
Mar 31, 2019
This dude planning to make weekly updates with around 80-100 renders each, and planning to add new game day every month, shit, thats a lot of work, idk if he'll last long with this development plan. When i thinking about it, in my mind goes couple of devs, who couldnt provide 1 update in almost 1 year.
This is the 11th comment on this thread. This guy nailed it lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
TBH, the last few updates for this game (when there were updates) were mediocre at best anyway, compared to early game, and all the girls (especially Bailey) got thiccer all of a sudden compared to earlier in the game as well.
Well, if the dev is as lazy as it is being claimed in here, then maybe his creations got lazier also and put on those COVID pounds/kilos.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Shoudnt't have patreoned before trying it... not really into the look of the characters. I patreoned top 10 most liked games (except dating my daught and acting lessons), but I guess I might be in minority not feeling it for this game. Oh well lets try milfy city and harem hotel next.
Yeah, 'most'(but not ALL) the characters faces are a joke.
The Story and 'It's' direction i 'had' enjoined seeing where it was going.
White Knights/Simp-Squad were a bit re-dick-u-las when pointing out factors on the faces but that's nothing new here or anywhere.


Mar 31, 2019

Sup guys.
I just felt like typing some shit out. I know I said the next thoughts post would be on the 2nd but I'm feeling a certain type of way and I just know what I have to do even if you guys won't like it.

It's no secret that shit has been fucked for a while.
It all starts and stops with me, and I've been on quite the self destructive journey lately.
Things kept clashing together in the worst ways at the worst times and I let myself slowly fall into this mental block.
I can't describe the mental side of this shit. All I can say is that putting the actual update out is simultaneously something that I know has to be done and I want to do, and is also something that I dread having to do.
The pressure, the expectations, the finality of it all.
It's all self imposed issues. I know that, I'm not trying to deny it.

It's almost been a year since the last actual update. A fucking year.
There's so much work done but none of it has been shown and it's the most frustrating thing. I hate this, I hate feeling incapable.
The obvious question is "What's stopping you from releasing it?"
And I don't have a good answer. Anytime I sit down and package it and think about calling it done, I get this deep guttural feeling of dread. I'm so fucking mentally blocked up and I don't know why.
I fucking wish I did.
It's not something I think about once and then put off for a month. It is all day every single day.
But I've been doing everything I can to get away from it. To try and put it off but it's impossible.
My wife mentioned to me about how she thinks I'm worried to call it quits on it because then everything that has happened this year is over. It means I'm over it and it shouldn't.
There's so fucking much that I haven't told you guys about shit that has happened because I hate sounding like a fucking excuse robot. There's been so many times where I've typed out these long rant posts just to ctrl+w at the end. (Don't try that command unless you're tired of reading this btw)
Working on WVM has always been an escape for me... and something about stopping the work that I was doing when all of these things happened feels like I'm closing away that part of my life... I think.
Does it really make sense? No, but it just... it is what it is I don't know what else to say.
I've been stuck and I want out. I need out.
And that brings me to this next part.

I made the DITLO with Harper and I had a fucking blast making it. It was fun to write... hell it was even fun to edit the images (Which is usually the biggest bore for me).
And... it was even fun to release.
Sure, it may not be what you guys really wanted right now. Sure, it may suck that she was censored in it. I get it, but that's not what really matters.
It was the first time in nearly a year that I felt good about releasing something.
Like really good, I feel great right now which is insane.

There's many reasons for that but the important bit for this is that it made me realize what I need to do.
I've asked about it before and you guys overwhelmingly said to hold off and release the update in full all at once.
And I do agree that that way would be the best for the game and the best overall experience... but I can't. Trust me, I want to... but I can't.
The simplest way I can put it is that there's too much instant finality to it. I put a piece of me into every part of this game and I think it makes it a good game but it also makes situations like these... really hard to let go of.
When it's over... life goes back to normal. And that scares the fuck out of me right now.
But it has to be over.

Part of me says that I should just rip the band aid off but I'm legitimately scared of things going poorly and me ending up in an even worst spot.
There's so much emotionally put into this update... it's fucking rough man.

I've always enjoyed small consistent releases... mostly. I get the most short term enjoyment from them but I don't feel like they're what's best for the game in a developmental aspect. And I've become incapable of the consistent part anyway.
So... instead of ripping the band aid off I'm going to slowly peel and chew at the bastard until it's gone.
I'm going to sit down and parse the update out in chunks that make sense to me and I'm going to release those chunks.
I'm going to allow myself to work on some of the scenes again... there are a few that I genuinely think I can improve rather easily and quickly. I'm not going to let myself go into perfectionist mode... and that's not what this has been about. I don't think anyway.

