VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply excellent . The good news is that you can bypass events that you don't want to see. The rendering is done at an acceptable level , and the game history is addictive .
    Render 10/10
    Story 9/10
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game very much! :) It's simple and to the point. Also the girls are nice :). The developer gives updates on time and they maintain good level. If you need some deep philosophic s**t that is not your game, but if you want some fun - that your game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    The Anti

    Fun Wholesome story with no unnecessary drama.

    Lots of cute girls to develop relationships with.

    Plenty of sex scenes.

    Fast updates.

    Pregnancy Content & Trans/Female choices for certain characters is a major plus.

    Braindrop cares about the fans and his game tremendously and it shows with every update and interaction he has.

    A wholesome game that will give you a warm feeling.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My only problem with this game is that there are too many girls! Like legit there's so many storylines that it seems like the sex scenes are fewer.

    However, having so many girls can mean quite the reward as the game progresses, and this creator does nearly weekly updates which is awesome for as high quality as the renders are.

    Some people may not like having so many bitches on your dick just for the fact you're a college basketball player with a big cock since they want more plot, but hey, this game is still fantastic
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually a game where I got fully invested in the main characters. Typically with other games here I don't care much for the most characters, but Jamie and Shauna for some reason really appealed to me.
    I wasn't expecting to legitimately smile or laugh a bit during dialogue in games of this genre.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Very boring game, with a very boring plot, the mc is just a boring white knight who build a harem full of one dimensional boring girls,

    There is no depth to anything in this game, even some really bad games in this website are more enjoyable at least you get to laugh from the shit.

    But here you don't enjoy and you don't laugh either, it's just empty.

    you can find some decent renders but there is so much better in other games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Man to be totally honest i didn't really pay any attention to this just thinking meh i don't think it will turn out good or meh it's not my style/story isn't interesting and when i played it ???damn i couldn't stop i nearly finished it in one day man i'm very impressed by your work mr. Braindrop i'm really looking forward to how this will turn out very good game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I expected a lot at the beginning, knowing this kind of game, and I was captivated after a few ten minutes. To the point that I can no longer withdraw this game from my mind. This game has managed to surprise me many times.

    This game is one of the best I have played in recent months. I find this game just perfect. I highly recommend playing this game and supporting the dev, they deserve it widely. Now I'm looking forward to the next updates.

    I hope you will forgive my spelling I am not an English speaker, you may have understood by reading this note.

    Now please enjoy this game like i did and go supporting devs. ;)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Didn't expect much in the beginning but I was blown away, and ended up really getting attached to the characters through the excellent story telling. Though there are a few typos here and there, they're small enough to be forgivable (and I'm sure they'll be fixed eventually anyway).

    This game really spoils you for choice in girls. The renders are great and animations too, I highly recommend playing this and supporting the dev. I'm honestly just sitting here craving the next update like a drug addict.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't try this game for a long time because from the screens I wasn't too interested in the girls, but I figured it's got a fair bit of love so maybe it has good writing.

    I found the girls in this game really creepy, especially the mum. The dialog is just painful, everyone just loves this guy so much instantly for no reason, and will tell you all about it every chance they get, over and over. And why does everyone want to be hugged as soon as they meet this guy? 3 minutes after meeting your teacher she wants you to hug her...

    The whole story doesn't make sense without some explanation as to why all the women act so damn creepy, and even then the dialog is just so cringy.

    On a personal level, i found the girls generally unattractive, the girlfriend just looks weird with big creepy eyes, a couple of the college girls look to be in their mid thirty's. I guess if you like the girls there might be something here, but for me there this game has absolutely no redeeming qualities.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: Day 1-6 v0.6.6

    - Good/Regular rendering of female character models
    - Good/Regular Sex Scenes
    - Regular Animations

    - Very overrated
    - Boring gameplay / script / story
    - There is no construction in the relationship of the characters
    - There is no life in the characters
    - Non sense history
    - The choices don't matter
    - No HUD showing the passing days (Days and Nights)

    I don't have much to say about the game's story, I was following the script and so I lost interest in continuing. You're a guy who joins a basketball team at school. The MC has a retarded girlfriend who has a 2 month relationship and a girl who is your best friend who can be transsexual (kinda stupid fetish). Until then I was reading and suddenly I saw that the choices had no impact, that is, you just decide whether to accept or refuse. Throughout history it is shown that nothing makes much sense, many characters and changes of scenery, as I said, there is no information saying what day it is and if it is night or even the week. The scenarios of the game are strange, you notice that the look has terrible quality, you are driving with a girl named Willow and suddenly she opens the car door and is already inside your room. This is totally bizarre. The game has several graphic errors and flaws, besides the story doesn't make any sense with anything and with many dialogues that only make you waste your time, because the story is stupid, you are a guy that all women want you, so there is no plot, no conflict, anything that can make you excited to play.

