
Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Looking at the pictures, the one with the pool in particular. Have you been to a persons pool and they had pool lounge chairs that close to the pool. I mean how is anyone supposed to use them or walk around without falling into the water? I think they extremely close to one another. I think I see 8 there.

I left a picture of pool . You see the lounge chairs. They are away from the pool. Plus they are properly spaced out. Most people like to put suntan lotion to the side of their chair on the ground. In the redo you don't have that option.

View attachment 2359244 Screenshot (407).png


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
So he decided to give the 2000 renders lie another shot. Yeah, this whole post reeks of bullshit.
Well it is clever tactic. If you say you got 2000 renders to go, all his new patreons or potential patreon see this and they subscribe thinking there is a going to be a big update.

Braindrop has deleted his posts that reveal dates in the past, so a new person doesn't see the shady practices that Braindrop has employed over the years.

But people who have been there since the beginning know. So, I am sure the 3000 people he has now are new fish.


'Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar solas'
Dec 9, 2017


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
i just finished all the content up to date for the first time and came here looking for possible new updates soon, but im seeing a lot of people pissed off with the devs. could anyone explain why?
Well Braindrop has a long history of making up excuses for releases. He might be considered a scammer, liar or milker in the right context of the situation.

He has deleted most of the reveal dates or updates on his patreon. But if you cared to read through 2631 pages, the excuses are here set in stone. It's a long list.


Jan 25, 2022
i mean.... it could be the 2k renders he promised us 2 years ago :ROFLMAO: So if that´s the case, he´s still about 2k renders short. But hey, let´s see if he is going to release them in chunks like the last time. :whistle::coffee:
No need to fudge the time when the facts are already damning enough. The 2000 render promises weren't 2 years ago. They were only about 1 year ago (December 2021 mentioned 1500ish, March 2022 increased that to 2200+). It's only February 2023 right now, not December.

See here:


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
So regardless of if you are moderator or just a regular user. Because moderators themselves are just regular users or were at one point. You can't tell me that you don't see the excuses as being legit.

Anyone ever was told the story about the boy who cried wolf. Well, the story goes. There was a boy in a village, and he decided to play a joke on the towns people. He went off into the woods and started yelling "wolf" and the towns people heard and rush to find out what was going on. They find the boy alone and they ask where is the wolf? The kid started laughing and the towns people look at him confused and left. There was no danger. The kid decided to play the prank another time. The boy went back into the woods and cried "wolf, help, wolf. The towns people rush and again saw the kid safe and unharmed and laughing. The towns people just got annoyed and walked away. The boy decided to play the prank again. The boy again cries "help help, wolf help. The towns people rushed and again saw the kid was in no danger. The kid laughing and the towns people grew angry with the boy and left.

The boy decided to play the prank once again. So, he goes in the woods but now he is greeted by a pack of wolves for real. The boy knowing, he was in danger cried and yelled for help "Help, wolf, help, please help!!". The towns people heard the yelling and knew it was the boy and thinking it was just another prank, decided to go about their daily lives. Well, the boy was surrounded by a bunch of wolves. Wolves snarling and finally the leader of the pack takes a plunge into the boy's leg. The other wolves plunged happily and sink their teeth into a part of the kid. "Yelling and screaming, the townspeople just laughed it as "we are not falling for that BS again" The kid was ripped apart, limb by limb. He died.

Later the parents of the boy were concerned since the boy didn't come home for dinner and ask if the towns people would help search. They found the boy, well what was left of the boy. One of the towns people said "Oh shit he did get eaten by wolves, soooo who is up for some beer at the bar?" The towns people all laughed because that was a good joke!

The moral of the story, there is so many times you can fool someone of a release date that people are not going to care anymore.


Oct 7, 2019
Looking at the pictures, the one with the pool in particular. Have you been to a persons pool and they had pool lounge chairs that close to the pool. I mean how is anyone supposed to use them or walk around without falling into the water? I think they extremely close to one another. I think I see 8 there.
Yeah, the exterior areas look terrible. The pool is tiny and looks more like a large hot tub. The area around it is unusable because of clutter. The basketball area has nonsensical lounge chairs scattered near it, along with some flower bushes that seem like a great obstacle to fall into when chasing a ball. Looking at the areas, I wonder how a dev is supposed to possibly squeeze in characters into the scenes. o_O
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Aug 18, 2020
Yeah, the exterior areas look terrible. The pool is tiny and looks more like a large hot tub. The area around it is unusable because of clutter. The basketball area has nonsensical lounge chairs scattered near it, along with some flower bushes that seem like a great obstacle to fall into when chasing a ball. Looking at the areas, I wonder how a dev is supposed to possibly squeeze in characters into the scenes. o_O
Stop being nasty the man is trying his best. Not his fault his best is building a kids dolls house.


