VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing. Definetly it's going to my favorites.


    - Easy game. You don't need a walkthough to get wherever you want in the story;

    - Tons of content, including great renders;

    - Many different and hot girls;

    - MC is amazing and charismatic, not some loser who gots lucky in life;

    - The open relationship betwen MC and GF turns everything better, so you can be free to get all the girls you want without boring dramas or needing to turn off other girls;

    - Rachel is amazing and that thing about beeing paid to impregnate womans was agreat idea to let MC get different girls and insert pregnancy in the game without affecting the story too much.


    - The dialogs becomes a little boring;

    - It would be, IMO very good if the creator could give more attention to the other girls, no just MC's family and GF.


    This is a must play game and will become one of my favorites. The creator did a great job and it will definetly gets even better as more updates come.

    I liked a lot of the idea of making a easy game, allowing the player to make choices without beeing forced to choose one or other route and principaly the idea of a badass MC that can easily gets every girl he wants.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it! Wish more games had a similar amount of scenes, animations, story and so much more, may sound dull but the amount of games that lack so much sex scenes is underwhelming.
    Also if anyone could recommend games that have a similar amount of scenes and game play ,I would really appreciate it :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An adorable story that actually rewards the player for choosing the more engaging path. Not only the animations are great and the characters themselves provide you with genuine feelings, but there's enough mystery and progression to feel involved as you play through it. I am eagerly waiting for the next chapters.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this.
    Others have remarked on how easy it seems for the MC to attract women but, in context as the superstar athlete at a low tier college where you're the recipient of a supercar and 2 houses, it fits.
    For me it's fun playing as that type of character in the game.
    Overall the game is well written, rewarding &, most of all, fun!
    Happily building a harem right now! (y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is easily in my top 5 best games in this genre. It has great story pacing and it has some awesome (and believable) looking models that haven't been overused in a hundred other games. Always looking forward to the next release.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders are absolutely stunning, the story is good (and actually realistic), and nothing seems overdone/exaggerated. I've played an exact total of 30 games now and this is amongst my top three. Not to mention the updates are very frequent; absolutely love it and can't wait for more!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm relatively new to this site and after trying numerous games throughout the latest updates this was probably the most well written game I've played. Just the writing alone compared to games that shall not be named felt refreshing. The story itself also doesn't give me a sense of being overly done and COMPLETELY unrealistic 10/10 will be waiting patiently for updates!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Let me start out by saying WOW! The developer really has put in a lot of work and the effort shows. The renders are awesome, the writing is solid and the characters all have some depth to them. There really are a lot of things to love about this game and it is clear Braindrop puts a crap ton of work into this. Their attention to detail is really great!

    However... the overall story is not my thing. I liked the initial premise and who knows if the benefits this guy gets as a college athlete are real or not, but it's all just too gosh darn sweet for me. I know there seems to be something going on like maybe he is being followed or something, but the whole "it's okay to help other girls and you can build a harem as long as we approve of them" is just a bit too much for me.

    I am also not a fan of the first person kissing/hugging thing and there is a lot of that in this, to the point it was kinda creepy.

    I could get past these deficits if the fapping scenes were better. They are well done and look good but short and not very descriptive. These games/VNs are fun not because we like the animated scenes, but really if we wanted to watch sex scenes we would just watch porn. These scenes have to have something more than just a couple seconds of animation. It's almost like the developer worked so hard to put out a lot of content that they missed the mark. The only one that was pretty good was the first time he has sex with his actual GF.