    So, why I did gave 1 stars?
    I am rating this review and giving it a star because this game is overrated and should not be in the first top of the most liked games on the site. There are many better games than that, but I don't want to go over it. The fact is that this game has a good start, you with a girlfriend and your best friend have an affection for you, so we think it will lead to some forbidden romance. But that's not it and the story becomes totally different, you will be the guy who will fuck all women, without making any effort. But, is this bad for a porn game? it is not, but making a meaningless game removes any kind of pleasure. The game has some stupid fetishes that the developer put to try to please all types of players, however, there are not all fetishes in this game, but putting a badly rendered shemale character is useless. Another thing that makes the game lead to overestimation is the fact that renderings are common in this type of games, something that I had noticed from other reviews. Just create girls with normal bodies with round hips and big normal breasts to disguise the flaw that the game has. It's as if you put the sexiest characters in your game and the story, script, scenery graphics are bad, but not only that, but the continuation that the game brings, being quite boring to follow and meaningless to enjoy. Anyway, the game has so many nonsense things and I honestly do not recommend playing this. I was wrong to write a cool review, but after I went to play these latest updates I realized that there was something strange and that it was a waste of time.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    What can I say.

    This game has good renders, and a kernel of an interesting idea. Parts of the cast had the potential to be interesting. I did enjoy the first day or two of game time.

    But oh boy, I thought I had seen Gary Stu characters before, the main character of this one is the superman of Gary Stu's. The storytelling in this game is awful, mainly because your choices don't matter, much of the dialogue between primary characters is 'hey you're awesome'

    I first guessed something was up when the character moved 3 times in 2 days. (From home to special college house, then from special college house to even more special college house).

    The characters are not developed, we keep being told the MC is awesome, but he doesn't do anything awesome. I end up getting bored, and then clickers cramp from skipping so much dialogue.

    So I can only rate this game as poor. Good Renders and ok animations do not save it for me.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    WVM is divisive, for good reason: (1) as visual porn, it is very good, but (2) as a VN it leaves a great deal to be desired.

    Most people seem to privilege (1) over (2) -- which is fine. This is prime fap material. Gratification is pretty instant, and the Dev provides regular, high quality updates. His work ethic is commendable.

    The trouble is -- as many, many others have observed -- the plot is absurd. The MC has Wilt Chamberlain-style animal magnetism/attractiveness multiplied by three orders of magnitude. Every female in this game from 18-70 wants to strip naked and instantly jump him. That's believable if you are 12 and if your primary insight into feminine nature is via porn... but not among those with even passing experience of human females on planet Earth.

    Let me be clear: I am not insisting on hyper realism. This scenario might be more believable if the MC were an incubus, or in a sci-fi setting. Nor am I suggesting that polyamourous relationships are impossible or making some dumb value judgment about them. They are possible, and can be cool in games. I am just suggesting that college coeds on our planet do not behave like the women in this game.

    I also don't want to sound too harsh. As visual porn, there is some good stuff here. As someone with a mild impregnation fetish, I like that theme, too.

    But... I guess my point is that the game is not _erotic_ -- there's no build, no tension, and no risk.

    Take _Lexi_, for example, as an illuminating contrast: that game also features an MC who is a total Alpha. He can beat the crap out of virtually anyone and has a giant dick! But he also has problems, and feelings, and flaws/vulnerabilities -- and the women in that game do too. And... they behave like more or less believable women, even in the presence of Mr. Alpha.

    So... horses for courses. The dev has produced a great visual fapfest. He works hard, and has strong skills. But the women in this game don't work... or at least, they don't work for me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing fucking game (pun intended) honestly after playing 75-100 of the games here I can say most games have a strong point & several weak points but not this gem. The renders are on point & they all feel Very HQ/HD. The writing is pretty dam good even tho i kinda hate sports, so even tho I'm just a rando dude commenting here that's a well earned compliment from me lol.

    Jamie & shauna are both such sweethearts but daaaam Jamie a closet succubus & shauna tryin' to catch up but tbh how those 2 get me everytime isnt how hot they are (cheesyness incoming) but how close they've grown, dialogue does a great job of conveying that they Do indeed love each other also & it melts my fucking heart lol.
    physical character design is awesome, never thought in a game with so many girls that they could all actually be unique so kudos there as well. Pretty much the same personality wise, again great job. I also appreciate so far how not every girl wants to or follows thru with mounting him withing 24 hours of meeting him & also how they dont lose what makes them uniques after a good dicking.

