. I really like it, because the mc is a bad ass pussy (he calls himself a pussy, because he cares about people). And the girls love him for it. Maybe something will happen, but at the moment it is a really well written feel good, you in the spotlight kind of story. Ever wanted to be adored because you are really good at something, try this game.

    Fetishes, this game is pretty straight forward. Lots of different models. I bet all sex related positions will be tried. Plus you can choose if your close friend will be a trans or not. It is an option! It isnt forced onto you by the creator. I choose to make her/him a trans. Story wise, I really like it so far.

    Lastly, this is not a shitty grindy sandbox game. Your skills are maxed from the start.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit! How did I miss on this game?! Not letting it get out of my sight now that's for sure!

    The gals are really cute and it was a pleasant surprise to see the option for T content if one wishes it so. Visually the only minor nitpick I have is that the protagonist is walking around with Eiffel tower in his pants!

    The story is nice and moving at a good pace, good balance with teasing and the steamy scenes.
    The only fear I have with a harem story is that some characters may be less developed or have less screentime but so far so good.

    Overall you can't go wrong with this . It is a pleasant game that it won't waste your time!

    Also dev is not a mute and keeps the patrons & fans updated which certainly helped my decision to support him.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This has rapidly become one of my favorite games on the site, great writing good characters, fantastic models, nice animation and a very intriguing story. I really do not have a single bad thing to say about this game, I look forward to every singe update that is put out.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Josh is the name

    Ohoho! What a game! I like the characters and the story, the fact that I can choose which person to engage with, and, even the fact that I can put the second name. Great quality and a great start. That's how you present a game! And, of course, the fact that it's a harem might be making it even better! Great job man! Keep it up!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The Story is amazing sofar!
    love the girls! They're Beautiful and unique!
    Each of them has their one beauty!
    The Render Is Amazing!
    The Animation too!
    The sex scene can maybe more longer,and has more style to choose
    and maybe add some music background and sex background voice/music
    otherwise,what's the preference setting for? hehe
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing. Great renders, fun story, lots of hot women to choose from, something for everyone. Especially great for lovers of harem type stories. Really enjoy the trans option too. Can't wait to see where each update takes it. One of the best adult games I've played.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This has become one of my all time favorite VN's! Writing/story is excellent! Updates are VERY Regular, no need to wait 2-6 months for new content! Models are not box stock DAZ which I LOVE! All around it has been a PLEASURE to play this VN.
    Models, STORY/WRITING, Animations!
    Not sure if this is even a con anymore as it fits in the story and is writen well but the MC's dick is HUGE LOL. DEV Seems to have nerfed it a little which IMO fits better. It's still large but not OVERLY EXCESSIVE as in the beginning.
    Choices seem to have little to no consequences as of now. May change in the future?

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is top-notch. Good story, lots of choices, doesn't force/shy away from LGBT, and the character models vary but are all hot. Definitely one of my favorite games on here, and I hope we meet the sister and she joins in the action, and the bio mom as well (they were both super hot and even if the mom aged it seems the creator also added the old nurse in, not my style but the mom definitely aged well).
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The render quality is below mediocre, the characters look like they came straight from a nightmare, their morphs are so over the top that it completely deforms their faces when any pose is added, which is a beginner mistake...a beginner making $4k a month.
    I'd be surprised if the Dev worked in Daz, more than 2 weeks before the release of this game.

    The writing...what writing ?!

    There's nothing different being done in this game that a myriad of other exact same shit quality games aren't doing already yet this one is successful for some reason.
    Just terrible all around.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. From the very start I thought that the girls were very cute, but the detail put in to even the facial expressions blows it out of the park. And the story is very well written and flows nicely. The only real criticism I have is that the transgender model for shauna seems like an after thought. the dick looks like it was copied and pasted from a different model just to get it on there.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    [Based on day 3 release]

    Wow. You can see that some developers get it and some don't on how to deliver a fap game. This game has attractive renders, animations are good and varied. Not the best on the sight but clearly good and varied.

    Foster mom (shown on the banner) actually looks old enough to be a mom. The MC isn't a complete and utter horror of a human being which is nice. The story is believable, and engaging enough that I'll be returning to this game monthly. You meet different characters organically to the story and each character's relationship to you progresses differently so you are at different stages of a relationship with different people. This makes the game feel less gamey with regards to how relationships advance.

    This game is still "early days" but there is plenty of sex and i don't feel the dev was holding off and rationing a handjob here with a blowjob at the next "phase" either.

    This is very much a visual novel game but that is it's strength not a weakness as a fab game. And as i stated above there is plenty of sex content and i mean actual sex.

    This is worth the download and worth your time returning to the game monthly.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1216335

    Looks like this is becomming my favourite game cause of the cute behavior and opennes of the woman characters and not degenerated religious property like false love.
    Love is freedom not conditional thing - I love you when you will do as I want and when you don't then I don't love you anymore because I can not own you... and our society takes it for normal behavior...
    Anyway times are changing and ppl are waking up. We should do whatever feels right not listen to others or religious nonsense.
    + Cute dialogues and girls
    + Great renders

    - Don't like freckles

    Some of the sex animations could be with more field of view (better to see whole ass than just half of it)
    Also an angle from 1st person perspective for more immersion would help

    Otherwise great work
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    Gotta love the petite trio. Wholesome Jaime and saucy Shauna are good and delicious but the petite trio platter, now that what is always needed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game I like it so much .... Good story and I like the script and the models are very good just slow down with the freckles . Don't make us wait long time before the next update . Keep up the good work .
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Day 1-4 0.4.4 review

    I started the game, like with most games here, with little to no expectation, I don't look at review when trying out a game, only the overview, the pictures and sometimes the first few comments, but they hardly give any hindsight.
    Still, the settings of the game and pictures were enough to get me interested and trying it out.

