
Nov 9, 2017
And to address all this talk about "fleshing out characters" my opinion they were being fleshed out quite nicely. Perhaps somewhat slowly in a couple cases, but the process fit with the story as it progressed. IF this side story is meant to do that (which I doubt) then its a piss poor way to do should flow naturally as part of the main story. However, it is my belief that this side story shit is an attempt to tease players and string us "appease" we don't leave the game while the dev guts everything and makes a whole new story...that way when we get the main game updates again we won't be as pissed when its just starting the story all over and there isn't any actual NEW stuff, but just old stuff made differently.
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Nov 9, 2017
a semi steady update schedule and fans will forgive a lot
I would have been fine even if the updates were once a year...lots of other games and updates to play in the meantime. I think its less about the "fans" and more about the "contributors" considering that not all players are paying to play. But in also think he is going to loose many contributors with all of this anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
I don't think that's the case. I mean, it's possible but to say there's so many renders done and then spend another six months doing nothing would sully his rep. And he did release the wee side project, although whether that appeased his patrons or simply pissed them off I'm less sure of. The opinion on here tends to be negative but I would bet money on patron and discord being quite favourable as they tend to be filled with people that'll support the dev regardless (as anyone who doesn't will have told them to ram it and left)
I think this big update 2000K render is probably all smoke and mirrors. He has been telling his supporters for months, that he has been working on it. And he is going back and redoing stuff to extend these delays.

Then the latest news is his grandfather dies and he goes into a mental coma again and tells people in one breath, that he will release the big update and take some time off to clear his head. Then in the next breath he says that he is going to be working on birthday renders and character sheets. Then a 3rd breath he says he's going to drop some mini game with only 167 renders that has nothing to do with the main story or game and none of his supporters knew about until last minute.

It's like people support you because you are making game A. People are not supporting him to make game B.

Now he wants to say he is going to break the big 2000K render into chunks. Like if anyone can't tell that the guy is either lying to people or conning people at this point is beyond me?

I think he needs to lose half of his supporters for him to stop with these excuses. Because he is sounding like the kid that cried wolf too many times, that when there was an actual wolf, no one believed the boy and he got eaten by mr wolfie.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2017
I think this big update 2000K render is probably all smoke and mirrors. He has been telling his supporters for months, that he has been working on it. And he is going back and redoing stuff to extend these delays.

Then the latest news is his grandfather dies and he goes into a mental coma again and tells people in one breath, that he will release the big update and take some time off to clear his head. Then in the next breath he says that he is going to be working on birthday renders and character sheets. Then a 3rd breath he says he's going to drop some mini game with only 167 renders that has nothing to do with the main story or game and none of his supporters knew about until last minute.

It's like people support you because you are making game A. People are not supporting him to make game B.

Now he wants to say he is going to break the big 2000K render into chunks. Like if anyone can't tell that the guy is either lying to people or conning people at this point is beyond me?

I think he needs to lose half of his supporters for him to stop with these excuses. Because he is sounding like the kid that cried wolf too many times, that when there was an actual wolf, no one believed the boy and he got eaten by mr wolfie.
I'm inclined to agree simply because the argument for having them and not releasing them is hilarious in its absurdity.


Feb 29, 2020
I remember back when BD was releasing updates every week and everyone was telling him it'll burn him out. He said it wouldn't because he loves doing it. I think he's officially burnt.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
I remember back when BD was releasing updates every week and everyone was telling him it'll burn him out. He said it wouldn't because he loves doing it. I think he's officially burnt.
Yep, it was something I remember bringing up a few times for sure because I've known enough people who try to run D&D campaigns or write stories who would try to go all in and push themselves only to burn out hard and eventually drop the project/game all together because they did so much early on without pacing themselves and spreading everything out for a better flow.
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Aug 12, 2017
I must confess, I read this new update from him as: I promised a lot, but didnt do it, so now Im gonna release small updates over time, to give myself time to do the work and hide that I didnt do it before. But give me some time to do even that, cause I actually havent done anything at all.

