
Oct 6, 2020
You have random defenders, but here is food for thought, sticking with fact (instead of opinion).

  • Negative posts are deleted and moderated strictly (wants to hide warranted complaints from people who can potentially pay him, a tactic often used by scam artists as an added "not good idea to do" type of thing!)
The last 5, 10, 20, however many pages prove that to be a lie. It's nothing but negative posts. Even mods who are supposed to be neutral and keep their personal opinions out of it are shit posting and trashing BD, so yeah your "facts" are not very factual.

The rest of what you said was just opinion dressed up to look like fact. Unless you have inside personal knowledge, knowing the dev, at best it's just guess work and interpretation.

Personally I don't believe half the excuses from BD either, but what is happening in this thread is beyond disgusting. Pull shit like this in other threads and it's post deleted and thread ban in 3.2.1 Which ironically is more likely to happen to me now than the hate fueled zealots posting their vitriol here.


'Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar solas'
Dec 9, 2017
View attachment 2484037

The last 5, 10, 20, however many pages prove that to be a lie. It's nothing but negative posts. Even mods who are supposed to be neutral and keep their personal opinions out of it are shit posting and trashing BD, so yeah your "facts" are not very factual.

The rest of what you said was just opinion dressed up to look like fact. Unless you have inside personal knowledge, knowing the dev, at best it's just guess work and interpretation.

Personally I don't believe half the excuses from BD either, but what is happening in this thread is beyond disgusting. Pull shit like this in other threads and it's post deleted and thread ban in 3.2.1 Which ironically is more likely to happen to me now than the hate fueled zealots posting their vitriol here.
this thread has some of its restrictions lifted coz of the dev and his delays and it was mentioned alredy hence the bare minimum moderation. also., you need to realize that us mods are also users and we also play games.

and if we banned anyone who simps for BD then we would not have allowed them to be here in the first place :ROFLMAO:

we are NOT BD, support him oppose him we dont care. but if ppl take it to far on either side then there will be some moderation.
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Dec 19, 2022
View attachment 2484037

The last 5, 10, 20, however many pages prove that to be a lie. It's nothing but negative posts. Even mods who are supposed to be neutral and keep their personal opinions out of it are shit posting and trashing BD, so yeah your "facts" are not very factual.

The rest of what you said was just opinion dressed up to look like fact. Unless you have inside personal knowledge, knowing the dev, at best it's just guess work and interpretation.

Personally I don't believe half the excuses from BD either, but what is happening in this thread is beyond disgusting. Pull shit like this in other threads and it's post deleted and thread ban in 3.2.1 Which ironically is more likely to happen to me now than the hate fueled zealots posting their vitriol here.

Name me where it is "just my opinion" in what I said? That was purely about my top bullet points, you could not figure that out? My life does not revolve around guessing what is up with Braindrop, nor did I speculate. Let's check my facts:
  • Empty promises? Check. More than any other developer of any AVN game I am aware of. Name me another developer who constantly promises major things, then renigs on that promise almost constantly?
  • Braindrop is the one making these promises, not us. Absolutely true!
  • Defenders who seem to be vested? Check.
  • Black Boxes? Yep. No one likes then, double yep!
  • Duck faces? Since day 1.
  • Fixes problems and issues? It does indeed come off that he gets revenge on people for complaining by overdoing exactly what people complain about. Most other developers on here tend to get feedback and at least try to fix the issues or major complaints. You cannot please everyone, but you can fix black boxes and empty promises effortlessly!
  • Constant promises without delivering the goods? Why do you think that is a constant complaint?
  • Any other thread where people are complaining so much? Not one game I follow has this many unhappy people. I wonder why that is?
Your whole post just made no sense and glossed over the fact that there is a good reason people are unhappy. I listed the majority of it, not all inclusive, but certainly what most people are talking about being issues. Whether you think it is too much or not enough is irrelevant. I even said I thought some were going overboard, but you strike me as the kind that assumes a lot but does not look at the issue which is the root of the problem.

Where do you get I was "interpreting what Braindrop is doing based on assumption"? I cannot speak for him, and I am not going to try and guess why he does what he constantly does. I was talking of the effect it has on the people who follow the game, and how it comes off to us who play his game, so I was not guessing anything or wrong.

Truth be told, I am not even playing WVM right now, I just played through Come Home and am playing through No More Money. I left WVM because of the empty promises, but would love to pick it back up in due time. But I do like and support this game, I was merely pointing out what people are having a problem with. The solutions are there, but it is up to BD to find those solutions.

Next time, try proofreading what you are criticizing and when you call someone out, make sure you understand what they were talking about before you do.
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Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
Ok, let´s talk about the non existing story...


There is none.
It went to shit when he introduced a mob subplot, a ninja (?) and a political refugee aka the princess.
Your guess is as good as ours. Want some theories? Ok...

At the end of the upcoming game a wormhole opens and MC gets sucked into the Space Jam universe where he has to play against Aliens. And he will be able to impregnate lola bunny....

Oh. And Jamie and all the other duckface characters will join him aswell since they would fit perfectly in there
Honestly, i'd play it.
I'd bang the Monstars and the DuckFaces.


