
Mar 4, 2019
Let me put it this way: at this point, it seems pretty obvious he is in for the money. While I personally have a very low opinion of humanity in general, after 1-2 years of all this bs people will start leaving. From what I read here he is bleeding patreons, but not as much as it should be.

Every scam either needs some godlike charisma to work or some carrot to hang in front of people in the form of hope from time to time. I just believe it's time to receive some of the carrot, that's all.
Sadly, you'd be surprised how many "milking" devs around here with abandoned games on this site still have support on Patreon. None of them do the right thing for their supporters. Ethically, morally or otherwise
As long as there are suckers to buy their bill of goods, there'll be scammers that take advantage, even if it didn't start that way.
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Mar 26, 2019
Every scam either needs some godlike charisma to work or some carrot to hang in front of people in the form of hope from time to time.
Even if it didn't start as a scam, it's a scam now and it follows the classic pattern - good initial performance to lock in the 'true believers' and then coast as long as you can. This has been going on for thousands of years and you would think we would get a little smarter about this fraud pattern.


Sep 16, 2016
The main problem is in the interim of the updates not coming someone started a story about a grandson fucking anything in sight and is still pumping up updates every month. So i don't really care anymore about a basketball game, i care about the story about a man that got it's next of kin family taken from him so that he overcompensate, or the story about a superhero in training that thinks he is not up to par the reveal about him make you go play the game again. All i get from this is trans lover and duckfaces. Dev really needs stop taking ideas from patreons and get back to the first idea.


May 30, 2020
Let me put it this way: at this point, it seems pretty obvious he is in for the money. While I personally have a very low opinion of humanity in general, after 1-2 years of all this bs people will start leaving. From what I read here he is bleeding patreons, but not as much as it should be.

Every scam either needs some godlike charisma to work or some carrot to hang in front of people in the form of hope from time to time. I just believe it's time to receive some of the carrot, that's all.
IMO it's not a problem that he's in it for the money, the problem is not honoring his end of the bargain.

I do think this is going to trend downwards over time as I said before. Everyone has their breaking point and once they're broke, they're not coming back. The reality of this game is at this point, even if he hit every single one of his goals for the rest of this year and next, I've given him all the money he's ever going to get from me. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Another thing to consider is people at $1 tier level who are subbed to multiple people and just don't even pay attention. I don't think it's a huge number of people, but there have to be some patrons who liked the game two years ago, pledged a buck a month and then WVM got lost in the sauce of their other pledges OR it's such an insignificant amount that they don't even pay attention to the charge.

I wish there was a way to see the breakdown of pledges that are fanatical devotees that will go down with the ship no matter what and people who don't even remember the ship exists at all.


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
The main problem is in the interim of the updates not coming someone started a story about a grandson fucking anything in sight and is still pumping up updates every month. So i don't really care anymore about a basketball game, i care about the story about a man that got it's next of kin family taken from him so that he overcompensate, or the story about a superhero in training that thinks he is not up to par the reveal about him make you go play the game again. All i get from this is trans lover and duckfaces. Dev really needs stop taking ideas from patreons and get back to the first idea.
I know what games you're talking about, and those games would be even better if they did in fact offer trans love interests.
Trans characters are a good thing, especially when they're well written like they are in this game.
So adding trans characters shouldn't be on a list of problems with this game, especially as it has nothing to do with why it's been delayed so long


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
IMO it's not a problem that he's in it for the money, the problem is not honoring his end of the bargain.

I do think this is going to trend downwards over time as I said before. Everyone has their breaking point and once they're broke, they're not coming back. The reality of this game is at this point, even if he hit every single one of his goals for the rest of this year and next, I've given him all the money he's ever going to get from me. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Another thing to consider is people at $1 tier level who are subbed to multiple people and just don't even pay attention. I don't think it's a huge number of people, but there have to be some patrons who liked the game two years ago, pledged a buck a month and then WVM got lost in the sauce of their other pledges OR it's such an insignificant amount that they don't even pay attention to the charge.

I wish there was a way to see the breakdown of pledges that are fanatical devotees that will go down with the ship no matter what and people who don't even remember the ship exists at all.
We could debate on what honoring his end of the bargain actually means on a site like Patreon, since I have no idea if anything he actually puts on the pledges is actually binding or not. I always saw Patreon as a " Pay me if you like what I did ", never something along the line of " Pay me and support while I'm doing this ".

We can also have a nice discussion about whether accepting free money is actually wrong. Sure, it may be ethically wrong but if there is nothing legally binding on his promises of content, I don't know which side is more to blame though: the sheep or the wolf who just exploit them? It's 2023, and they have a choice on how to spend their money. If they want to spend it like this, meh, more power to them I guess. I do think it's not a really nice way to behave but never got in that position so I have no idea how I would deal with receiving that kind of money monthly in this kind of grey area. In any case, I really don't want to go off-topic though.

My thought process on the update is just that he needs to eventually deliver something to just keep the faithful who still cares. People who already left won't come back because once trust is broken is way too hard to actually get back. This also seems the way he wants to move by deleting the old post on his Patreon: he wishes to get some new ones and keep the ones he has. History proved that there is only so much bullshit people can take before they just quit on you and I'm sure he knows that.

So yeah, he will drop something this month for sure. He can't be that dense to not see this.


Nov 23, 2020
So yeah, he will drop something this month for sure. He can't be that dense to not see this.
Considering what happened so far and all the time he refused to listen to people here or on patreon asking some possibilities on this game (not just refusing, but being quite rude to his consumers), I'm quite sure he's THIS dense.

Sadly Jamie is the best render I found in a girl on an adult game, wished there were others games with her render, so I could put this one to sit for some years, untill it gets a good amount of new stuff or it gets completed (or abandoned).
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Nov 23, 2020
Dev has a real life, big update is coming soon.
This post is old, but I really find this shit laughable. Imagine you saying this to the person the pays your monthly wage: "Hey boss, I didnt finish the report cause I have a real life".

Well, he's getting paid to do this game, THIS is parte of his "real life". If he don't give value to this, or don't get enough from it, quit or do for free, don't milk other people money.

He's not doing ANYBODY a favor, he's getting paid to do it. I really can't believe people become such a fanboy of a random person like that, to try to justify him getting money from people while promissing to delivery a product and doing sh*t.

If the rest of his life is rough, lock the patreon and don't milk people untill he can continue, otherwise abandon this, or just don't ask money if it's a hobby.

FFS. All this fanboying internet created on the last 4-5 years is beyond pathetic.


Mar 4, 2019
IMO it's not a problem that he's in it for the money, the problem is not honoring his end of the bargain.

I do think this is going to trend downwards over time as I said before. Everyone has their breaking point and once they're broke, they're not coming back. The reality of this game is at this point, even if he hit every single one of his goals for the rest of this year and next, I've given him all the money he's ever going to get from me. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Another thing to consider is people at $1 tier level who are subbed to multiple people and just don't even pay attention. I don't think it's a huge number of people, but there have to be some patrons who liked the game two years ago, pledged a buck a month and then WVM got lost in the sauce of their other pledges OR it's such an insignificant amount that they don't even pay attention to the charge.

I wish there was a way to see the breakdown of pledges that are fanatical devotees that will go down with the ship no matter what and people who don't even remember the ship exists at all.
Considering many reports claim that on average %40 of consumers forget they have ongoing monthly subscriptions, it's safe to assume that some of them on Patreon also forgot to check. Would be interesting to see the breakdown, even on those abandoned games to see how many are still hopeful fans and how many are simply unaware.
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May 30, 2020
We could debate on what honoring his end of the bargain actually means on a site like Patreon, since I have no idea if anything he actually puts on the pledges is actually binding or not. I always saw Patreon as a " Pay me if you like what I did ", never something along the line of " Pay me and support while I'm doing this ".

We can also have a nice discussion about whether accepting free money is actually wrong. Sure, it may be ethically wrong but if there is nothing legally binding on his promises of content, I don't know which side is more to blame though: the sheep or the wolf who just exploit them? It's 2023, and they have a choice on how to spend their money. If they want to spend it like this, meh, more power to them I guess. I do think it's not a really nice way to behave but never got in that position so I have no idea how I would deal with receiving that kind of money monthly in this kind of grey area. In any case, I really don't want to go off-topic though.

My thought process on the update is just that he needs to eventually deliver something to just keep the faithful who still cares. People who already left won't come back because once trust is broken is way too hard to actually get back. This also seems the way he wants to move by deleting the old post on his Patreon: he wishes to get some new ones and keep the ones he has. History proved that there is only so much bullshit people can take before they just quit on you and I'm sure he knows that.