    Keep in mind, this may just be a fetish I am not that fond of and it is possible people may really like the story and the characters. If you like that kind of a thing and like playing a dude who has it all and all the girls are okay with everyone fucking each other, then 5 stars for sure. But if you are like me and like some flawed characters and some deviant behavior, then my 3 stars will hold.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Super interesting game dude. Good job. Anyway to just update instead of downloading the whole game again? Still, super cool game. The characters are super hot. I would love to play more basketball and limit the sex to 2 or 3 times in a single day but the game pulls you in like something I've never seen before. I've played so many other games but I check for updates on here regularly. I liked the game so I'm also gonna contribute to your patreon because you worked super hard for us and you deserve to get paid for it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game some how manages to be somewhat realistic and grounded in real life, while also being an over abundant sex fest. Lots of content with more to come. All the models and renders are sexy. Definitely an excellent recommendation.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Good story, great animations and rends. Has options to avoid content. The story is unique in my opinion because it is not like most others with mind control spells and parents dying so you move in with a family friend and her daughters. I will donate on release to support the creator.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. One of the best I've ever played. I love the characters, art and the story is amazing.
    i really like mc in this game
    Awesome job Braindrop I am looking forward to every singe update that is put out :love:
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really excellent game so far! The characters are interesting, the graphics are brilliant, and the sex is dynamite. The Harem path seems to be great so far. Can't wait for future updates. Keep up the great work m8! (y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. One of the best I've ever played.
    I don't have much to say because unfortunately I don't speak English well and I have to use a translator, I only know that this game is worth every single praise it is receiving.

    Keep it up Braindrop. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. :)
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Weird faces, lack of expressions, boring story and dialog, and anatomy that defies the laws of physics and reality. Geez, humans are supposed to have only two legs.

    Also, this "always first person" thing, even when kissing or licking pussy, always make it weird. But in this game it made it scary.

    The game isn't terrible, but at least for me, is really under the average.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I have played. Love the endless amount of girls. It is nice to play a game from a winners perspective. Kind of sick of the typical underdog story, so this is exactly the game i have needed.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 426687

    this is a great game with regular updates from the dev and it only seems to be getting better with every update, I love the characters, art, story and the option for trans if you want it or not. would recommend the game for sure.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I had been avoiding this game for some reason. Maybe the preview image didn't convince me, maybe I don't love yellow. Anyway on one of my hornier days (yesterday) I decided to give it a shot. What I want to say is: God bless this dev and the game! You're basically like a sultan surrounded by beautiful, horny and kinky girls who make you feel aroused and loved at the same time.
    I was never into basketball (I'm European so I like football) but this game is making me respect it more. The story although progresses fairly slowly is interesting enough. But did I mention the girls? Once again: they're many and hot, so if you're into that kind of thing, this is the ideal game. Although it seems you could also choose to be in a single relationship.
    If I had to mention a con is that when there is a dialog, the facial expression of the girls barely changes. On the plus side, you can name your character and you're not shown his face so it's easier to feel it's you.
    Overall this was a wonderful experience and definitely worth the big score that it has. I recommend trying this game especially since once the sex scenes start, they keep coming!
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Watcher X

    I played this game due to the amount of high reviews and overall hype. After playing, I'm left feeling it's a bit of a mixed bag.

    The Good:
    - The characters are very well written and engaging. You want to keep playing to find out more.
    - The artwork is great and the girls are gorgeous.
    - The setting is unique enough.

    The Bad
    - Literally every girl throws themselves at the MC. There is little to no chase or challenge. Whenever a new girl appears (and there are lots) you know it is only a matter of time before she is on the end of the MCs cock.
    - The MC is pretty much the male equivalent of a Mary Sue. Every thing about him is perfect, he is flawless. He always says or does the right thing at the right time and everyone loves him. It makes for a boring character.

    The Ugly
    - Yet another MC with a horse dick. It is ridiculously huge, it defies physics in that he goes balls deep without puncturing the females lungs. I know it's a fetish for some but I'd prefer something a little realistic.
    - The animations are a bit janky and could be a lot better.

    Despite my complaints this is still a high quality game and worth playing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    really like this game, from the story to the end of this version, it is very easy to play, it would be more fun if you add some animated scenes, but everything is good for now, can't wait to what will come in next update. :love: