
Mar 2, 2018
im actually have a question about the black type proyect......he is using a the box to dont use a face or there is a face below the box?
(This is all my opinion BTW)

If I was to venture a guess, I would assume that there is a "generic" face associated with the asset used to create the MC. I just assume that BD doesn't like that face and hasn't come up with a better one yet. The black box would be a quick and dirty way to cover up the MC so that the first release could actually be released. I am very much of the mind that the release was slapped together with bubblegum and duct tape (oops sorry DUCK tape) and rushed out the door. Hence the 2500 no 2000 no 1700 no really 1295 render release.

After that 1295 render release, and with everyone complaining, he probably thought it was a cool joke (and a big middle finger to the "haters") to keep using the black box in this 700 render release.
Jan 24, 2020
If I was Braindrop:
  • Quit giving bogus drop dates and just say the next update will be out "soon".
  • "I got 30,000 screens finished, it will be out in the next update!" Then releases 203, if lucky. Stop that!
  • Give people more choice in what to do with the game.
  • Instead of excuses, show screen shots of progress and check in with the progress (without giving away surprises).
  • People complain about things in masses (black boxes), stop doing it completely, instead of overdoing it!
  • Instead of bringing in 100 new girls, focus on like 10-12 of them and make the other ones just side-lays for Ethan (for the breeding side-plot).
  • Make Harper bangable, but make it prolonged and lead up to. Not just, "Oh well, let's do it!"
  • Work on ACTUALLY IMPROVING models, not changing them for a side-grade or outright downgrade (Katie: Just no!)
  • Quit with the bogus excuses.
  • Quit making yourself a victim of your own doing.
If he did this, this whole thread would be a lot more full of praise instead of calling him out. He would likely get more fans and be more successful.

Sadly, he seems to think because of his defenders he can keep on, keeping on! But far from a smart business or character model!
Unfortunately, with Braindead, he knows full well that the supporters who pay into his wallet, are going to be stuck to his ass like an unwelcome turd. we can bang on here all day spouting the obvious, but it will always be the same story... he will make thousands of dollars per month, while he sits on his ass and does jack shit!

i have said this before, but I really feel for the devs who give two fucks about their supporters, who struggle to gain support, because 1 percent have been brainwashed by a corrupt person, who used every excuse in the book to delay progress.
i am sickened by the pure patronising face on Braindead, I do not wish him harm, but boy, do I wish his Klingons would see the light and support the devs who give 2 fucks.


May 30, 2020
If I was Braindrop:
  • Quit giving bogus drop dates and just say the next update will be out "soon".
  • "I got 30,000 screens finished, it will be out in the next update!" Then releases 203, if lucky. Stop that!
  • Give people more choice in what to do with the game.
  • Instead of excuses, show screen shots of progress and check in with the progress (without giving away surprises).
  • People complain about things in masses (black boxes), stop doing it completely, instead of overdoing it!
  • Instead of bringing in 100 new girls, focus on like 10-12 of them and make the other ones just side-lays for Ethan (for the breeding side-plot).
  • Make Harper bangable, but make it prolonged and lead up to. Not just, "Oh well, let's do it!"
  • Work on ACTUALLY IMPROVING models, not changing them for a side-grade or outright downgrade (Katie: Just no!)
  • Quit with the bogus excuses.
  • Quit making yourself a victim of your own doing.
If he did this, this whole thread would be a lot more full of praise instead of calling him out. He would likely get more fans and be more successful.

Sadly, he seems to think because of his defenders, he can keep on, keeping on! But far from a smart business or character model!
He's been told this many times by many people for over two years now. Keep that in mind when considering if he is "dumb" or "acting in good faith."


Dec 19, 2022
He's been told this many times by many people for over two years now. Keep that in mind when considering if he is "dumb" or "acting in good faith."
I do not think Braindrop is dumb (but I question the brains of some of his defenders) nor necessarily acting in good faith. Braindrop is doing just enough to keep interest and keep his donations coming in to live a new life.

There are a few things that can be going on here, or a combination of them (most likely).

He achieved success he never realized, so now is living a different life.

He has no idea where to go with the story, or got in over his head with the scope.

He got burned out making WVM, so works on it a little here and there but missing the former passion.