So yeah, he will drop something this month for sure. He can't be that dense to not see this.
I don't disagree, but IMO it changes when you are talking about someone who constantly promises content that never comes, and then hides the evidence of all the times he failed to deliver. Ultimately, it's still buyer beware, and I'm sure Patreon has made sure they're legally indemnified from stuff like this or else the business would be imploded by now.

I think you are looking at the issue rationally, in terms of how someone would try to navigate this to keep it off the ground. The problem with that logic is it applies to the last 18 months that he could have engaged in this constructive behavior and didn't. I don't honestly believe that BD is a scammer in the sense of he has taken this calculated risk - it just doesn't make sense. A scammer would create basically a glorified demo and then move on to the next thing while teasing content for a time before going dark. WVM is too long for that in its current state.

If BD is not that, but he is rational, he would just release content people didn't like and adjust future content based on feedback. Let's be honest, now is literally the easiest time in history to keep a project like this going indefinitely. The hard part is starting, and we're already there. He doesn't have to be creative; every part of the creation process at this point can be automated to some degree with the littlest amount of effort comparably. This doesn't mean no effort, but honestly it's not much. Between AI tools and just literally stealing ideas from other media and his own creativity and vision, he can come up with storylines that are good enough. In all my time on here I've only ever played two games that had moments (not as a whole) that I thought were legitimately great. This is still mostly just porn, let's be honest. I don't need War and Peace, I just need something that isn't terrible.

But this is the problem: BD is not rational. No one but him (and maybe not even him) can say for sure what motivates him, what his vision is, or where this is going, but you can absolutely say this guy has no idea how to get there. My personal opinion is that this game has created a parasocial dynamic that he feeds into and has allowed himself to become trapped in. His energy is spent on controlling the audience's perception of him as the artist so strongly that it has basically washed out the work that we're supposed to actually care about. He is obsessed with telling you what he is thinking and feeling and going through. It's a bizarre inversion of how normal fame works - usually it's the audience digging into the creator and boundary checking them to varying degrees. BD's boundaries are all over the place, and he almost forces you to respond to them as part of the deal. He has shared wayyyyyyyyyyyy too many personal details that we never needed to know, in service of what exactly? Outside of the engagement itself, nothing.

Over time this has created this fucking weird Stockholm syndrome effect, where the people who really just want to engage in his world engage with him instead, with the hopes that they can steer him back on track to producing the content they wanted to see in the first place without this crazy series of interpersonal correspondence side quests. The only smart thing BD has said lately is that he plans to stop engaging with his audience. That is 100% the right move. But as he's shown, he can't help himself. Not even with the "assistant" he "hired" to force him.

Because of this goofy ass scenario, literally any actuality is possible. BD could have 100,000 renders done, or he could have none. It's far more likely in my opinion that he has 100,000 rough drafts done, and the vast majority aren't remotely usable in their current state. And since he's addicted to engagement, but also to the idea of being engaged with, he spends 99% of his energy on that instead.

I didn't intend to write this much, but I've thought a lot about this situation since I apparently have nothing better to do with my time. This is all a very long way of saying that until this core dynamic fundamentally shifts, I don't think the behavior, the missed dates, the angst, or the backlash will stop. He could set the next release date for 2035 and not come close to hitting it. This arrangement is configured to produce this result. You have to change it to get something else out of it, and he's the only one who can.


Aug 3, 2022
If he has as much content as he SAYS he has he could have easily decided to "edit" himself and publish a smaller, "corrected" release as opposed to whatever War and Peace sized content that has been troubling for the past X amount of months. A small release would have been easy to refine, correct, update and publish and he would still have the rest of the content to work on and divvy up in similar releases while the audience was pacified for a bit. I'm in agreement that while he may have thoughts, or even pieces of content rendered, he's not anywhere near the amount he was claiming to have. If he was he could have done what I have stated here previously.

As much as I have enjoyed what he has done thus far, there is no way this whole scenario should have gone on as long as it has with as many problems he's come up with. For whatever reason he just doesn't seem to have his shit together and can't seem to admit it (unless he's doing so through his ghostwriter, McKenzie if you want to believe the tale he/she/BD himself spins about pressure, anxiety, and a need to continually go back to the drawing board to redo things).