I really do like this game, gave it a great review, and I stand by that... But the dev is at -1 rating atm. I simply dont trust him anymore. Too many excuses, to many times with nonsensical delays.
Shit happens to everyone. But this guy seems to have everything under the sun happen to him, on top of handling it extremely poorly.
Im chronicly depressed, and have more diagnosies with it. Including a 0 stress tolerance. Any changes in my life, can tilt me the fuck out. But I dont EVER let it effect my work, at any point. Because, priorities. I have a depressed friend live with me in my house to share expenses, and his priorities are like this dev. Things that dont get him out of his rut. Selfindulgent in his misery and full of excuses. Cant even keep a 8 hour a week job (2x4 hours work days), because of it. But can easily be active 80 hours a week with (active and social) hobbies and helping others, just not himself. I went to the emergency room, monday last week. Went back to work next day. Wednesday my friends mom burned down her kitchen, she is now occupying our sofa and livingroom untill she can return. Im still at work. She cut herself on my kitchen-knifes because i keep them ultra sharp (used to work in food business), and had to go to the emergency room thursday. Sat there with her untill 3am before it got fixed. I still went to work the day after. Everything in my life is fucked up atm, And I still go to work, because priorities. My friend who has bad priorities, lives for endorfin kicks. So he doesnt do anything that doesnt give him a little kick. Fastfood, no chores, gaming, flirting. Living by three rules unconcioucsly (does it give a kick, is it easy, is it safe and something I know) What ever he can to feel alive for three seconds, and not a though outside of that. And then he gets even more depressed by the guilt of not doing what he should have done. Im suspecting this dev is pretty much the same, but he reached a state where the income is a given in his mind, and the work doesnt give endorfines anymore. It became an every day chore, and he neglects it heavily.
I see the same excuses in him as I do in my roommate. And the same result. So yeah, I dont trust the dev anymore, and I suspect an abandoned tag in the future.

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
I think this big update 2000K render is probably all smoke and mirrors. He has been telling his supporters for months, that he has been working on it. And he is going back and redoing stuff to extend these delays.
Yeah, the update with 2 million renders is definitely smoke and mirrors. Because one, he never even announced that, two, he isn't Ubisoft and this is not Assa Creed, and three, you just made that up. ;)


Uploading the World
Mar 2, 2019


Sup guys. Spent the last few days planning out how I want to chunk out the update and that's the main point of this post but first let me answer a few things.

Will you be pausing pledges?
I will not be pausing pledges for June. I paused pledges for May since I took some time off and my promise was to always pause when I feel like I didn't put enough work in.
Even though I took time off from the main update I've continued working on the Month 1 redo and the update after this one as well as a lot of the side content. And with updates starting back it's going to be a very packed month.
Please adjust your pledges accordingly. If you plan on dropping your pledge then please join the discord first by linking your discord to your patreon account. That way you'll still have access to the chunked updates as they come out since they're for all patrons and former patrons.
(I've also unlocked the ditlo for tier 0 as well)

Why was Harper censored in the DITLO?
Harper hasn't been seen nude in the main game yet. First time nudes will always happen there first. (Besides those "Nude render" sets I used to do when I missed dates, but I've altered all of those models anyway since I regretted it afterwards.)

Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in.

And just because it hasn't been said in a while. I'd like to reiterate that all named girls (and Skye) in WVM (Besides the no-no ones Cedar, Wendy, and Azel) will at some point in the game be romanceable and have "content".

So my plan is to start smaller with the first chunked release. I'm not giving out exact sizes or dates for these yet but it will be soon. I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August.
And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update. Things shouldn't slow down for a while since I have a large portion of it completed already as well.

Since it's been a long while since I've put out a sex scene in a sex game I'm going to have the first chunk run until the first lewd scene is over.

There's been a lot of changes since the last update. The biggest being the timeline is vastly different now. (We're on Day 32 now instead of Day 10 for example)
So things may be a little confusing at first but I'll clarify things where I can.

How I label my game versions has also changed.
Instead of the old (0.10.1) style we're switching to S2-C1-E1 (Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 1)
Season 1 will be the entire 1st month of the game and will be the "redo" when it comes out early next year.
This full update will be the first chapter and all of the chunks will be episodes.
So if you'll be waiting for the full update before you play. Wait for the one titled (End of Season 2, Chapter 1)

Yup, I think that's it for now. I don't have exact dates for anything yet just because I'm going to be fighting myself along the way and I don't want the added pressure of dates. I'm going through it all and chunking it out and calling it quits on each chunk at a time. I'm not sure just how many chunks there will be but I'll do my best to have each chunk end at a nice time instead of mid senten

As always, thank you all so much for the patience you've afforded me.
I'm feeling good about this and I hope you like it whenever you decide to play it. Whether that be the chunks or waiting for the whole thing.
Since I've had a barrage of posts in these last few days I'll likely be silent until the first chunk is out. Which won't be long from now.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
Talk to you all soon, love you guys <3


Mar 2, 2022

View attachment 1841605

Sup guys. Spent the last few days planning out how I want to chunk out the update and that's the main point of this post but first let me answer a few things.

