
Mar 15, 2022
I'm afraid that you and BD are going to have a rough road ahead of you to rebuild the broken connection that has occurred with the supporters of this game. I hope that you both manage to succeed to that end. Everyone felt like they were just ignored and abandoned.
100%. I'll believe it when I see it. Mind Drops mean nothing because of previous experiences. Think everyone is sick of broken promises of release dates, render counts, excuses.


Jul 15, 2022
It seems like PR was one of the dev's major failings. That shit can cripple progress. If he can focus on the updates and let someone else deal with the PR then maybe that will get him straight again. I'm newer to this though, so I don't know the full story. Like I said before though, I enjoy the game and the story, so I hope he can right the ship. Not surprised if people are incredulous though.

juan palote

Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2017
Sorry to burst Mackenzie and Braindrop bubble, but the "sense of accountability" was long gone already. And the best example would be the lasty one, when Braindrop said he would release a 400 randers update that was already finished barring a few touched in 3-4 days and its been over a month ago...

There is no chance that you are so out of touch with your own development status that you miss a deadline by so much, so that means the sense of accountability, that force that drives you to work on meeting deadlines or be as close as you can, is completely gone already.

Its sad, but there is no sense in trying to hide the sun with your hand.

About side content... just stop even metioning, every time you mention the words side content in the current situation you are just making things worse and increasing the dissapointment

If you are going to be in charge of the PR, you should start giving Braindrop some pointers on how to say things, and what things to say, and what to not say


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
First of all, I think this may be a reason plan. It may be first if not one of the few first steps for BD to open up a bit. I think BD having Mackenzie as a "community manager" to help BD out a bit to take baby step to allow BD to have someone to help BD lighten some load off himself.

Regarding to scheduling, that seems a good start that BD is slowly working with Mackenzie with the project schedule. I have no objection that there will be no news on when the next update get release, however I am sure number of us would be keeping eye out for the release. I believe treating Mackenzie as a part time project manager may help BD, which may be good change for BD. Also having a project plan/schedule like Mackenzie stated to make sure that BD is providing the update on the right track without getting sidetrack with additional updates that is not planned on the current update as well the future updates. Again, Mackenzie stated they are doing baby steps until their schedule goes smoothly before making additional adjustment.

Hopefully Mackenzie act like a project manager to help BD to get the flow as well take some accountabilities.

I do see we have some concern and etc. Some of us know it may be a bumpy ride for next few weeks. Wish Mackenzie and BD success over the next few weeks with working like a team to help each other to achieve the schedules. Looking forward for the next Mind Drop, which I normally check since I scaled back on checking WVM's F95 forum. Also looking forward for the next update whenever it get release.

Have a great day and be safe... (y)


Jul 30, 2022
So we have been told there is another plan change, is this a new tactic so we don't have some kind of standard that has been set from before to measure against? For over a year we keep hearing how things are going to change (which we want) but we have not had said change cause it gets changed again.

The no date for the update is something people have told him to do for a long time including myself. It's one thing when you have the release being beta tested and say in X days but BD did not even have it compiled let alone was still working on. It's good but saying something soon is also bad in this situation as it sets people expectations despite it being very vague, as example soon to me in this situation would be no later than Sept 16 (NOT ACTUAL DATE JUST WHAT I THINK OF WHEN I HEAR SOON) mean while to them it could be end of Sept and another person could think by end of Aug.

TBH I was hoping to hear something more out of them after such a long silence let alone being delayed by a week if what was said prior is true.

It is an issue to me as despite saying changes are happening the actions itself repeat what we have been seeing for a long time already.

I am very cynical of BD at this time so I may be seeing more than what there actually is, I was a supporter for a long time but the good will I had was weathered away and is no longer there and will take a long time before they earn a benefit of the doubt from me again.
I do hope BD can get back on track and produce a game he envisioned, time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
I'm gonna wait before passing judgement and see if this legitimately works. The issue with BD was not having any real method to push him forward where he was able to not do anything and even when doing the supposed work he did, could go on and completely erase/redo things he promised and cause major delays (that's assuming he was being honest, and I'm not sure if he was or wasn't, so just gonna say maybe).

If this new individual is given enough authority, then perhaps she can keep BD on track and in turn avoid any more issues. With that said, we'll have to wait and see since right now, there hasn't been much to give us any positive outlooks on the future of this game, and since BD has basically been able to do what he did without any real consequences (ya know, cause he had enough people supporting him to be able to avoid having to worry about anything and could in turn not work for a year straight if he so chose and still get paid), having someone on his ass to actually keep him in line could be a much needed addition to his work method.