When he first started out, the game was solid (or it would have never drew us all in like it did). He released entire updates, full of renders and told the tale of the main characters. This was in the golden time of both him and the game. His focus was on the fans and the product.

After reaching a certain point, that is when he started running into "constant issues" (around the time he was nearing the end of chapter 1). That is also when he suddenly came contrarian, promised updates were often missed with excuses, and the focus of the story became more diffuse.

After Chapter 2 started, promised updates have become almost always delayed by a month or several. What he says he has done and what we all get are definitely not as grand. Mackenzie appeared, the only other person who has as much happen to herself as Braindrop does to his life. The game focus is no longer there, what he is making is not working for everyone, and suddenly the former quality is no where near where it was. Black boxes, duck faces, and now the new normal has become naked women running around, bigger T and A, and redone characters. The more you talk about these things negatively, the more they become part of WVM.

He is obligated to make up excuses and keep people interested, but he also gathers sympathy for everything that allegedly happens to him. He is afraid the money will dry up, that is why he is so active on Patreon with his constant progress claims and excuse engine! Now his focus is on the income and giving people just enough to where they stand by him while he does whatever and excuses his way out of everything.

It went from initially him making a game with maximum effort, to him doing the bare minimum to keep the money coming and allow his army of WVM simps to defend his every missed promise. Then, he demonizes and blocks anyone who questions him or complains. He filters Patreon, and has his defenders come in here to attack us (or they do it on their own).


Dec 19, 2022
As an aside, yours truly is starting to make my own AVN game.

I have no idea how good my first effort will be, as I am learning DAZ and have acquired quite a bit of assets for it. I need to learn Ren'py better, learn Daz, and create scenes so this will definitely be a WIP. Everyone starts somewhere, so who knows?

I make my own music with keyboards and the DAW Acoustica Mixcraft 9, so my game will feature a soundtrack not normally found in AVN games (mostly generic public domain tracks you happen to hear in a lot of different games). I am also a writer and like to write stories, so both abilities should come in handy for this!

I am starting to write the story and I have been working with DAZ a lot to learn to create the content. I will keep everyone updated as well on my progress and hope to release a preview soon. I am just now getting to the point where I can make entire scenes in DAZ. I found a way to import DAZ content to Blender, but Blender would be a completely different animal to learn, so I will stick with DAZ3D Studio Pro for now.

I will stick to my guns and if I say there is an update coming, it will come! I will make a Patreon and all that, but my focus is on learning DAZ, creating a good story, keep lots of choices, and learn from mistakes of developers (like a well known AVN maker discussed in here :ROFLMAO: ).

I have also thought about doing a spin of WVM, but to be honest I would prefer to create my own AVN.


Aug 23, 2022
If I was Braindrop:
  • Quit giving bogus drop dates and just say the next update will be out "soon".
  • "I got 30,000 screens finished, it will be out in the next update!" Then releases 203, if lucky. Stop that!
  • Give people more choice in what to do with the game.
  • Instead of excuses, show screen shots of progress and check in with the progress (without giving away surprises).
  • People complain about things in masses (black boxes), stop doing it completely, instead of overdoing it!
  • Instead of bringing in 100 new girls, focus on like 10-12 of them and make the other ones just side-lays for Ethan (for the breeding side-plot).
  • Make Harper bangable, but make it prolonged and lead up to. Not just, "Oh well, let's do it!"
  • Work on ACTUALLY IMPROVING models, not changing them for a side-grade or outright downgrade (Katie: Just no!)
  • Quit with the bogus excuses.
  • Quit making yourself a victim of your own doing.
If he did this, this whole thread would be a lot more full of praise instead of calling him out. He would likely get more fans and be more successful.

Sadly, he seems to think because of his defenders, he can keep on, keeping on! But far from a smart business or character model!
I agree. I also think he should have a progress bar like some other devs do. Like the devs for what a legend or SS. I think that may help a little bit with people doubting whether he's actually doing anything. Along with screenshots of completed renders that wont necessarily spoil what the next update is about.
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Active Member
Oct 31, 2018
That is also when he suddenly came contrarian, promised updates were often missed with excuses, and the focus of the story became more diffuse.
He has always been a contrarian. If you look in the first 400-500 pages of this thread you can see BD himself tell the story of how someone DM'd him a stupid demand that a character that was barefoot in a scene shouldn't be barefoot, and his reaction was to make everyone barefoot all the time, and that happened way before the pool party.


