VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this is definitely the best VN I have come notch renders,,,fun story line,,,the MC gets the girls without being a total PoS,,,actual character development,,,what more could one ask for???
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN has become one of my top 5 favorites, and is making a strong bid to earn top 2 honors in my book.
    The artwork and renders are excellent.
    The story is a good and interesting. There is a lot going on, and it is not totally clear where the story is going, but I like that. Better still, while not totally believable in 'real life' it is logical and isn't silly either. In all, extremely satisfying. The writing is clean, and almost completely error free. Fan of slow burn? Covered. Want quick action, straight to the good bits? Check as well.
    The array of beauties in this game is staggering, fun, and sexy AF. May be the best assortment of various body types, hair colors and styles, ethnicities, and backgrounds I've seen. Superb all the way around.
    Icing on the cake is the regularity with which updates come out.
    I hope you'll carefully consider supporting the author, as this game is a slam dunk 5 star offering.
    Great, great VN.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game. I loved it so far, probably on of my favorite games on this site. Just hope it does not get abandoned. Waiting so patiently on the next update. Very good plot and beatiful women in this game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is honestly my favorite game! The story is amazing, characters and renders are amazing and the best part for me is how Jamie is as a girlfriend. This is what i've wanted from games instead of the cheating.

    Keep the amazing work up!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy Shit! I've played a ton of these kinds VNs, but this one is a cut above. Solid art, characters, scenes that are hot as hell, etc. What really makes this stand out to me, though, is the excellent story. Also, MC is like some benevolent deity. He's like, "I'm here to show you that all your problems will be my penis."
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn i wasnt paying much attention during the 1st part of the game thinking this is another mainstream VN game but boy was i wrong!!
    • Fken amazing charachers.
    • Main waifus and gfs are amazing and fken lovable.
    • Interesting background stories on each character.
    • Story is good still but kinda early. Very very interesting so far.(Day 6 is the end of the intro).So far i loved it.
    • Dialogue personally doesnt seem boring or annoying.
    • One of a few games where the relationship between the couple get's a lovey dovey, it feels more real than the cold dialogue other games have, loving it.
    • Renders are detailed and beautiful.No low-res garbo backgrounds or items in the scenes.
    • Animations still need some work to reach the top-tier games here.Each update they keep getting better.(Comparing 0.6.1 to 0.6.7)
    • AGAIN Weekly updates!!!Thats actually insane!!
    Yes the MC might be Jesus himself with all the good things he's doing but who cares thats dope!! :KEK:

    Overall a fken amazing game worth playing so far(played Day 1-6 v0.6.7.1 ).
    Top tier game which is worth keeping track and its support this dev since he's making something interesting here!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    before i start i gotta just say jamie probably ruined my dating future because she set the bar so high for all girls that no one can compete now :D

    anyway it's one of the best experiences i had here, right off the bat its different in how it leans into the wholesome side of your relationship with all the girls around you. your superpower is basically being a position to help all those around you and you get great feedback for it and it makes you feel good about yourself.

    the dialog is well written every character is unique and impressive with quirks to love in every character, as i said jamie being the best girlfriend ever basically also makes you able to be town super hero with her and shauna's support.

    now to be fair it can feel a bit like you are overpowered and if you only like to play the underdog it may be a bit of a turn off but in my opinion it's really just a problem with how you approach the game and what do you expect, your character isn't the one who is struggling it's the one that can reach out for the stars easily but uses this power mostly to help those around him with their struggles. honestly, with how wholesome and actually meaningful most of your interactions are it doesn't feel cheesy or boring.

    what made me take this long to play the game since i joined was that i thought it would be short like i looked and saw day 5 or 6 and i was this is gonna be too short but no its not like that at all, every day is so full of events and plot development it feels like 6 weeks which is great.

    all i can say is that am really waiting for the updates now i really love this game and how its approached.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Something is off with this game. I find the dialog to be completely boring and I just click through most of it without reading it. The sex is ok but boring too. I dont know but it just seems like the same thing with every girl. Visually it's great and the animations are good. I dont know I just cant get into it. I will say that the complaints that it's easy for the main character to get laid is stupid. A top basketball player in the country will have it easy. Really easy as they're thought of as Gods. That is captured here perfectly so chill. 2.5 stars for me
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    No grind is a big plus. I hate games with some kinda stupid grind. If I wanted that, I'd go play PoE or something.

    Great models for the women imo. Very varied, and you can choose who you like.

    Not being locked out of content is another plus. The game really is as choice-simple as the walkthrough would have you believe.

    Not having to hop around between 15 locations trying to trigger an event based on time of day and other random shit like items in inventory is also nice. I really don't understand why game developers do that. "You have to have this item, and be on this location at this time of day to progress. How do you figure that out? Use the unofficial walkthrough." Nothing kills my boner faster than that.

    • Some of the writing is really weird. Way too much "Oh I love you and you're perfect and you're the world to me and bla bla bla". Jesus christ, we get it. The MC is perfect.
    • All the girls are seemingly just instantly into the MC. No real progress or fight or anything to win them over.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    WVM follows the life and sexual exploits of a protagonist headed off to college on a basketball scholarship. I don’t understand why this game got such high ratings. It is poorly written with absolutely no barrier to sex for the MC. The dialogue is 90% ham-fisted cringe with the MC constantly virtue signaling and saying things that no one would ever say. There are also many moments of disbelief that cannot be overcome by the plot and characters. For example, the most absurd moment in the story is when you tell your GF that you want to open up your relationship to include Shauna, your best friend and she is like totally yuppers about that and even immediately begins to encourage you to seduce other girls. The plot, the characters, the writing is just so shallow.