Will you be pausing pledges?
I will not be pausing pledges for June. I paused pledges for May since I took some time off and my promise was to always pause when I feel like I didn't put enough work in.
Even though I took time off from the main update I've continued working on the Month 1 redo and the update after this one as well as a lot of the side content. And with updates starting back it's going to be a very packed month.
Please adjust your pledges accordingly. If you plan on dropping your pledge then please join the discord first by linking your discord to your patreon account. That way you'll still have access to the chunked updates as they come out since they're for all patrons and former patrons.
(I've also unlocked the ditlo for tier 0 as well)

Why was Harper censored in the DITLO?
Harper hasn't been seen nude in the main game yet. First time nudes will always happen there first. (Besides those "Nude render" sets I used to do when I missed dates, but I've altered all of those models anyway since I regretted it afterwards.)

Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in.

And just because it hasn't been said in a while. I'd like to reiterate that all named girls (and Skye) in WVM (Besides the no-no ones Cedar, Wendy, and Azel) will at some point in the game be romanceable and have "content".

So my plan is to start smaller with the first chunked release. I'm not giving out exact sizes or dates for these yet but it will be soon. I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August.
And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update. Things shouldn't slow down for a while since I have a large portion of it completed already as well.

Since it's been a long while since I've put out a sex scene in a sex game I'm going to have the first chunk run until the first lewd scene is over.

There's been a lot of changes since the last update. The biggest being the timeline is vastly different now. (We're on Day 32 now instead of Day 10 for example)
So things may be a little confusing at first but I'll clarify things where I can.

How I label my game versions has also changed.
Instead of the old (0.10.1) style we're switching to S2-C1-E1 (Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 1)
Season 1 will be the entire 1st month of the game and will be the "redo" when it comes out early next year.
This full update will be the first chapter and all of the chunks will be episodes.
So if you'll be waiting for the full update before you play. Wait for the one titled (End of Season 2, Chapter 1)

Yup, I think that's it for now. I don't have exact dates for anything yet just because I'm going to be fighting myself along the way and I don't want the added pressure of dates. I'm going through it all and chunking it out and calling it quits on each chunk at a time. I'm not sure just how many chunks there will be but I'll do my best to have each chunk end at a nice time instead of mid senten

As always, thank you all so much for the patience you've afforded me.
I'm feeling good about this and I hope you like it whenever you decide to play it. Whether that be the chunks or waiting for the whole thing.
Since I've had a barrage of posts in these last few days I'll likely be silent until the first chunk is out. Which won't be long from now.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
Talk to you all soon, love you guys <3
thanks for sharing.

juan palote

Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2017

View attachment 1841605

Sup guys. Spent the last few days planning out how I want to chunk out the update and that's the main point of this post but first let me answer a few things.

Will you be pausing pledges?
I will not be pausing pledges for June. I paused pledges for May since I took some time off and my promise was to always pause when I feel like I didn't put enough work in.
Even though I took time off from the main update I've continued working on the Month 1 redo and the update after this one as well as a lot of the side content. And with updates starting back it's going to be a very packed month.
Please adjust your pledges accordingly. If you plan on dropping your pledge then please join the discord first by linking your discord to your patreon account. That way you'll still have access to the chunked updates as they come out since they're for all patrons and former patrons.
(I've also unlocked the ditlo for tier 0 as well)

Why was Harper censored in the DITLO?
Harper hasn't been seen nude in the main game yet. First time nudes will always happen there first. (Besides those "Nude render" sets I used to do when I missed dates, but I've altered all of those models anyway since I regretted it afterwards.)

Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in.

And just because it hasn't been said in a while. I'd like to reiterate that all named girls (and Skye) in WVM (Besides the no-no ones Cedar, Wendy, and Azel) will at some point in the game be romanceable and have "content".

So my plan is to start smaller with the first chunked release. I'm not giving out exact sizes or dates for these yet but it will be soon. I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August.
And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update. Things shouldn't slow down for a while since I have a large portion of it completed already as well.

