VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Overall the game was good but now it's bad and getting worse, it is well made(zero errors and no lag) with amazing art quality both in charaters and locations(which there are lots of for both) but the interesting and unique story is destroyed by political messages and MC being the perfect person(noone is like that) the good amount of choices are getting undone as the game "takes over" when MC interacts with characters later in the game (there are some girls MC should just hate but it wont let you, everyone gets forgiven).

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    The last update destroyed alot of the relationship "choices" the MC had with the girls making all of them friends, seriously if MC was any more of a "white knight" it would bilnd people to look at him.

    After the last update there is no way to avoid the obvious political adgenda in the game(which im not legally allowed to mention) which is dragging down the game, its porn, i dont want to be thinking about political adgendas while playing so for me i'm out.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    - Hi, babe.
    - Oh hello, babe.
    - Where have you been, babe?
    - I was just answering the door, babe.
    - I've missed you, babe.
    - I haven't seen you for like 2 minutes, babe...
    *Jamie looks at MC with creepy eyes*
    - ... and obviously I've missed you, too, babe.
    - So, who was that, babe?
    - Just a mailman, babe.
    - Is she a good woman? Did you have sex with her and impregnate her? (babe)
    - Yes, I did, babe, I love you so much, Jamie, you're so cool.
    - Oh, I love you too, babe.


    - I hate forced relationships in games (there should be a tag for it) and I just can't stand Jamie which leads to me not enjoying half of the game, because half of the game is about babe-ing and huging Jamie.
    - Dialogues are so awkward that I feel like watching The Office, MC is just perfect and he talks in a way that no normal people talk, like he's in the middle of philosophical debate
    - some girls
    - plot is just so stupid I can't even...

    - a lot of content
    - frequent updates
    - renders quality
    - a lot of girls
    - Harper and Azel

    In general, this is not a bad game (hence the high ratings, obviously), I just can't stand few things and if you do not care about these things - you may enjoy it a lot. I may adjust my rating in the future, depending on where the story goes.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is definitely one of my favorites on here.

    Story feels alive, and renders & animations are greatly crafted!

    Weekly updates, might not be that much in them, but its definitely alot more than you might see elsewhere!

    All in all, you should give this game a go! And consider supporting this man on Patreon! He deserves it!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I was really expecting more when played this because it so highly rated. I was excited going into since there's so few games with these kind of rating exist so it should be good. Boy was I wrong.

    One of my major frustrations was the very weird close-up framing of every NPCs face. It's like 90% of the game is just staring at a face cut off at the forehead. It just becomes uncomfortable after a bit.

    The other major gripe is the super basic sex scenes just aren't worth it. There's plenty of them with all the characters but it feels so half hearted.

    Ultimately there's some decent looking NPCs we've seen 100 times before but I just ended up feeling disappointed. None of it felt hot or sexy. None of the choices really matter other than the first one with Shauna.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    the story is pretty good, the characters and the dialogues feel natural most of the time and it keeps you coming for the next update, pretty good job on dev/s for keeping the story interesting and fun and relatable at the same time

    i can't say i played out every choice so far, but from my experience, with the choices i made in the game, it feels like they have more moral consequences, more of an internal questioning on protagonist's part, as far as i can tell the others are not really affected by them, again, haven't tried out all the choices so far, so i might be mistaken, but i'm not really complaining about that, it kinda connects you to the character

    overall, i think the game deserves 5 stars, i really hope the good work will continue and the dev/s will continue to build up and create an even grater story for us
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    • Graphics are good
    • Plenty of sex scenes
    • Sex scenes are very basic
    • No music
    • 2 main girls are weird looking
    • Story is so over the top with how unbelievable the MC is. All girls just want to fuck him. His dick is so big it looks unnatural, girls complain about being unable to walk after sex. Theres a scene where Shauna is sucking his dick and she looks like a snake trying to swallow its prey.