I can do it in chunks... I'm not going to pretend like I won't be stressed or be bogged down by that dread feeling... but I can manage it.
It has to get done.
I really tried to do it the way that most of you wanted it to be... I did.
I still want to do it that way but I simply can't I'm sorry.

I'm going to hold off on the character sheets and bday renders that were planned and focus on getting the update chunked out before releasing those.

And ultimately if you want to wait for all of it to be out then you're free to do so.
I just know that this is the only way for me to get out of this block I'm in right now.
I thought letting enough time pass would let me heal enough but the pressure of the update is really slowing that stuff down.

I do apologize for going this route after asking how you guys wanted it.
It's out of necessity though and I hope you understand.

I'll have info about update sizes and dates soon.
Thanks for caring enough to read my brain vomit.
Love you guys and talk to you soon.

(Oh and each release for this will be available to all patrons and former patrons (Through discord))
The way this guy talks it's like he's making the follow up to the greatest work of art known to man. It's just a porn game bro

Captain Kirk

Sep 27, 2019
Come on man, did anyone still have hope for this when the dev constantly kept adding more girls instead of fleshing out the existing characters. I mean come on, I still know like only half of them. And was it just me that started thinking the all were looking pretty similar at least face wise.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
I was almost a patron. Glad I didn't. All but abandoned and abandoning a game is as close to a mortal sin as it comes in the adult game world.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
I am still thinking professional help. Actually have a degree in Psychology and this dev is showing some serious maladaptive behavior and disordered behavior.


Mar 10, 2019
Come on man, did anyone still have hope for this when the dev constantly kept adding more girls instead of fleshing out the existing characters. I mean come on, I still know like only half of them. And was it just me that started thinking the all were looking pretty similar at least face wise.
'DITLO' is doing just that, fleshing out Harper's story and character. And the rage here is huge as you can see, people don't want that. They want to see the mc fucking 10 different girls, that's what made WVM so popular the huge number of women.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
We all told him he shouldn't use a duck for a reference photo, unfortunately he just didn't listen.
Closer to marsupial-human-mix then duck, have not seen any duck-bills on the characters or were they there before?


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
'DITLO' is doing just that, fleshing out Harper's story and character. And the rage here is huge as you can see, people don't want that. They want to see the mc fucking 10 different girls, that's what made WVM so popular the huge number of women.
Yes, at the beginning the game's mission statement was essentially this

Well, maybe not the mind-expanding drugs part :cautious:
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Feb 2, 2018
The way this guy talks it's like he's making the follow up to the greatest work of art known to man. It's just a porn game bro
That's been worked on for like 2+ years though, I think anyone in that position would've well moved on from it simply being a "porn game".


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
That's true, but you wonder about it. You may think about it, but you don't say it directly to your own child. Like what the actual fuck?

There are so many ways to make it work if you wanted to create a scene in which Natalie learns about it. In my opinion, it was just badly written.

It feels even stranger because Natalie reaction it's on the level of saying something similar to a partner or a friend.

" Oh, I was just thinking about how different my life could have been without you "
" You are stuck with me now haha "

This does feel more like a joke said between friends than anything else. You can add all the " Your mother is a failure " or " I wouldn't change anything " stuff, but it still doesn't make sense as an interaction. Hell, right after that you just start talking about boys? Hello? What the actual fuck is this?
I totally agree, it's so cringe worthy writing that it's horrible. But given Braindrop's mental state, I just think he isn't thinking on full cylinders at the moment. So the writing is taking a bullet so to speak. Maybe a couple of bullets. It makes me want to skip the dialog altogether.

There are other writing issues I have with this episode. I feel like he threw it together over a weekend and didn't think too much about his writing and didn't realize he was letting his problems affect his work.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
'DITLO' is doing just that, fleshing out Harper's story and character. And the rage here is huge as you can see, people don't want that. They want to see the mc fucking 10 different girls, that's what made WVM so popular the huge number of women.
Well, don't think thats really true and enough Peops want to see whats missing like it is in this Harper shorty. The problem more or less he pushed it out at an wrong time since we havent seen her ingame if we ever will. Just Censoring it instead of use another view is just a bad sign and it does feel just wrong. Not to forget it's just an Mini instead of an Actual Maingame Update, thats why 99% of Fans and even Patrons are lil angry after all the long time.
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Engaged Member
Apr 17, 2021
If this DITLO was supposed to flesh out Harper as a character it failed. Since it didn't really teach us anything new about her.
I have to agree with this. I actually liked the 'update', but from a narrative standpoint you are exactly correct in that the discerning reader would already understand that Harper is a struggling single mother with anxiety issues and a strong relationship with and attachment to her daughter.

I think it might have been more impactful to show a day in Harper's life sometime before MC committed to WVM. By seeing her at a low point before MC enters her life, we could better glimpse her inner workings and have deeper context against which to contrast how she will blossom as a consequence of MC's actions.
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