I'd love to see an update by his next promised release date but let's be realistic. He's not been able to do that in MONTHS. He has not hit any deadline he has promised including the one he SWORE he would hold up to no matter what. The reality is don't bank on content in March. IF there is a content release in March it's not going to be anywhere near the size he has previously mentioned. It will probably be the size of one of these "mini-updates that have been mentioned because much like a lot of kids in highschool this guy is most likely doing his homework in in homeroom right before class starts. I'd really love to be wrong about this but his track record really speaks for itself.


Oct 9, 2019
Can we just add the abandoned tag and be done with it? I feel like that's just the pure fact or at least give it the On-Hold Tag, shit's been on the limbo since months with no change.


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
No, it's absolutely the latter, hence why it is a recurring monthly payment and not a one-time one.
Of course, it's the latter and this is why I specified that this is how I see it so I don't get scammed. I personally don't believe in supporting half-finishing products whether it's early access as some games do nowadays or Kickstarter.

The issue with this is that none of the supporters are actually his boss or can demand anything. As I said, if those pledges are not binding the only thing he is actually doing is being a liar at worst. This is why I think that something like this will have way more devs running and milking than actually keeping producing content. We all have/had a job, what happens when you refuse to work for a month? You either get fired or you don't get a paycheck.

Now, if you decide to do the same on Patreon, what is the consequence? Nothing. You may lose some reputation, but you are still racking more money needed to live in most parts of the world (Surely at least Europe where I Live) and you will start bleeding Patreons but still do big numbers for a while.

This is why if you think supporting gets you entitled to something you will get burned more times than not, at least that's how I see it. This is why I just play something that I like here, support for X amount for a month as an " Enjoyed your work, good job" and leave. I'm sorry but supporting someone with this model is the same as donating to a charity.


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
But this is the problem: BD is not rational. No one but him (and maybe not even him) can say for sure what motivates him, what his vision is, or where this is going, but you can absolutely say this guy has no idea how to get there. My personal opinion is that this game has created a parasocial dynamic that he feeds into and has allowed himself to become trapped in. His energy is spent on controlling the audience's perception of him as the artist so strongly that it has basically washed out the work that we're supposed to actually care about. He is obsessed with telling you what he is thinking and feeling and going through. It's a bizarre inversion of how normal fame works - usually it's the audience digging into the creator and boundary checking them to varying degrees. BD's boundaries are all over the place, and he almost forces you to respond to them as part of the deal. He has shared wayyyyyyyyyyyy too many personal details that we never needed to know, in service of what exactly? Outside of the engagement itself, nothing.

Because of this goofy ass scenario, literally any actuality is possible. BD could have 100,000 renders done, or he could have none. It's far more likely in my opinion that he has 100,000 rough drafts done, and the vast majority aren't remotely usable in their current state. And since he's addicted to engagement, but also to the idea of being engaged with, he spends 99% of his energy on that instead.

I didn't intend to write this much, but I've thought a lot about this situation since I apparently have nothing better to do with my time. This is all a very long way of saying that until this core dynamic fundamentally shifts, I don't think the behavior, the missed dates, the angst, or the backlash will stop. He could set the next release date for 2035 and not come close to hitting it. This arrangement is configured to produce this result. You have to change it to get something else out of it, and he's the only one who can.
I just quoted some specific parts, but I do agree with you to a certain extent. The way he behaves sometimes reminds me of all the drama Esports and the like get when you start treating and paying top athletes money a bunch of teenagers. To give an example, you usually hear of them being either lazy or losing motivation.

The reality is that to keep doing something like this you either have to be a professional or have lots of discipline to stay on course. It's like going to the gym, it's not like someone will force you to do it: you either want to go and will have the discipline to keep going, or you don't.

The only way he will ever start producing again is if he puts a standard work environment around him: having a boss is not always the best, but sometimes people need someone that keeps hounding your ass to do their job.


Nov 21, 2022
I heard there's a giant asteroid heading towards earth.
Maybe he hasn't used that one yet.
Well, he was in the process of uploading the new update when disaster struck. He was pet-sitting his second cousin's girlfriend's parakeet when a car accident directly in front of his house startled the bird and it landed on his computer after making a scene. That in itself wouldn't have been a problem, but his cat had been stalking the bird and took this as his opportunity to grab a quick lunch, as it were, launching itself into his computer; knocking it and his venti caffe soymilk latte, two pumps of caramel, with extra foam to the ground. The bird and cat are fine, but sadly the PC didn't make it.

You hate to see it.
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