
Jun 20, 2022
So BD is now claiming that by the end of August (basically within 36 hours of his patreon post) he's going to upload all 7 remaining scenes from ep13, possibly one at a time, although it's not exactly clear. And then, ep14 will be released 1 scene at time and should be completely released "relatively early" in September.

Honestly, I can barely even imagine how he's going to excuse himself for missing these deadlines this time. I would hope that he's smart enough to at least have ep13 ready to go since he's promised to release it literally 1 day after his post. If he misses this, he really needs to have his head examined, because the dude just got through saying that he wasn't going to set deadlines any more and now he's set a hard deadline for ep13 and a soft deadline for ep14.
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Oct 19, 2020
Dev Report

Resetting (News about E13 and E14) (Important info about pledges too)

Hey guys, I hope you've all been well.

We've been struggling over here but we're finally nearing the end of that.
Technical issues that stemmed from the packaging issue and chaos afterward were persistent, they ballooned into many other issues. There have also been some life issues that popped up but we've been figuring all of it out. I lost my head for a bit but everything is going to work out. I'll go into more detail about the hardships we've faced after these updates are out where I can talk about things without running into any spoiler issues or anything like that.

Due to the issues and just where my head is at, we're going to be releasing everything in an admittedly silly way. Let me explain a bit...
After all of this is out, we intend on updating scene-by-scene. So as we finish a scene it will be uploaded as an official release. (We'll still have smaller betas for medium/large scenes)

To help bridge the gap between this large release and future plans and for the main reason which is to help ease my mind, we're going to be doing what I should have done a long time ago and we'll be releasing everything one scene at a time. It's not the ideal way of doing this at all, but we're way past ideal already. I want to be a part of the releases and this way is just the easiest on me right now.
These releases will be quick and available to all tiers and former patrons (via discord) at the same time.

**Spoiler alert! Skip ahead to the next bold text if you don't want to see some context on the scenes that will be uploaded!**

E13 has 7 scenes remaining. There are already 4 existing scenes in the game for E13.
Here are the names and relative size for the remaining scenes in E13.
Large = 250-400 renders, Medium = 100-249 renders, Small = 1-99 renders

Scene 5 - Spunishment (Large)
Scene 6 - Autographs (Small)
Scene 7 - Daliah Intro (Large)
Scene 8 - Bull Beginnings (Medium)
Scene 9 - Resort (Medium)
Scene 10 - Jasmine Date (Medium)
Scene 11 - Flight Home (Small)

**Spoiler alert is over! ----------------------------------**

These releases will begin happening early tomorrow morning.
Due to some of the issues we've faced and solutions we've found, E13 has grown in size a little more. It's now close to 1200 renders.
These scenes will be uploaded by the end of August (There is an issue with two animations in the Jasmine scene but they should be fixed in time. I am willing to soft-launch it without those animations and add them later if need be), as soon as all of these are out we'll begin the process of uploading E14. Though we're still working on some scenes in E14 so those uploads will not be as frequent but we'll have them out as soon as possible. Everything in E14 should be up by relatively early in Sept.

Like I mentioned, we're aware that this way of doing things is silly and you can of course wait for everything to be uploaded to play it all at once.
As it stands right now it's just the easiest way for me to get these scenes out to you guys as quickly as we can without me losing it.

I also made a very dumb promise about pausing pledges for the rest of the year when I was over-confident in the last round of missed release dates. That is a promise I will not be able to keep, pledges will be unpaused after the release of E13 - Scene 7. Which has been the main trouble scene for me. Pledges will be re-paused if there is a large gap in the releases for the scenes in E14.
Though, due to the broken promise I will be releasing all content that is made for the rest of the year to all former patrons either via discord or DM.
So anyone who is uncomfortable with me unpausing, I urge you to consider cancelling your pledge. You will still receive everything and you can come back at the start of the new year and see if things have improved or not and make a decision about repledging or not.

That's all I have to share for today, once again I am so sorry for how long everything has taken.
I do hope you guys will enjoy everything we've been working on. I'm excited to get this ugly chapter behind us and move forward into something much less messy and frustrating.
As always thank you guys so much for everything.
So ep 13 left 7 scenes and gonna release separately. Looks like 52/52 evolved to 7/7 but more like 007 James Bond.

So let me get this straight. Ep 13 was tested for more than 2 weeks then can't compile the files god knows how long I can't even remember and u can't deliver as 1 fucking single whole update. That so called update supposed to released at 10th I'm not even sure so many delays it's hard to keep up with it. Then ep 14 was if I remember correctly on 20th then delayed to last days of the august.

And I didn't even mentioned ep 14 right amount. Supposed to be out in any day now but no words about it like how many scenes or how big it is. That means there isn't anything called ep14. For those who supports him any kind financial or not congratulations u guys make fool yourself AGAIN.

1 more topics to discuss is paused payment for subs. Although I don't spend single dime for this scammer. I stil feel bad for those suckers who still puts his bs. After so many broken promises u gotta live up to promises u gave. It's not right to break ur word and keep getting away without any retribution.

I know I can keep going and pointing sticky facts but me and u guys who reads it knows that nothing gonna change.