Oct 7, 2019
i mean.... it could be the 2k renders he promised us 2 years ago :ROFLMAO: So if that´s the case, he´s still about 2k renders short. But hey, let´s see if he is going to release them in chunks like the last time. :whistle::coffee:
Going by history of this game, any time the promised render count goes up, the likelihood of release goes down inversely. If the release actually happens sometime, great. But I think the better odds are a recycling of previous delays, along with the "2k render update" being "broken up into smaller chunks" again.
Updates will start back up at the beginning of March and we're going to hit it hard.


Jul 23, 2020
Braindrop has been spending all of his time loading the scenes and reposing them to fit the new space as quickly as he can. He's gone as far as to set alarms for every 90 minutes when he sleeps to get it accomplished as quickly as possible.
bruh... :KEK:

The audacity it takes to say such bullshit with a straight face and expect people to believe you is crazy. This guy really treats his patrons like they are gullible idiots. although, given that they keep renewing their subscription, I believe he is not far off.


Nov 25, 2016
Yeah, the exterior areas look terrible. The pool is tiny and looks more like a large hot tub. The area around it is unusable because of clutter. The basketball area has nonsensical lounge chairs scattered near it, along with some flower bushes that seem like a great obstacle to fall into when chasing a ball. Looking at the areas, I wonder how a dev is supposed to possibly squeeze in characters into the scenes. o_O
I actually think the renders look really nice. Sure they aren't perfect - and if you want to look for flaws, you're going to find them. But I think they look great, especially the lighting. Lighting in these games is really hit or miss, and honestly I've been playing around with Daz recently and lighting is really hard to get right. Remember this is a jerk off game, realism isn't the objective.

This update will be slightly north of 2000 renders.
There will be a bit before the exhibition game, the game, and then a bit after.
(We intended this to be a moment that we undersold and overdelivered but then everything happened and we're having to crawl it back)
This yellow bit is the bit that I think is really disappointing about this new blog post. They are basically saying that, most fans expected the next update to be short (between 150-100 renders), but BD & Mackenzie have been secretly planning to drop a 2000+ render patch without over-hyping it. They were planning to "undersell and over-deliver" which I think is an absolutely fantastic idea. This would bring some trust back.

However they have now said "but then everything happened and we're having to crawl it back" - I think this is really damaging. They've gone back to their old ways. BD/Mackenzie know that they've upset their fan base by bringing in further delays, so to try and counter-balance this, they've gone back to hyping up big promises which they might not be able to keep. Now that they've dropped the "2k renders soon guys" promise, there is no way back.

They've backed themselves into a corner again, and if I was a betting man I would probably say they are setting themselves up to under-deliver, again.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
View attachment 2359331
bruh... :KEK:

The audacity it takes to say such bullshit with a straight face and expect people to believe you is crazy. This guy really treats his patrons like they are gullible idiots. although, given that they keep renewing their subscription, I believe he is not far off.
Yes. I was hoping for a really good braindrop and I was not disappointed. After first couple paragraphs, I thought it was only going to be something boring "still working on upgrades, hence delay," but then he threw in that golden bit about waking every 90 minutes to work on the game...all for you dear players. This one earned its place in the timeline. *Chef's Kiss*

My satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is saved.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2017
View attachment 2359331
bruh... :KEK:

The audacity it takes to say such bullshit with a straight face and expect people to believe you is crazy. This guy really treats his patrons like they are gullible idiots. although, given that they keep renewing their subscription, I believe he is not far off.
Well.... not long ago there were people that believed an African prince needed their help to get his money out from Africa......
Maybe It's the same people ? :unsure: ;) :LOL::geek:


Mar 26, 2019
This is going to get lost in the noise but...

There are two kinds of developers:
- Developers that making games as a hobby, perhaps accepting patronage to help defer costs but not letting that patronage affect what they do and how they do it. 'Naughty Road', the developer of Light of My Life, is an example of this type of developer.
- Developers that make games expressly to generate a revenue stream. I think we can all agree that 'Braindrop' falls into this category.

The 'games as a business' developers fall into (at least) two categories:
- 'Best effort' developers that state that they will try to deliver a certain kind of, and amount of, content within a given time. Keyword: try.
- 'Contract' developers that state that they will deliver specific content by a specific date. Again, I think we'll agree 'Braindrop' is (or was) this kind of developer.

Long-time players will remember that Braindrop started off as a seemingly naive first-time developer that created something that was surprisingly popular, and then decided to try to make a business out of it. He delivered content, to order and on a schedule and this became more-or-less his 'brand' - a lot of good looking models, doing sexy shit and on a regular release schedule.

And went to hell. More girls, more plot elements, more locations - more complexity. It was obvious to most people that he was struggling to cope with the increased complexity - and then the excuses started.

- Physical health
- Mental health
- Housing
- Relatives
- Equipment issues

Now, unlike most people, I think he actually did struggle at the beginning of the 'excuse era' and had legitimate, excusable challenges. But I think that he learned, early on, something very important: he could make a certain amount of income while not putting any actual effort into the game. And what he did with that information defines him as a person: he's just largely sat around and absorbed patronage without making the deliveries that he committed to. He is, as such, a fraud.