Since it's been a long while since I've put out a sex scene in a sex game I'm going to have the first chunk run until the first lewd scene is over.

There's been a lot of changes since the last update. The biggest being the timeline is vastly different now. (We're on Day 32 now instead of Day 10 for example)
So things may be a little confusing at first but I'll clarify things where I can.

How I label my game versions has also changed.
Instead of the old (0.10.1) style we're switching to S2-C1-E1 (Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 1)
Season 1 will be the entire 1st month of the game and will be the "redo" when it comes out early next year.
This full update will be the first chapter and all of the chunks will be episodes.
So if you'll be waiting for the full update before you play. Wait for the one titled (End of Season 2, Chapter 1)

Yup, I think that's it for now. I don't have exact dates for anything yet just because I'm going to be fighting myself along the way and I don't want the added pressure of dates. I'm going through it all and chunking it out and calling it quits on each chunk at a time. I'm not sure just how many chunks there will be but I'll do my best to have each chunk end at a nice time instead of mid senten

As always, thank you all so much for the patience you've afforded me.
I'm feeling good about this and I hope you like it whenever you decide to play it. Whether that be the chunks or waiting for the whole thing.
Since I've had a barrage of posts in these last few days I'll likely be silent until the first chunk is out. Which won't be long from now.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
Talk to you all soon, love you guys <3
Thanks for sharing.

I think its a mistake to not give dates. Right now, Braindrop NEEDS the pressure that deadlines give you, otherwise, he can give himself excuses to keep delaying it

Lets hope it doesnt happen, but...


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
So this finished update will be released in 2-3 months.
I did restrain myself from commenting, there is enaugh shit in this thread already, but holy fuck.

I guess, at least that's a progress?
Well if he was indeed blocked it will be progress and may help a lot. Same he does sound more positive after doing the Ditlo, so let us just hope he can do what he wants and does not stay his own worst enemy as he has been for a while.

For myself he did give off some off the vibes of the dev of Teachers Pet did in past, where even though his intentions were good he backed himself into a corner at a certain moment and it did turn out poorly. Him regaining the fun again in releasing game, instead of apprehension will be good for both him and all that like to play the game. I would love to ask people to if he does succeed in releasing to not comment on smallness of chunks, but after almost a year that will be unfortunately wasted hope, since the chunks will be smaller as we would hope. For me though, seeing progress again will be the best promise BD can show.

juan palote Yes and no, deadlines can motivate you indeed but if he is still struggling with aftermaths burnout, depression or even a form of fatigue syndrome (which someghow tend to often come together or strengthen each other) that pressure and failing to meet it which can happen if struggle with those would only add another heavy burden and blame on yourself. So without knowing what he exactly is dealing with I would be careful about advice like that from personal experience, now if he has no problem about sharing with his therapist the kind of game he makes, talking with him or her about it could be a great idea.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
Thanks for sharing.

I think its a mistake to not give dates. Right now, Braindrop NEEDS the pressure that deadlines give you, otherwise, he can give himself excuses to keep delaying it

Lets hope it doesnt happen, but...
The main issue with this is that he used to do that and then push them back anyway, so it was never really a viable option for him and is something I always felt was a problem since he'd normally overshoot the release date, stress and have more problems. Him not giving an exact release date may be somewhat beneficial, we'll just have to wait and see.


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021

View attachment 1841605

Sup guys. Spent the last few days planning out how I want to chunk out the update and that's the main point of this post but first let me answer a few things.

Will you be pausing pledges?
I will not be pausing pledges for June. I paused pledges for May since I took some time off and my promise was to always pause when I feel like I didn't put enough work in.
Even though I took time off from the main update I've continued working on the Month 1 redo and the update after this one as well as a lot of the side content. And with updates starting back it's going to be a very packed month.
Please adjust your pledges accordingly. If you plan on dropping your pledge then please join the discord first by linking your discord to your patreon account. That way you'll still have access to the chunked updates as they come out since they're for all patrons and former patrons.
(I've also unlocked the ditlo for tier 0 as well)

Why was Harper censored in the DITLO?
Harper hasn't been seen nude in the main game yet. First time nudes will always happen there first. (Besides those "Nude render" sets I used to do when I missed dates, but I've altered all of those models anyway since I regretted it afterwards.)

Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in.

And just because it hasn't been said in a while. I'd like to reiterate that all named girls (and Skye) in WVM (Besides the no-no ones Cedar, Wendy, and Azel) will at some point in the game be romanceable and have "content".

So my plan is to start smaller with the first chunked release. I'm not giving out exact sizes or dates for these yet but it will be soon. I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August.
And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update. Things shouldn't slow down for a while since I have a large portion of it completed already as well.

Since it's been a long while since I've put out a sex scene in a sex game I'm going to have the first chunk run until the first lewd scene is over.

There's been a lot of changes since the last update. The biggest being the timeline is vastly different now. (We're on Day 32 now instead of Day 10 for example)
So things may be a little confusing at first but I'll clarify things where I can.

How I label my game versions has also changed.
Instead of the old (0.10.1) style we're switching to S2-C1-E1 (Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 1)
Season 1 will be the entire 1st month of the game and will be the "redo" when it comes out early next year.
This full update will be the first chapter and all of the chunks will be episodes.
So if you'll be waiting for the full update before you play. Wait for the one titled (End of Season 2, Chapter 1)

Yup, I think that's it for now. I don't have exact dates for anything yet just because I'm going to be fighting myself along the way and I don't want the added pressure of dates. I'm going through it all and chunking it out and calling it quits on each chunk at a time. I'm not sure just how many chunks there will be but I'll do my best to have each chunk end at a nice time instead of mid senten

As always, thank you all so much for the patience you've afforded me.
I'm feeling good about this and I hope you like it whenever you decide to play it. Whether that be the chunks or waiting for the whole thing.
Since I've had a barrage of posts in these last few days I'll likely be silent until the first chunk is out. Which won't be long from now.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
Talk to you all soon, love you guys <3
Believe it when you see it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Yeah, the update with 2 million renders is definitely smoke and mirrors. Because one, he never even announced that, two, he isn't Ubisoft and this is not Assa Creed, and three, you just made that up. ;)
Not sure if you were being funny or you literally took 2000K as 2 million renders. But any who if it makes you sleep better 2k or 2 thousand renders is what I meant.

If it was 2 million renders, I would understand a delay in the situation. And if it was 2 million renders, I would ask what he was smoking to get that many out and to give me some of it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019

View attachment 1841605

Sup guys. Spent the last few days planning out how I want to chunk out the update and that's the main point of this post but first let me answer a few things.

Will you be pausing pledges?
I will not be pausing pledges for June. I paused pledges for May since I took some time off and my promise was to always pause when I feel like I didn't put enough work in.
Even though I took time off from the main update I've continued working on the Month 1 redo and the update after this one as well as a lot of the side content. And with updates starting back it's going to be a very packed month.
Please adjust your pledges accordingly. If you plan on dropping your pledge then please join the discord first by linking your discord to your patreon account. That way you'll still have access to the chunked updates as they come out since they're for all patrons and former patrons.
(I've also unlocked the ditlo for tier 0 as well)

Why was Harper censored in the DITLO?
Harper hasn't been seen nude in the main game yet. First time nudes will always happen there first. (Besides those "Nude render" sets I used to do when I missed dates, but I've altered all of those models anyway since I regretted it afterwards.)

Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in.

And just because it hasn't been said in a while. I'd like to reiterate that all named girls (and Skye) in WVM (Besides the no-no ones Cedar, Wendy, and Azel) will at some point in the game be romanceable and have "content".

So my plan is to start smaller with the first chunked release. I'm not giving out exact sizes or dates for these yet but it will be soon. I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August.
And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update. Things shouldn't slow down for a while since I have a large portion of it completed already as well.

Since it's been a long while since I've put out a sex scene in a sex game I'm going to have the first chunk run until the first lewd scene is over.

There's been a lot of changes since the last update. The biggest being the timeline is vastly different now. (We're on Day 32 now instead of Day 10 for example)
So things may be a little confusing at first but I'll clarify things where I can.

How I label my game versions has also changed.
Instead of the old (0.10.1) style we're switching to S2-C1-E1 (Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 1)
Season 1 will be the entire 1st month of the game and will be the "redo" when it comes out early next year.
This full update will be the first chapter and all of the chunks will be episodes.
So if you'll be waiting for the full update before you play. Wait for the one titled (End of Season 2, Chapter 1)

Yup, I think that's it for now. I don't have exact dates for anything yet just because I'm going to be fighting myself along the way and I don't want the added pressure of dates. I'm going through it all and chunking it out and calling it quits on each chunk at a time. I'm not sure just how many chunks there will be but I'll do my best to have each chunk end at a nice time instead of mid senten

As always, thank you all so much for the patience you've afforded me.
I'm feeling good about this and I hope you like it whenever you decide to play it. Whether that be the chunks or waiting for the whole thing.
Since I've had a barrage of posts in these last few days I'll likely be silent until the first chunk is out. Which won't be long from now.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
Talk to you all soon, love you guys <3
I appreciate the update.