    Heard that the game was really good, was overall dissapointed.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Given all the reviews I was honestly expecting more. Instead my take away, after progressing to the point that i was just super un-charactically spam skipping though huge amounts of cringy dialog just to get to the next sex scene (can't even remember the last time i did that and I play at least 2-3 of these games/updates weekly), was that this was the most overrated "trending" game on this site atm.

    None of which is to say the game doesn't have some good points going for it. I'd rate the girls as above average, with plenty of different body types to satisfy different preferences. healthy amount of fappable content already. Animations aren't great, but they are good enough to serve it's purpose speaking as somebody who tends to view their inclusion as borderline necessary.

    The god dang dialog and "perfect MC" story setting though....just a too drawn out too often mood killer for me. I mean I get it. Everybody loves <insert name here>.To the point that is all every NPC wants to keep constantly reassuring you for what ends up seeming like an endless amount of clicking through completely pointless fluff dialog between every dang sex progression scene. The mother's being the worst of the bunch....I mean sweet jesus.

    For some that may be their cup of tea. For me..the sheer overdone manner of it all was just way too dumb and cheesy. 2 stars for the girls alone though.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Pros: The females are attractive, the story is a bit different and a nice change from the norm.
    - Graphics are good to above average.
    - The male protagonist doesn't look like a 12-year-old.
    - English comp is above average without a lot of errors.

    Cons: Pace is frenetic. A week's worth of activities crammed into 24 hours.
    - Verbose. Some arguments/discussions are rehashed way too many times. - Although the location is a college, the tone and language of the characters is stuck in early HS (ie, immature and insecure) and wears thin after a while.

    Bottom line: Potential was there for something a bit different from the norm, but there's no tension and choices have little to no consequence.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Brother Lui

    The story definitely could be real according how the colleges and Universities react with sports (the money are a lot :LOL: ) happy story personally I am fed up with real life problems so I dislike dramas also in games. The renders are very good and some details attract the lights on them. Nice beautiful girls and especially lovely Shauna in either way you play her. The total the game runs smooth and the Dev has done amazing job especially considering rumors that he hasn't a team behind him :love: ...
    1. As for the score 4/5 I am waiting the end of the game to change this :)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game, story is fun.. images are very good quality. look forward to where it goes, my only fear is everything has happens maybe a lot quicker than i would of liked, maybe it could of been drawn out a bit longer or made to be more challenging but either way i liked it and will be keeping an eye on this one.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll make it short.
    If your idea of a perfect adult VN is to play a godlike MC who can do everything and who is loved by everyone (especially all women), then you will love this game.
    If the thought of playing such a Gary Sue (or whatever the male version of a Mary Sue is) bores you, then you should probably stay away.

    The game in general (writing, animations, images etc.) is pretty average and nothing special imo, but like I said, it all depends on your personal taste regarding the MC.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I honestly like the game, but there are just way to many girls in it.

    Might just be me, but it feels like fighting trash mobs untill you can get to the good part.
    The main girls are good, so there is that.

    Does not work for me in a VN :)
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, so how do we look at this one.

    First, let's just say I hate Mary Sue-style characters like our protagonist. He's perfect in any way possible, and gets insta-loved by anybody he meets. Wow, how interesting. Also the camera never shows MC's face, and sticks to first-person view, so that players can project themselves onto him. I guess that's actually one of the selling points here: as boring as perfect characters get, it might be nice for most to feel like one.

    The story is befitting our Mary Sue: everything is bad before MC arrives, but when he does, he fixes it, and it will undoubtfully become perfect. MC will not make any mistake or poor judgement whatsoever. Cool.

    Technically, this is average. Certain animations are overused, so a lot of sex scenes look like reskins of each other. And the cunnilingus animation looks creepy as hell, to be honest. The renders are okay, I can't say I can do any better myself anyway, unless I start seriously learning the hard stuff.
    What's great though, is that this doesn't have any forced "free roam" and grind part to it. What's sad is that all our choices that have any impact on the story are basically "fuck her? y/n".

    This porn also doesn't suffer from ingrish, I guess that should be considered a plus, not a must-have nowadays. Dialogues would be good enough, if not for the cringy MC praise lines.