So what I can is try to prevent new people to getting scammed and help them realize it and not getting scammed.
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
Actually BD is doing so well because he has followers who believed in his every excuse and pay his monthly Patreon Pledges!!!
He has lost his interest in the development of this avn simple as that!!!!
Yes, but if this game came out only 2 years later he'd be lucky to make 1/10th of what he does for what he released. The quality doesn't even come close to living up to the best post-pandemic games, his work ethic is practically non existent and he's one of the worst liars I've ever seen. He was lucky enough to get into this before the market blew up. Pretty much all of the games making 20k+ a month are older than covid and that's the only reason this shit game is still kind of around.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
i don´t know why but it feels like to me that brainfart was not the one who wrote that.
the way the text is written is not how brainfart is usually writing his brainfart reports..... :unsure::unsure::unsure:
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
i don´t know why but it feels like to me that brainfart was not the one who wrote that.
the way the text is written is not how brainfart is usually writing his brainfart reports..... :unsure::unsure::unsure:
Does it even matter at this point??? I mean BD lately is doing nothing but promises things that can't deliver or does not want to deliver just to keep the Patreons that still believe him and his excuses....In last nights post said that ep 13 will be uploaded early in the morning , yet i did not see anything on his patreon page besides the dev report...
The so called pledges that he said will be paused and stay paused untill the end of 2024 will unpaused and still people believe in him... Personally i will wait until February 14th of 2025 to declare it abandoned on my book if he has not make any progress untill that date i will delete WVM forever and never going to waste any more of my time for this dev and his game again
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
It's so obvious that he's lying that I can't even wrap my mind around how he could come up with this stuff.

He's not pausing pledges, which reversed one of his previous promises.

He's wanting to release single scene updates, when supposedly 2 full updates have been in testing for months and he's made thousands of renders.

There has never been a developer that was this obviously taking advantage of people. He buries them under a pile of excuses, everything from personal issues to Renpy issues, and leaves them olive branches to cancel their subs... if they want to... in order to keep them on his side despite him breaking 99% of the promises he makes to them.
he supposedely paused the pledges and now he will unpause them...The fact that he is lying is clear as day


Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
Does it even matter at this point??? I mean BD lately is doing nothing but promises things that can't deliver or does not want to deliver just to keep the Patreons that still believe him and his excuses....In last nights post said that ep 13 will be uploaded early in the morning , yet i did not see anything on his patreon page besides the dev report...
The so called pledges that he said will be paused and stay paused untill the end of 2024 will unpaused and still people believe in him... Personally i will wait until February 14th of 2025 to declare it abandoned on my book if he has not make any progress untill that date i will delete WVM forever and never going to waste any more of my time for this dev and his game again
well said (y)
and your right it dosen´t matter not to me and others i think.
but i had the urge to adress that :)


Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
well said (y)
and your right it dosen´t matter not to me and others i think.
but i had the urge to adress that :)
At this point BD's behavior is beyond dissapointment...
But it's not only BD's fault , he takes advantage of the people that love his avn and given him financial support...As long as he gets what he wants he will keep doing that i suppose, but i stand with my decision " i will wait until February 14th of 2025 to declare it abandoned on my book if he has not make any progress untill that date i will delete WVM forever and never going to waste any more of my time for this dev and his game again "
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
At this point BD's behavior is beyond dissapointment...
But it's not only BD's fault , he takes advantage of the people that love his avn and given him financial support...As long as he gets what he wants he will keep doing that i suppose, but i stand with my decision " i will wait until February 14th of 2025 to declare it abandoned on my book if he has not make any progress untill that date i will delete WVM forever and never going to waste any more of my time for this dev and his game again "
well it won´t change as long as his cultists still blow air up his ass no matter what he is doing and treat him like a god in the development industry.....

so its easy to say that it will not change anytime soon..

Abaddon Doom

Jul 12, 2024
Human beings...damn, we're so absolutely broken, so corruptible...Money distorts our reality and greed comes, like a demon, to steal away everything that is important.
I'm sure this developer started out with a vision, an idea that could be evolved into a greater storyline. Over time, money has corrupted his desire to see it through...he is not a hungry man searching for scraps anymore...he is well fed, living off people's trust and good nature.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
Human beings...damn, we're so absolutely broken, so corruptible...Money distorts our reality and greed comes, like a demon, to steal away everything that is important.
I'm sure this developer started out with a vision, an idea that could be evolved into a greater storyline. Over time, money has corrupted his desire to see it through...he is not a hungry man searching for scraps anymore...he is well fed, living off people's trust and good nature.
" Over time, money has corrupted his desire to see it through...he is not a hungry man searching for scraps anymore...he is well fed, living off people's trust and good nature. " These people are the worst


Dec 27, 2023
It's pretty funny that years pass and this thread never changes about the dev's updates progress and his incredibly entertaining excuses :LOL:

Personally, I think he's Lucifer and is toying with you all :devilish:


Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
It's pretty funny that years pass and this thread never changes about the dev's updates progress and his incredibly entertaining excuses :LOL:

Personally, I think he's Lucifer and is toying with you all :devilish:
Lucifer can easily find more " incredibly entertaining excuses "
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