I don't say that lightly - a lot of developers accept a lot of patronage, don't have written-in-stone schedules and I don't think that they're frauds. I think that Braindrop is a fraud because he's made multiple 'performance claims' and has not met the majority of them, in a serial chain of under (or non) delivery. 'Patronage' is just that - you are more or less 'tipping' a creative content creator for something that you like - until a developer makes it transactional...and that's exactly what Braindrop did. I think that many posters in many F95zone game threads have unrealistic expectations of developers, but 'Braindrop' clearly stated in multiple venues that he would deliver X amount of content by Y date if he received Z amount of funding - so he signed up for making this transactional and didn't have it forced on him.

So who's to blame for this? Mostly Braindrop for not being able to manage his business and, as we have established, it's a (piss-poor) business. But a lot of that blame can also go to:

Game-simps. I think people will always give a developer of a project that they like a couple of bucks as a way of saying 'thanks' but, similar to supporters of stippers and OnlyFans models, there are a lot of gullible people that think that being nice and throwing money at developers will, somehow, entice them to come back and play nice. This is extremely sad and frustrating for those of us that aren't 'game simps' because we would like to cut off the developer's passive revenue stream if for no other reason than to get them to stop defrauding people.

Brothers and sisters: we are the reason that Braindrop gets away with an ongoing fraud. Let's be honest with ourselves and each other, and quit living on the 'hopium' that makes us think he's ever going to honest - he's not, so let's quit funding him and get on with our lives.

Thanks for reading.
Last edited:


Oct 4, 2022
The upstairs is blacked out as it will also be remodeled but only the first floor and exterior are necessary for this update so work on them has been put on hold.
Looks like he's making sure he can use "I have to remodel the upstairs" as an excuse for why future updates are delayed.

He's gone as far as to set alarms for every 90 minutes when he sleeps to get it accomplished as quickly as possible.
He clearly isn't worried about getting it done as quickly as possible, he's taken over a year to do it.

Braindrop has informed me that he's around 75-80% complete as of today and he envisions finishing the rest in the coming days and we'll be uploading as soon as that is complete.
They say that he's nearly done, but he said he was nearly done in November. He also said he was nearly done at the beginning of last year. Somehow everytime he is "nearly done" he ends up nowhere close to being done. If he was actually "nearly done" the update should be coming out this week, but of course that is never going to happen.

One thing we'd also like to include that was meant to be a bit of a surprise is the length of the update. We've noticed that everyone seems to have a different idea of exactly how many renders this update is meant to be. We've seen everything from 200 to 1500. We both thought we had publicly shared that it would be over 1000 but this update will be slightly north of 2000 renders.
They make it sound like this is some huge deal and that they did a good job making a sizable update. For the amount of time we've sat and waited, the update should be at least 2000 renders since it's been a year since it was originally supposed to be released. Somehow I doubt the update will be anything close to 2000 renders though and they'll end up dividing it up so they can release it in chunks over the next year or so to avoid doing any additional work.

(We intended this to be a moment that we undersold and overdelivered but then everything happened and we're having to crawl it back)
Overdelivered? How could you possibly overdeliver? You've disappointed your entire fanbase and have never delivered on any promise you've made so there is no possible way you could overdeliver.

Also, I'm not sure why they said the update would be 2000 renders then say they'd have to crawl it back, but I assume that means the update will end up not being 2000 renders as promised.

We will have a post shortly after the update explaining our plan in detail but the idea for February is for Braindrop to finish modeling the house, to properly decorate the patreon, for us to catch up on the side content, and for us to release updated character sheets.
Yet another "we have a post saying how everything will get better" promise. They've said this dozens of times and have never once followed through. I like how they added "properly decorate the patreon" as one of their goals for February. What does that even mean? Does it mean they're going to raise the cost of all the tiers again to milk more from their Patrons? Then they say "catch up on the side content" and "release updated character sheets" which makes it sound like they're going to do everything but release the update (the only thing any of us actually care about).

Updates will start back up at the beginning of March and we're going to hit it hard.
Does this mean the update that's "almost done" is being delayed until March? If so, I'd like an apology from Braindrop for banning me from his Patreon because I said this exact thing would happen and they told me I was slandering him. It's actually insane how they plan to twiddle their thumbs working on useless trash instead of making the actual game we're paying them to make. I seriously want to know if they have some sort of mental disability that effects their logical reasoning because this is just stupid.


Jul 30, 2022
I'm wondering if anyone could help clear up my misunderstanding...
BD has/is delayed/ing the game for the remake renders of the house, yet is releasing 2K worth of renders at the schools basketball game?
Unless he is releasing the remake which I thought was suppose to be after whatever messed up day it currently is why should the house renders affect the update?

I'm not sure if I've got lost in the BS or BD has.
Also some food for thought when he says 2K renders are they New new renders or re-rendered counted?
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