
Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
all I'm hoping for in the upcoming update is that Jasmine moves in with mc (as she's tied with mcs gf for me and really want more material with her).
Awesome idea.
And we will get Keyana and her wife.Adding them to the other harem we are building.
I wonder if Rachael will join that group in the future


Nov 7, 2017
Personally I like the renders but dislike the story development. It kind of gives false signals here and there everytime.

We start the game, love triangle, will you cheat behind your girlfriend back yes/no.

Met a guy, learn he did cheat his current girlfriend in the past, he seems near your girlfriend.

Suddenly you meet many girls and all have the hots for you and wanna have sex.

Meet more characters, nothing special happens.

More sex and random situations

Finally your girlfriend wants you to have a harem, tells you to seduce girls and adds your best friend into the relationship.

At first I thought the game would focus on choices that can have an effect in your relationship, like cheating behind the back of your girlfriend is bad, then we get introduced to a male character and it gives a feeling of "be careful of this guy or he is gonna do something", suddenly all the starting build disappears and we get many girls that wanna have sex with our character because of... nothing? we did nothing to actually deserve so much sex I would say, I would call that the fanservice part.

Then to end it kind of breaks all it build up by having your girlfriend be okay with a harem, perhaps the point that disappointed me the most is that the girlfriend doesn't care at all if you cheated behind her back, it feels like such an important thing that didn't get used...

In the end it's hard to understand the direction of the game, on one hand it seems that it will have rivals and they will try to make your life hard, perhaps at some point they will tend a trap or blackmail you if you fuck too much, but on the other... what's the effect of blackmail when all girls are okay with you fucking everyone?.

I just don't understand those that believe it's a good development, on the writing at least, if you just wanna have sex and don't care about the story then yeah, it can be good for you.

I feel like it wasted so much potential of storytelling, for example if you told your best friend that you have feelings for her but that you don't want to cheat on your girlfriend she could have started to irrationally hate the girlfriend, because if only she wasn't here, at the same time noticing how she shouldn't think like that.

On the other hand cheating behind her back could show her inner fight of loving you but don't wanting to hurt your girlfriend. Even more the developments behind the scenes... it could have been so interesting.
Why do you want to be reasonable in a game, this is a game, isn't it?. :unsure:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Why do you want to be reasonable in a game, this is a game, isn't it?. :unsure:
Well I just believe the game would be better if it was more reasonable, if I play a game and I find the story to be nonsense I kind of feel like... "what did I just play".

Even so the renders are good, so you can just play it for them if you want to, everyone has their own values related to games and I won't critic it, but I'm trying to understand why some people are saying how great the writing is when I find it a mess. No offense to the creator.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2017
About the girlfriend I only find three reasonable options to not oppose a harem, first if she is bisexual, second she is cheating on you already, third she has a fetish related to her boyfriend cheating.

But none of them makes it reasonable how it develops so suddenly the "I'm okay with harem". The way she acted is so weird for me and I kind of find it pure nonsense.

Related to conspiracy theories and things like that it's usually quite cheap in most developments, even more there were quite a few interesting developments that could have been expanded already.

I will of course give it a try at later releases to see if I can get a different opinnion, I like the renders so that's a reason good enough to play a game, but I doubt the writing will give me a good surprise in later releases. Still, we will see.
Well, as I said, my theory is wild, never reasonable. Actually, like this moment with the harem. Also, he will have to cover some other problems that are currently at the point of view of the plot. But the search to look for a reasonable cause, I think, will be the more challenge :D If it does, then Braindrop to share with us in one of the following chapter (a certain day N)
But I have a question, what conspiracy theories can we talk about? here I even pondered:unsure:


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Come on man, that's not very nice. We :) around here.

You're main source of critique seems to be how Jamie handles the whole harem thing. That story isn't just magically done, those emotions will be explored. If you need seeds of conflict and negative emotion to make a story interesting for you then that's fine, but that isn't where my game is headed. At least not for the main girls.
Also there are tons of other things at play outside of the main relationship.

I'm a :)'y dude that is making a :)'y game.
I'm getting a ton of love and support and even I'm like... wait, why? :ROFLMAO:
It just might not be the game for you homie, does that make my storytelling shit? Maybe... I don't get to decide if it is or not.

But I very much appreciate the feedback. There are plans for a lot that you brought up but for obvious reasons I can't get into them.
Overall the main point of critic isn't that Jamie accepts the harem, but how we got there, for now in the game we didn't truly do anything at all, it kind of has all the tropes that we can have on a game, horse dick, perfect MC, everyone loves the MC, everyone talks about how great the MC is...

I'm not telling you to change things, but how things develop is just surreal. A good storytelling is supposed to let us understand a character's motivation, feelings and how they act, it doesn't need drama but rather that you can feel the character is alive.