    The speed at which MC hooks up with these individual ladies feels about as natural as I can imagine a game can make it regarding dialogue & choices not necessarily frequency/ ease & the hookups (mostly) feel very organic. The story has enough original-ish twists to keep it from falling into the generic category. Amazing job all around thus far my dude!! Keep up the amazing work & this game has earned a spot in my top 5 if not higher by the end, definitely patreon support worthy !
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    Despite generally high ratings I think a lot of recent reviews have said most of what I'd want to say about WVM, but I'll quickly summarise them here in a pros/cons list before adding my own thoughts:

    • Great visuals - animations are smooth and renders are (broadly) pretty top tier.
    • Sex scene quality - they're regular (again, broadly) and fun and the highlight of the whole thing.
    • Gary Stu protagonist - the MC is an absolutely perfect specimen. He's got the best cock in the world, he's smart, refined, humble, has an unlimited source of money and charisma and is a philosophical genius who can make women fall in love with him as fast as fall onto his dick. Some people have listed this as a negative and some a positive. For me its a heavy positive (in theory) because, as stated, I'm here for the fucking, so if I can self-insert on someone basically perfect then that's just gravy. But I totally get that others are really turned off by this.
    • Gary Stu protagonist - look, I know what I just said, but fucking hell it's SO over the top in this that even I was a bit thrown out of the experience.
    • Cringey and unbelievable dialogue - I think probably the biggest detractor of the game as a whole.
    • Plot is equally ridiculous and nonsensical
    • VERY limited interaction and choice (worst sort of VN) which basically boils down to "do you want to see a sex scene for this girl?"

    I think the single biggest issue with WVM is that Braindrop seems to not really know what he's making...

    What WVM obviously is, is a carefree harem romp in which you (the perfect guy) gets to go to college, collect a harem of gorgeous babes, knock them all up and fuck them wherever you want. There's a bit of drama here and there, but not much more than spice on top of your perfect world... Even here it's not a top-tier harem game because the girls are basically dolls with no purpose outside of pleasing you, but it's harmless and good fun and smutty and sexy. 3.5/5 stars.

    What he seems to THINK he's making is a genuinely realistic philosophical treatise on how to be an amazing human and have a polyamorous relationship. This is probably why every girl has to have a 20 minute segment explaining why it's perfectly reasonable, rational and realistic that she is happy to be just one girl in your harem and also won't see anyone else and also WANTS you to fuck other women. These women also have to spend a separate 20 minutes explaining why you're just so amazing and wonderful and how there's nobody else like you (to the point of being ridiculous and jarring). It's simply not realistic. Stop trying to pretend it is.

    This happens so regularly that by day 3 I was done with the dialogue and started skipping my way through it. I knew I wasn't missing anything other than more unnecessary compliments (and, worse, the sex scenes actually started becoming less frequent).

    Plus, as I've mentioned, one of the big reasons that the game could NEVER function as a realistic relationship sim is because literally all of the girls have no purpose other than existing your pleasure. They have no interests or desires except to remind you that you're a perfect specimen and father of their babies.

    It's honestly a damn shame because the first hour was genuinely quite good fun, but then it just went off the rails and started taking itself way too seriously.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    • Renders 8/10 - Author is a talented artist that's for sure.
    • Plot 0/10 - Just forget, it not exists. Think about this game as of serie of short porn stories. There're only two types of questions: "Do you agree to fuck this doll girl?" and "Right now?" (optional).
    • Writing 0/10 - 12yo babbling, no excuses.
    • Sex scenes 4/10 - Very basic
    Summary: author is a good artist, but a failure as a scenarist.

  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There should be a genre tag for "Mary Sue". This game is one of the best games in that genre. The MC just goes around being awesome, being told how awesome he is, and having women fall on his huge dick because he is so awesome. This isn't a game for realism, hard choices, or pesky things like that. Take it for what it is and it can be fun.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Im following the game a good time now .
    i feel that in the past few months the game took a very wrong turn, somewhere.........................................
    In the first 3 or 4 (game) days was a definite 5 star game.
    And then something reeeeeally strange happent !
    It seems that, from that point on, the dialogs are made from a 12 years old child..................................
    No depth at all in the dialogs, the plot is not excistent anymore and all i can guess is that the dev whille his trying his best to have frequent updates he forgot to put the most important ingredients in the story : Complexity and Purpose.
    i dont belive in quantity over quality.

    As a reader i really prefer to wait for 2 even 3 weeks to have a good reading experience instead of an update every week that makes no sence at all .....!!!
    I wont go in detailes , theres no need of that.

    I will just put my faith on the Developer to take another one turn , in the right direction that time , that im prety sure that he can !!!

    (If so ill change my rating review)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    First things first - this game already comes with a ton of content, not only when it comes to dialogue and story, but many characters to choose from as well. If you are looking for a very smut-heavy game, in which the action comes to you easily, this will certainly be your thing. There is a lot of action, as the game plays like a true sexual fever dream of what has to be a very, very tired man. Dialogue can sometimes get a bit repetitive and the impact of choices can sometimes feel a little thin. The renders are great as well, although some faces feel a bit off to me.

    In any case, worth picking up and following.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave the game a try after reading a lot of positive reviews and it's definitely not for me.

    - The story is very "vanilla" and average. The protagonist is written to be the perfect man that could do not wrong, I guess it's okay if you love to self-insert in these adult games.

    - Some of the interactions between characters were weird and more appropriate for a high school setting than college.

    - The main girls are somewhat weird looking.

    - The option to have a trans character or not shouldn't even be there since it's obvious it is intended to pick the trans option, otherwise the narrative becomes nonsensical.

    - The sex scenes and renders are okay, but nothing special.

    Overall I found it to be an underwhelming experience.