Oct 6, 2020
View attachment 2484279
what the fuck, this game stupid or what, create a challenge a handstand and cover MC face
That is one thing I agree with the sentiment on here. That is bad.

I like the concept of hiding the MC's face, but you need to be cleverer than that. Hell put a pot plant there or someone throw a giant teddy at him, or any of dozen ways to hide is face. That is just bad.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
Donations are not a paycheck. There is no contractual obligations that have to be met. Donators can at anytime pull their support.

Coming to a vn forum to complain about a dev and assistant isn't toxic, making jokes about their family dying, etc Is.

The dev doesn't even read this thread anymore so it's become a water cooler for people to gather and one up each other with insults and complaints which now apparently being called "facts".

Facts are:
-These posts won't change shit.
-Beating a dead horse will not get you to town faster.
-Mods can act inappropriate and make mistakes like everyone else.


Mar 28, 2020
It's amazing how Braindrop releases a half-assed update and his "soldiers" already come to defend him in this forum. It's like Braindrop has declared war on F95Zone and his headquarters is his Discord where he's the supreme leader and his ass kissers are his soldiers.
They are not defending BD. They are just arguing with people who rightfully criticize BD. It's totally different.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
I've been accused in this thread of being too positive about this whole debacle. Several times in fact. That was because I refused to discuss BrainDrop and his antics and remained (as I still am) in love with this "story".

Does that mean that I am not a critic of how this once cool story is now being thorn apart by it's Dev? No, I am very much pissed off with this Excuser In Chief that had in his hands a cool story and either by actions and inactions have put it in this sorry state.

This LOOOONG time out that could have been used to work on the rework, admittedly quite needed has it was completely ridiculous how long the MC's days were (he's returning to that again, this fucking game day is already so thick with content that it could be a full week). In this time the former edge that this story once had is now dull and common, never mind, I still like it even if it has been done way better and more interestingly since BrainDrop entered his BrainFreeze state.

He's now trying to become relevant again, after his Carbonite phase. Pretending that he makes polls to interact with his community of hostages, sorry, patrons. He's being "active" again, with a promise of 52 updates in 52 weeks in a attempt to recoup his prior big hits season. Most of us here are seriously sceptic of this. Why? Just look at what's happened since November 2021 (at least) with the rolling excuses and the drought of updates with a deluge of promises.

This, all of this, created a climate of negativity towards BD, it could have been avoided, it could. But not by users of this forum, not by it's moderators. All this could have been avoided by BD. Instead of catastrophizing each and every excuse, he could have been honest, clear and decent. Yet, he chose the opposite, each, and, every, fucking, time. So much so, that he had to resort to banning patrons, paying patrons. Can anyone get this around it's head? He's banning people that are willing to pay him to keep doing the least possible and do so in the hopes that he sometimes gets something done. Yet, he has to ban them for daring to be critics of his antics. Because the whole thing is now a smoke and mirrors show too fragile to sustain criticism.

I said above that I still love this "story", I do. Doesn't matter to me that many here have since become so jaded that they can't separate BD from WVM, I can't and don't think bad of them, it has been a chore to keep this going (for me) so I can understand them. Do I like the state that this is in? No, not even remotely. Don't I see the pitfalls and glaring plot holes? I do, I really do, but still I can't give up on some of the characters. They are probably not what everyone else looks at, it matters not.

I don't really care about ANY of the issues that BD has or pretends to have. I care about this: If you say you'll do something, you do it. The best you can. Yes, once in a while things can go wrong, it happens. In this case the rule is that he doesn't do what he promises, and the exception, the rarity, is that he actually does. This doesn't work. Mackenzie? Don't care. Mental Health? Don't care (it's really not OUR problem we shouldn't even know about it) Family? Don't care. House fire? Don't care. None of that should EVER be mentioned for any reason whatsoever. If he couldn't make a 2K renders update he shouldn't have promised it. Since he did, publish it. He's already doing a rework (LOL) he could do a few more, Devs do it all the time. If he can't do what he promised, shouldn't have promised it, but should at the very least show something. Or, simply, don't make any fucking promises. Stay silent and publish when ready. Making promises just to fail them is what brought us here.

BD created this nightmare for himself. Only him can solve it. The only way I see it happening is with a steady and silent output of content. Whatever he says right now will only ever work against him. Shut up and show up. That's the only way that in time he will recover a measure of respect from some users. Others, I'm afraid, are too far gone to ever recoup. Others, like me, will never spend money on someone has unreliable as him (even if I had money to spend, it would never be on him).

People here are being "toxic"? Really? To me they are being "Reactive". Some go too far? Not everyone can express themselves as fluidly and cautiously. The harder excesses are being trimmed, I've seen it done.

If you ask me, the major issue with BD and WVM is a communication problem. Ironically, the only class that the MC goes too, but apparently BD never managed to stay awake on. ::FML::

Peace :D :D
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Sep 16, 2021
Excuser In Chief
I know you took some flak for being too positive about the situation, most likely undeservedly (I have a poor memory but I don’t recall you actively defending him, and I think I may have even given you the gears in the past which I apologize for) and while it’s bittersweet to see you become more “accepting” that BD is a manipulative liar.. I absolutely adore the little nickname you came up with for him. The excuser in chief. I don’t know why, but I love it.
  • Haha
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