    So, what can I say, first of all, there will be no spoiler in this part of the review, the spoiler part will be under a .

    Story :
    First of all, I differentiate story and character developpements, I will be solely talking about the events of main story of the game, without involving characters themself, they will be for a latter part.
    So, first of all, the settings, well, nothing much to say, it isn't anything groundbraking, but, for once you're the sport star, so I would say it's cool that you're the sportman of the college, and that it's not just a second rate jerk like in most college games.
    Other than that, college settings, pretty common if I had to say so, but, it can be a really good one noneless.
    Well, let's stop with the useless talk and get what's good and bad overall.
    There wont be alot said here since it would spoil the game, please head to the spoiler section for more details.
    The good first, it has alot of possibilities, college setting obliges, there is a goal, making WVM win, prove yourself and get drafted, even if for a college setting you don't need a goal, we do have one, and it's welcome.
    The bad then, well, if I don't want to say it would be a following of the good, possibilities, so far it feels like there could have been a few more "extreme" possibilities that would have fit.

    Characters :
    The main character, you, is a Basketball player that is really kind at heart.
    Your girlfriend also is a really comprehensive and kind girl.
    Your childhood friend also is a kind comprehensive and joker girl.
    You probably see where i'm getting, even if they have different personnalities, most girl act too "alike", it's nothing bad in itself when you're playing, even if I did think it a few times in my playthough, I don't want it to be something that makes you not play the game, they do have different personnalities, but, they don't act too different from each other

    Visual :
    Honestly, it's really clean, you can like or dislike how the girls look, it's pretty well made, nothing made me think "Err, it doesn't look good".
    Though, there is one thing that feels off most of the time, most girl in this game don't reflect any light in their eyes.
    It's actually pretty unrealistic to not reflect any light in your eyes except if no light is going to your eyes, or if it's really little light. But that would mean the room is really dark.
    To be fair though, I didn't notice it until very late, it didn't pose me any problem, but it's weird to have scenes where light bounce of their eyes and sometimes not, when the light intensity in the scene shouldn't be much different.

    And i'm not going to talk about the gameplay, since it's just visual novel, so there's nothing to say.

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    Well, that's it for the review, I want to conclude with how much I still liked this game, even with all the things I said that could make it seems I disliked it so I nitpicked.
    I found myself enjoying the game alot, and finishing it in one go, without skipping any text (And I don't do that often, alot of game I play, I just end up skipping some parts because they are repetitive and feels like a lack of idea).

    Overall, I gave it a 4/5 here, thoughI would give it a 4.5 if I could, it's, for me at least, clearly better than ALOT of game here.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 8

    I will focus mostly on the game itself, not on what the developer is doing or better not doing.

    Story = It is a good story, season 1 was a lot better, and i will put in details later.

    Renders = While some people call some of the models "duck face" i really like them, yeah, some of them have that uncanny valley vibe but in my opinion, overall they are good.

    Sound/music = Yeah, almost 4 years and the game still don't have any sound or music.

    Animations = Yeah, we have some really good animations, not every single sex scene is animated, but the ones that have is good.

    Amount of content = Well, here come the good and the bad, yeah, we have a lot of content, but is a almost 4 years old game, there was a lot of delays, lies, and problems with the developer, if the game have constant updates, we could have 2 times what we have.

    Well..if you still reading, here i will enter in details about everything that i feel about the game, just mind that this is my opinion.

    The game is overall good, season 1 (until the party at the mc house) is really good, the story is really good, we have answers about everything, we are introduced to every single character that appear on the game, is really good.

    Season 2 is where the problems begin to appear, the game itself still kind good, but there is a lot of problems, for example , the developer kind fucked up in telling the story of a lot of characters, the mc just "know" them and is nowhere show how he know them, it look like the game was going to game a full rewrite (season 1) but he changed the idea of doing it and forget about all that, there was not show for example how we know the names of some characters, for example, we always called the coach "harper" and out of nowhere we know her first name, there was no talking about her first name.

    Another thing that i really don't like is the boneless mc, yeah, he is a good guy, but for example, when the girls are lost on the woods, and nobody fucking remember to tell the boyfriend where they are going (there one adults there), and they just end drinking and using weed, the mc never said anything to them, he was angry when people talked shit about them (for example ajax), but when comes to that part (and woman in geral), he don't say shit, sometimes he act as an adult, but somes like a child, for example, he choose to sleep than talk to them and say, hey, please don't do that again.

    In conclusion, the game is not bad, season 1 is really good, season 2 is more or less, for me season 2 have a lot of problems, look like the developer changed the way that he was thinking, because there is a lot of things that really don't make sense and in my opinion is really bad, look like someone else is doing job, and is not the same developer, the idea is there, but is not the same game.