Jul 15, 2017

View attachment 2003339

Hello all!

There has been a lot happening behind the scenes and I'm here to tell you about some of it.
First off, let me introduce myself.

I'm Mackenzie. (Actually, that's my real name.)

Braindrop has hired me to be his community manager and it's nice to meet all of you.

I will be the one making all of the posts as well as answering any questions that I can. Additionally, I have some other roles that we'll get into later in this post.

Let us start with explaining our plan for these Mind Drops going forward.

Mind Drops

With Braindrop stepping away from his public role to focus on the game, you may be left wondering how we plan on keeping you all informed on the progress of his development.

Our current plan is to have bi-weekly Mind Drops. (So the next one will be on September 7th)
In these posts I will relay the information I have received from Braindrop about how much he has accomplished as well as any relevant info that needs to be shared.

We intend to share the usual as far as render counts and such but we also plan to add additional things like detailing a lot of the work that can go unnoticed.

We want to keep this first Mind Drop relatively short so we can focus on the necessary information but in the following one we plan on showing a lot of the work that went into making the background characters for the upcoming basketball game.


So, let me be blunt.
One huge thing that Braindrop made clear to me when offering me this role was that he did not want a PR person to hand wave away all of the mistakes that have been made and all future mistakes.

His words were that he wanted someone to "Keep it real".

A big fear of his was that if he stepped away he would lose a lot of "pressure" or "sense of accountability".

So, a big part of my job is holding him accountable to the things we've discussed and planned out behind the scenes.

Let's be honest. As far as the update schedule has gone... it's been awful. I know it, you know it, Braindrop knows it.
That goes for game updates as well as side content.

We have both sat down and planned out the next few months.
Another role of mine is helping organize out the files and what not for the updates. I've been given access to all of the files for Days 32-38.

Our plans change mostly everything that had been stated before. So forget everything that was said previously. We feel it is best to start fresh.

We will share that our plan is to start small but consistent to build up some momentum.

We will not be sharing any release dates yet... but be on the lookout for something very soon.

Side Content

Our plan is to get start releasing side content again sooner rather than later.
Birthday renders and client polls will be starting back very soon.

We also plan on adding a few different things that won't take much time away from development. Things such as "Additional teasers" posts as well as more silly things like hair swap renders.

There are a few other side things in the works but our focus is on getting the main game back up and running before delving any further into side things.

One final note on side content is that the Character Sheets will be updated after Days 32-38 are finished and released. They will be updated to the end of Day 38 and the intention is to update them after every in-game week.

Thanks for reading

That's all we have to share for this first Mind Drop.

We do apologize for how long this took to get out, there were plenty of issues with granting me access to the patreon and SS accounts. Things won't take as long moving forward.

We understand the situation we are in and how we're perceived right now. Our goal right now is just to get back on track however we can. Braindrop and I are forever grateful for all of the support through some of his worst times.

It's a new day and we want to fix things.

More soon.

Thank you guys and it's nice to meet you all. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.
A whole lot of text for well, nothing.
And that was almost 2months since the last post give or take


Engaged Member
May 18, 2019
A whole lot of text for well, nothing.
And that was almost 2months since the last post give or take
Words really don't mean a lot considering their track record with this game, plus all the girls have changed dramatically over time, some were skinny and hot and now they are all "chunky/thicc", and going by the timeline of the game, noone gains that much weight in that timeframe, but meh.
I kinda lost interest in the game some time ago, considering, to me the storyline has gone nowhere, and the MC has turned in to a chubby chaser (basically just bangs anything that has 2 feet and a heartbeat).
I hope the dev can get the game back on track, at least for the people who are still interested in it anyway.


New Member
Nov 9, 2020
It feels like I just read a whole lot of nothing. I'll believe that something's changed after there is some proof. Hiring a PR manager means nothing without product. Which, well, hasn't been there for a year. I don't count DITLO, because honestly, that was ridiculous. Broken promises over and over. I'll consider to support him again after I see that he's taking this seriously.

Also if the fact that a lot of people support him financially can't hold him accountable to keep his word, I doubt a PR person can. And you don't have a proper main content flow under control, why do you even think about releasing any side stuff and changing patreon tiers? DITLO was supposed to help him overcome his block and we can see how that worked out. I don't know if it's just me, but I don't get the logic behind this. And side note, why make a side content of someone who's not been nude in the main game in the first place when you then censor it. Just make it of someone else first ffs.