May 30, 2020
He has always been a contrarian. If you look in the first 400-500 pages of this thread you can see BD himself tell the story of how someone DM'd him a stupid demand that a character that was barefoot in a scene shouldn't be barefoot, and his reaction was to make everyone barefoot all the time, and that happened way before the pool party.
You know, characters always being barefoot was yet another stupid fucking thing I noticed but didn't mention and this doesn't surprise me at all.


Oct 18, 2021
You might want to work on your observation and reading comprehension. Chapter 4 and 5 were supposed to be the same update, but it got split into several parts despite Patrons voting against it. I guess it looks like a positive to see back to back updates, even if it still less than what was promised, as a single update going back to November (and beyond).
Tbf i barely read what is posted on this thread, after all 90% of the comments are people shitting on the game/the developer for XYZ reason (sometimes it's well deserved criticism, other times is just people being petty) and, honestly, it's so fucking annoying to go through all of them to keep up with what the developer has said. If what you say about the update is true then it's kinda shitty to do, specially the part about not respecting the Patrons decisions.

The update being less than what was promised in November is not surprising at all. Did anyone really think that it was going to be something like the mythical 3000 renders update that was promised ages ago? If, after everything that has happened on the development of this game, someone still thought that the update was going to have a lot of content, they're either delusional or extremely gullible. I'm just surprised that we had bits of new content. I genuinely thought he would keep the scam going by updating the game with the "rework" that was said to be done. Still, none of this goes particularly against my original comment, so i guess i stand by what i said~

It's amazing how quickly the 2400+ render update "Mackenzie" "had to release" a month ago is forgotten, but instead there we get a 1200+ render update followed by a missing 767 render update...and the remaining part is now delayed until...who knows when. Maybe it will be carved up into the "weekly updates" starting in April...
I don't think people forgot about the huge update that was supposed to come. I'd say it's more that people never really thought it was real, so there is no point on asking for it to be released. Personally i'm interested in seeing if the "weekly updates" ever happen and, if so, for how long they'll keep coming until he starts again with the delays. Hopefully he'll prove me wrong and keep up with them until the game is finished, but we all know that's not going to happen lol

Tbh though, at this point it doesn't matter what he does, people are going to keep shitting on him and the updates regardless of the content. He fucked up too much, too often and it doesn't seem as if it's going to stop anytime soon so people should just stop taking this game so seriously. Nowadays there are way too many quality games on this site to keep up, so losing your time on this one is a complete waste. Most people here seem burnt out so just check the thread once every few months and you'll be fine...
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May 16, 2017
Don't be so pessimistic, maybe he can follow up with it for April, as according to him there should be around 1k renders ready (the 3rd batch that was never released). So maybe in a panic mode he did most of those in the end, and we will have some content out of it.

Aaaaand I am dreaming again probably, aren't I?
you do realize easter is april 9th do you not? also i believe the 3rd chunk will come out soon but it is a guess on my part.
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Dec 19, 2022
At this point, everything is pure speculation. What he says and what he does is vastly different anymore, so going by what he says is a fool's errand. I would love to say, "Hey, he learned from his mistakes and will do better." but that is likely not going to happen. Apparently, all he has to do is claim progress is being made and people will suck it up, despite missing practically every deadline anymore.

You have to do the "Rule of 4th" with him now. Promised update will be 1/4 as big and take 4 times longer than anticipated.

Though we might get another update around Easter, as Freki pointed out, I have a gut feeling it will be small. That is, if he does not do what he normally does and feed more excuses for delays.

I would honestly love for him to get back on track, and more importantly, prove this whole post wrong. I just do not have a lot of faith that is going to happen. I would not go by his dates, as you will either get a very small update that misses the former quality, or fed more lines why it was delayed. EDIT: Sometimes both!


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 29, 2019
As a side note, I had always thought having a "faceless" MC was so that players could relate to them better (or self-insert I guess). I do think the black box method BD has been using recently is pretty janky, but what are people wanting instead? A face for the MC, better positioned camera shots to obfuscate his face, or a strictly POV camera?
That being said, I'm not sure indulging the players' desire to self-insert really makes much of a difference in a game where you are a 6'5" gigachad.
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