    Overall, this isn't anything impressive, but I guess the wide variety of girls and the ability to self-insert into MC make WVM attractive to masses.
    What can I say, that's how market works.

    Tl;dr: this is basically a non-weeb Ecchi Sensei without lolis.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 555671

    So much better than 80% of the VNs out there, there's so much content, great renders, decent story and some really great characters.

    Some of the elitists will be telling you it's average at best, don't believe them.

    More please.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1236595

    The game has everything i like. A solid, flowing story, with (to me at least) really interesting characters.
    Beautiful girls, whom are eager to jump on you.
    The perfect game, when you just want to have fun. It locked me to my pc. I would do it again any time.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Bouncy Gimp

    Great game. Almost all the characters are likeable. MC is likeable and not irritating. Even though the MC's GF is a bit of a cuck, it is written in a good way and she is still an alpha. Hopefully, the developer will continue to deliver good updates
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Ah yes, It's that time again! Time to bestow upon thine the holy judgement. Something like that...

    Story 4/10:
    Now, in a story it's important that it flows, makes sense shall we say. Now, the story doesn't really follow this principle. Now, maybe we're wrong and the Dev is right, maybe we don't need to make sense. The story in itself didn't really get me interested: Perhaps that's because it's basketball and basketball is a game that defines shit! It's wayy to niche. I'll be honest,there's not much here for me to review in terms of story.
    To conclude: I would rate the story in words as: "Unimaginative"

    Renders 5/10:
    Now, I don't know what it is, but there's a certain model that I see in most games and it really annoyed me . I must have some deep prejudice for the model itself because I find it hard to get hard... Yes.
    The other renders are not that bad but at the same time they're nothing special.
    To conclude: I would rate the renders in words as: "Me no rikey!"

    Animations: 6.9/10.
    Now, I'm someone who needs to see things being moved or else it's not very stimulating. Animations solve that. However, a lot of games have those 2-3 render back and forth animations, which really piss me off. Thankfully, this game does not have these deplorable excuses for animations! They're above average, but could be improved. I think it adds a lot to the game... and my overall score :+1!
    To conclude: I would rate the Animations in this game, in words as: "IT'S ALIVE! IT MOVES!!!"

    Personal thoughts:
    I think the Dev did a good job on this game. Sure there may be things that God may disprove of and there is definitely things to add, however, I am very interested to see where the Dev takes this and will be revisiting and hopefully revising this review after such event takes place!

    Good luck!

    6.6/10: "Trash,shit and good!"
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    It looked very promising at the beginning, but then something gone wrong imo :oops:
    Writing is a bit mediocre, the plot feels like snowball where every girl just wanna fuck MC, POV cutscenes are somewhere between creepy and very creepy (that tongue kisses... OMG). A few stars for a trans character who looks great among others but that’s it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    the first that I can convey
    this is special, as long as I play this game so many hot girls ..
    nice animation ..
    Game updates are fast, don't make us long to wait for the game to continue ..
    I also like the story, not too heavy and does not leave a sense of disappointment in the storyline ...

    mc good and like to help everyone (like a hero of course i like heroes)
    mc is a hero, maybe a super hero ..
    he has a super power called "INFINITE BANG"
    where he never feels tired to bang many girls where normal people need time to recover!
    he also has unlimited cum

    I really enjoyed the game ...
    thank you developer
    you are amazing
    can't wait for the next content
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I just don't get this game. It really felt like a waste of time for me.
    Yes, It has contents. Yes, it has girls. Yes, it is easy, too easy, way too easy. Completely unbelievable, even in a dream, this wouldn't match.
    Are the girls at least pretty? Well... They could, but what the hell is wrong with those lips? The girlfriend is the creepiest girl I have ever seen in a VN. Instant breakup.
    And the story, oh my god... was it a game about basketball? I'm not sure anymore... So dull and boring.
    Sorry, I just don't get the success. To me, this is just a marketing game with no talent.