I really wish this will change things for the better and we won't see any more lies and broken promises. I'll wait to see how it goes. But I won't hold my breath. GL to BD and Mackenzie though.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
actions speak louder than words and we seen way to much words and no actions in this case so excuse if the most believe not a single word now unless we see some actions behind those words that mean nothing at this point.

sure sure BD had some RL shit going on and that is out of the question here,but the rest that he distanced himself from his Social medias and fanbase because he can not handle the mean or threatening DM´S he is getting anymore is weak and beond stupid because no DEV i know or support has a PR manager that handles his social medias because in the most cases they would shoot themselfes in the knee with that.

and lets be honest here :

All the Threats and shit he is getting over DM or mail or whatever is just BULLIING over the internet from some Jealous idiots and nothing more.
a little bit he is at fault too i must say because he has always told half of his life story in his Minddrops,and many many supporters always told him that he should not write so much from his personal life in this awfully long minddrops everytime.
and sadly if you do that that is mostly the result that comes out of this BULLIING.
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Oct 26, 2019
actions speak louder than words and we seen way to much words and no actions in this case so excuse if the most believe not a single word now unless we see some actions behind those words that mean nothing at this point.

sure sure BD had some RL shit going on and that is out of the question here,but the rest that he distanced himself from his Social medias and fanbase because he can not handle the mean or threatening DM´S he is getting anymore is weak and beond stupid because no DEV i know or support has a PR manager that handles his social medias because in the most cases they would shoot themselfes in the knee with that.

and lets be honest here :

All the Threats and shit he is getting over DM or mail or whatever ist just BULLIING over the internet from some Jealous idiots and nothing more.
a little bit he is at fault too i must say because he has always told half of his life story in his Minddrops,and many many supporters always told him that he should not write so much from his personal life in this awfully long minddrops everytime.
and sadly if you do that that is mostly the result that comes out of this BULLIING.
Threats are in no way excusable, you can go jail for that shit. The dev has pulled the hobby card so as a supporter you're free to pull out. Keeping the support on, gives the dev freedom to continue his charade without fearing repercussions.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
Threats are in no way excusable, you can go jail for that shit.
no shit really??
for that to happen you need to do something about it and not to cut of all ties to everything and hire someone that reads that shit for you...
but however it is not so easy to get this freaks in the World Wide Web.
and it costs money a lot of it and it takes time....
The dev has pulled the hobby card so as a supporter you're free to pull out. Keeping the support on, gives the dev freedom to continue his charade without fearing repercussions.
i was a high tier supporter from the first version postet here untill this year in february when he banned me from pantreon because i wrote a not nice enough commend when he asked about the release scheudle. :)
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New Member
Nov 9, 2020
Thanks for reading

That's all we have to share for this first Mind Drop.

We do apologize for how long this took to get out, there were plenty of issues with granting me access to the patreon and SS accounts. Things won't take as long moving forward.

We understand the situation we are in and how we're perceived right now. Our goal right now is just to get back on track however we can. Braindrop and I are forever grateful for all of the support through some of his worst times.

It's a new day and we want to fix things.

More soon.

Thank you guys and it's nice to meet you all. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.
just hearing this news makes me happy and if things go as they say they will return to the field as one of the best games of the year.

after having left strong words and sayings for BD this only makes my faith return to this great dev that I have been following since the beginning in the first faces of wvm. And if they have delays with something it's better to let them know before they create a lot of bad feeling in the community. XD

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
I guess the new side content comes with "Guess the Boob" now? Hmmm, MacKenzie would make sense as answer, but we haven't seen her naked in the game yet, so the pic would be censored. ;) So I am going by affinity and say Shauna.

Kidding aside, Mackenzie, please relay to BD that side content is fine and dandy, but high priority should be to get main content back on solid tracks. I mean when I paid my roughly ten bucks a one year subscription late last year I expected a tad bit more than a single update for it. And yes, I know that this is not a high roller payment and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But still.


Feb 2, 2020
I guess the new side content comes with "Guess the Boob" now? Hmmm, MacKenzie would make sense as answer, but we haven't seen her naked in the game yet, so the pic would be censored. ;) So I am going by affinity and say Shauna.

Kidding aside, Mackenzie, please relay to BD that side content is fine and dandy, but high priority should be to get main content back on solid tracks. I mean when I paid my roughly ten bucks a one year subscription late last year I expected a tad bit more than a single update for it. And yes, I know that this is not a high roller payment and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But still.
You understand that was just someone sharing the Patreon post and not the actual person posting here? Directing a comment at them seems kinda pointless if they aren't here to read the message to "relay".


Jul 15, 2022
You understand that was just someone sharing the Patreon post and not the actual person posting here? Directing a comment at them seems kinda pointless if they aren't here to read the message to "relay".
A few people seemed to miss that. It will be interesting to see if they even establish a presence here.
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