    There is no music, no VA, no SFX.

    The CGs and graphics are mid-tier and often suffer from a lack of imagination and variation especially during the sex scenes, although some of the characters like the MC’s girlfriend are interesting. Also, the textures are pretty shitty at times, especially in regard to the MC’s dong.


    + some of the models look good, not technically, but the designs for a lot of the women are nice.

    + getting paid to breed rich MILFs is a great side plot

    + the sheer variation of women that you get to fuck is fantastic.

    + having the MC being a top college basketball player is fresh


    - the quality of the graphics are mid-tier at best.

    - sex scenes are far too short, although some of the dialogue during the sex is passable.

    - there is little variation in the sex scenes, and the angles and poses are pretty blase.

    - the writing is an abortion.

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games ive ever got to play
    it makes you actually like the charachters in this game and use ur head (at least a bit) it makes you happy and not just because ur able to beat youre meat ... no its just simply awesome and in my top 3 (i dont really know on what rank tho) of games for sure
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    - Game is as believable as Donald Trump in the oval office. Your 2 months GF just wildly our of nowhere after 3 days of gameplay accepts you occasionally bang your best friend and proposes 3-way relationship. Everyone woman seems to jump on your dick in this town withou any effort, just by being nice.
    There are little to no choices.

    + Renders are in above decent quality
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game , one of my faves atm , wouldn't mind to see more trans/futa stuff , as well as some foot fetish. You should chill with the characters a bit tho , no need for 20 girls at the start of the game , just focus on the relationships we already have. I don't mean it's a bad thing , but maybe later on , once we've explored the routes with the current cuties.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely well made, good storyline without being overly cliche and a good timetable on updates with a good amount of content.
    Cant wait to see how this continues as i have actually gotten very into this
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Five Stars not just for the game (which deserves it), but especially for the constant updates. Interesting story, decent renders/models, and a lot of lewd content. The MC may be a Mary Sue but at least he's not another jerk, idiot, or idiotic jerk.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through the whole thing in one night. Just really good with lovely characters. I do though wish there was a bit more impact for some of the choices so far? As it stands your relationship with different people doesn't seem to be to affected negatively by much, same with your reputation. All though that might just be the fact that it's only been 5 days. Cant wait for the rest.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Youre a star player. But also a saint. Women think youre better than chocolat. Nobody can resist you. You cant do wrong. It´s pretty clear i´m not a fan of the MC character or the way he´s worshiped here and i think it makes the story a lot weaker. But there is a lot that i like too. The overall story is good, im liking the characters too (except when they enter worship mode), character models are different and its a great fap game. So i´m hoping there´s an off switch for the worshipping in the future.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a true gem. Its easily one of the best Ren'Py games I have played before and I would wholeheartedly suggest supporting the creators.

    The writing, the models, the renders - literally everything about this game is of high quality. The main character is actually intimate and has writing that doesn't seem awfully cheesy or forced. In fact, the main character is rather unique in the fact that he isn't just some pervy teen/20-something year old but an actual accomplished college athlete.

    On the side of models, you won't see many of the familiar faces you'll normally find in these types of games. It looks like most of the girls are fairly unique to each other - ranging from clothes to skin tones to expressions. The black characters actually look like people instead of strange, dark-skinned white characters and actually have naturally textured hair (or at least higher quality ones than you'd normally see). Additionally, the body proportions for everyone range from full on bimbo to slender and petite. The clothing options are mostly realistic as opposed to the fresh off the set of a Brazzers shoot attire that other games have.

    The game also gets points for having the main character actually wear clothes that aren't the default "Big Brother" styled ones. Other male characters actually look human as well which goes a long way.

    The renders are incredibly well done. Good lighting, fleshed out backgrounds (although some appear to be a little bare), and no odd filters. This game has some animations in it and they look incredibly smooth in action. Even the still shots are great with hardly any noticeable errors.

    In terms of gameplay, this one is definitely not a grind fest. Its a visual novel and it looks as if you will have the potential of romancing everyone. While that may not be everyone's cup of tea, its a great thing for the game to include as many of the ladies are quite lovely.

    In short, I'd say download this game and support the devs. All the praise it has received from other reviewers is completely warranted.

    So, that review is not really that accurate anymore. As the game progresses in its development, the author is really just making this a generic harem game with a self insert.

    The story has progressed a bit with some hamfisted stuff about corruption and conspiracies about the school, as well as poorly explained reasons why all these girls you're just now meeting are moving in with you. Additionally, there are no real consequences for your actions. Your girlfriend and her friend are virtually fine with everything you do, as are the other girls you fuck. The actual incest plotline is kinda still there but its so muddled now.

    The models and renders are still fine for the most part. The base models are getting reused more and more to the point where nearly every girl is starting to look the exact same. And there is now the ongoing trope of going to bed with the amount of girls in the bed with you increasing.

    At this point, I'd either say avoid getting each update as they come out and instead grab them every other month if you still want to attempt to follow this "story"
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    story line is on a basketball theme ....
    not bad i must say its different ....
    renders are amazing .... (y) (y) (y)

    i wonder about flashbacks tho.. are they really necessary . not complaining ,,, but its like i have lost memory or something .... guess i should wait for more updates before opening my big mouth..

    i really do enjoy this game as one of the best i've played can't wait to see whats to come :)

    no doubt about the playability , i've played this several times waiting on updates .. hahaha (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Straight vn rp choice porngame no minigames quick to play, good enjoyable game loads of girls, good renders, sports, even gives a transgender option for one of the main girls so thats a fresh take . Story a bit shallow so far but the rest makes up for it.