Now on with the Brain Vomit.(his words not mine) But it fits.

I really have a problem with him saying that he is going to charge people for June under the claim that he was working on it for the month 1 redo. Where there is no proof of it. Also no one asked for the 8 episode side content. I know I would be upset if I was still a patreon. Also I don't recall any promise to make DITLO. So this must be a new promise he made up recently. So unless this was some hidden conversation he has with himself I don't remember him talking about it.

Because he is making it seem that because he did this 167 render Harper episode it's okay and that he has the right to charge people for it. I mean it would be like, if you went to the auto shop for an oil change and you waited, but they charged you for new breaks and new spark plugs. You didn't ask for the new breaks or spark plugs. But now you have to spend extra money when you just wanted the oil changed.

Also this thing about going silent until he drops a chunk. It might be translated as STFU and be quiet and deal with it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021

View attachment 1841605

Sup guys. Spent the last few days planning out how I want to chunk out the update and that's the main point of this post but first let me answer a few things.

Will you be pausing pledges?
I will not be pausing pledges for June. I paused pledges for May since I took some time off and my promise was to always pause when I feel like I didn't put enough work in.
Even though I took time off from the main update I've continued working on the Month 1 redo and the update after this one as well as a lot of the side content. And with updates starting back it's going to be a very packed month.
Please adjust your pledges accordingly. If you plan on dropping your pledge then please join the discord first by linking your discord to your patreon account. That way you'll still have access to the chunked updates as they come out since they're for all patrons and former patrons.
(I've also unlocked the ditlo for tier 0 as well)

Why was Harper censored in the DITLO?
Harper hasn't been seen nude in the main game yet. First time nudes will always happen there first. (Besides those "Nude render" sets I used to do when I missed dates, but I've altered all of those models anyway since I regretted it afterwards.)

Also the DITLO was something I had promised to make a long time ago. And it felt really good to make. It wasn't some ulterior motive thing to justify working on something outside of WVM. It was just something that I knew might help me get out of the funk I've been in.

And just because it hasn't been said in a while. I'd like to reiterate that all named girls (and Skye) in WVM (Besides the no-no ones Cedar, Wendy, and Azel) will at some point in the game be romanceable and have "content".

So my plan is to start smaller with the first chunked release. I'm not giving out exact sizes or dates for these yet but it will be soon. I plan on having 2-3 releases in June and I want the whole update out by the end of July or early August.
And when it's finally all out I plan on continuing with the chunks of update into the next big update. Things shouldn't slow down for a while since I have a large portion of it completed already as well.

Since it's been a long while since I've put out a sex scene in a sex game I'm going to have the first chunk run until the first lewd scene is over.

There's been a lot of changes since the last update. The biggest being the timeline is vastly different now. (We're on Day 32 now instead of Day 10 for example)
So things may be a little confusing at first but I'll clarify things where I can.

How I label my game versions has also changed.
Instead of the old (0.10.1) style we're switching to S2-C1-E1 (Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 1)
Season 1 will be the entire 1st month of the game and will be the "redo" when it comes out early next year.
This full update will be the first chapter and all of the chunks will be episodes.
So if you'll be waiting for the full update before you play. Wait for the one titled (End of Season 2, Chapter 1)

Yup, I think that's it for now. I don't have exact dates for anything yet just because I'm going to be fighting myself along the way and I don't want the added pressure of dates. I'm going through it all and chunking it out and calling it quits on each chunk at a time. I'm not sure just how many chunks there will be but I'll do my best to have each chunk end at a nice time instead of mid senten

As always, thank you all so much for the patience you've afforded me.
I'm feeling good about this and I hope you like it whenever you decide to play it. Whether that be the chunks or waiting for the whole thing.
Since I've had a barrage of posts in these last few days I'll likely be silent until the first chunk is out. Which won't be long from now.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
Talk to you all soon, love you guys <3
Yeah when I see it I'll freaking believe it.
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