
New Member
Oct 23, 2017
I would say it's worth it. its a cute little side thing if you like the characters.

there's no new info and the censorship is a bit jarring, but I think it's a fun look into Harper's mindset.
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Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
Look as a supporter of him I make a decision each month to keep supporting or not. I understand there is a lot that goes into making a VN, and that a lot of people do not understand how much work or effort goes into creating a VN. Sure the easy thing is to hire help, but as an inspiring developer myself, I understand not wanting anyone else touching my work.

Yes there have been a ton of delay and I understand how that can be frustrating to fans and supporters of his VN. Broken promises too. I get it, all of this can make us upset. I choose to believe he is working hard on his story every day. I also believe that he has the choice to re-do the work he may have already completed too. Plus we have the mental health issues. I don't care if you have them too or not, but everyone handles mental health issues differently. For some just talking to someone helps, for others it is a crippling thing that takes years to recover if ever.

BD does not need to share his personal life with us, but he does share some of it, and from what he does share I understand where he is coming from. If you think complaining or whining about delay or petitioning people to pull their support will help speed things up then you might be mistaken. He could get to the point where he says forget it, that it is not worth the extra unnecessary pressure from people on top of what he is dealing with in his person life.

I think a lot of people forget this is a game, that 99% of the people that play it don't pay for it.

I for one am continuing to support BD and looking forward to the next update whenever they show up. I miss seeing my favorite characters, but I am willing to wait until he is ready to share them with us again.


Uploading the World
Mar 2, 2019


Super quick post just because it's been a bit since I've said anything and I don't want you guys to think I've gone ghost.

There hasn't been a lot to say as I've been spending my time getting my ducks in a row.
I initially planned for this first chunk of update to be pretty tiny... but after thinking on it I've decided to enlarge it a bit. I've had to go back and remake 2 scenes since I decided to change a room which is why it isn't out yet but I'm very close to wrapping up everything and sending it to some testers and once everything is clear it will be released to all patrons and former patrons.
(As it stands right now the first chunk will be in the 600-700 render range)

I also plan on having a second release this month. I do have to remake a scene for it since there's another in the room that changed but it shouldn't take me very long.

The hardest part of everything was getting the chunks in order and making sure the timeline change didn't have any oopsies. That's all finished now and things will start releasing pretty quickly.
My mental is doing a lot better, I'm very happy that I chose to do it this way and I'm thankful that you guys supported the change for the most part.

I'm still taking a measured approach to everything just so I don't slip and fall back into some issues but so far so good.
Thank you guys for the support and patience. It has meant the world to me.
I hope you all enjoy the first chunk when it's out.
Love you guys <3


New Member
Oct 23, 2017
My guess is no. Seems trolling to me.

People donate because they want. It isn't forced. Sometimes that goes horrible like radiant where it enables certain behavior other times it inspires and works like intended.

Watching this thread and others it seems like the biggest idjits are the ones that get it free like me but unlike me they seem entitled to demand and shape what and how they get it. Constructive criticism it is not.

If it walks like a cunt talks like a cunt then most likely it's a cunt
oh I assume he isn't a supporter as well. I just wanted to hear him admit that he has no stake in the matter and is complaining about someone not giving him free stuff fast enough.


Aug 3, 2021
Is it really that hard to put a small chunk update together? I mean it's mostly renders and a few animations, right? This isn't an AAA budget game that takes months to update. I mean he did have the 2K renders available since he was going to provide a big update in April?

I just can't fathom a game like this would take this long to be updated, unless he was lying or stalling because he hasn't been doing anything? It's a shame because I really thought BD was different, but it turns out he is just like the other cow milkers out there. He just does it cleverly.

I think his supporters should drop their pledges to a dollar. So, he only makes about 3 thousand a month instead of the 20K or 25K he makes now. That might change his tune.
You start creating a VN right now, I'll ask about it again in a year.
If its not up to my standards I'm aloud to bitch, and complain.
Now if as I believe you are incapable, go find a bridge without wi-fi you troll.
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