Decided to post just to understand what people find great about the storytelling, personally it's true that perhaps the game might not be for me, I believe that the MC has to earn his harem in a reasonable way and that's exactly what doesn't happen.

In the end the main problem I would say is that it gives the "illusion of choice", why did it matter that I cheated behind Jamie's back with my best friend when she won't care?, if the choice doesn't matter in the end a player that tries to stay loyal to his girlfriend will feel kind of stupid. It's based on things like this that I critic the storytelling.

Overall I'm not saying people shouldn't like the game, I just can't understand the praise on storytelling and kind of wanted to ask about it. If they said "I love the renders" you have my okay, "I love the girls" okay again "I love x..." great, but storytelling if you think rationally is the weakest point of the game, with difference.

Well, as I said, my theory is wild, never reasonable. Actually, like this moment with the harem. Also, he will have to cover some other problems that are currently at the point of view of the plot. But the search to look for a reasonable cause, I think, will be the more challenge :D If it does, then Braindrop to share with us in one of the following chapter (a certain day N)
But I have a question, what conspiracy theories can we talk about? here I even pondered:unsure:
Well as with every conspiracy theory it is full of nonsense, one possible theory would be that everything isn't as it seems, that all the free sex, situations and everything else it is mixing a part of our MC expectations with real life, like mixing dreams and reality, following this, some actions that never happened our MC would take them as if it happened and create a big mess.

A different one would be that there is a masterplan behind the scenes, why is it that you are so well known? why do all the girls seem to throw themselves at you? in fact at many points when you say no to sex and things like that the MC gives on quite a few ocassions a warning of "it's better to not do it, what if I got filmed or something?", some scenes are at peculiar places, like a basement or that office, places that could be easily a trap.

Last one would be related to how the characters act, one of the biggest truths in life is "if something seems to be too good to be true, then it's because it isn't true". For example think that we follow the game as a harem, what can your MC say if your current girlfriend ends up having sex with a girl or even more, a boy? while it may seem great to have a free pass to have sex with more girls, it kind of feels that it is becoming a polyamorous relationship.

But overall I don't think the creator will try any situation so weird XD.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
I'll repeat myself, there are plans for these things my guy.
And I'm just evaluating what is in the game already ;), that's all. My review itself I hope that in the future I can increase the rating.

However for now I have serious doubts that a future update will change my mind on those points, but that's for the future.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2017
I mean I don't have any issue with theories. I have no clue what f95's stance on is it though. I probably wouldn't comment on them as to not discredit or ruin it or anything but I'd love to know what you're thinking.
It was a question for DawnCry. Perhaps I did not quite correctly translate what I wanted to write. I was wondering what, in his opinion, might be a conspiracy theory.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2017
Overall the main point of critic isn't that Jamie accepts the harem, but how we got there, for now in the game we didn't truly do anything at all, it kind of has all the tropes that we can have on a game, horse dick, perfect MC, everyone loves the MC, everyone talks about how great the MC is...

I'm not telling you to change things, but how things develop is just surreal. A good storytelling is supposed to let us understand a character's motivation, feelings and how they act, it doesn't need drama but rather that you can feel the character is alive.

Decided to post just to understand what people find great about the storytelling, personally it's true that perhaps the game might not be for me, I believe that the MC has to earn his harem in a reasonable way and that's exactly what doesn't happen.

In the end the main problem I would say is that it gives the "illusion of choice", why did it matter that I cheated behind Jamie's back with my best friend when she won't care?, if the choice doesn't matter in the end a player that tries to stay loyal to his girlfriend will feel kind of stupid. It's based on things like this that I critic the storytelling.

Overall I'm not saying people shouldn't like the game, I just can't understand the praise on storytelling and kind of wanted to ask about it. If they said "I love the renders" you have my okay, "I love the girls" okay again "I love x..." great, but storytelling if you think rationally is the weakest point of the game, with difference.

Well as with every conspiracy theory it is full of nonsense, one possible theory would be that everything isn't as it seems, that all the free sex, situations and everything else it is mixing a part of our MC expectations with real life, like mixing dreams and reality, following this, some actions that never happened our MC would take them as if it happened and create a big mess.

A different one would be that there is a masterplan behind the scenes, why is it that you are so well known? why do all the girls seem to throw themselves at you? in fact at many points when you say no to sex and things like that the MC gives on quite a few ocassions a warning of "it's better to not do it, what if I got filmed or something?", some scenes are at peculiar places, like a basement or that office, places that could be easily a trap.

Last one would be related to how the characters act, one of the biggest truths in life is "if something seems to be too good to be true, then it's because it isn't true". For example think that we follow the game as a harem, what can your MC say if your current girlfriend ends up having sex with a girl or even more, a boy? while it may seem great to have a free pass to have sex with more girls, it kind of feels that it is becoming a polyamorous relationship.

But overall I don't think the creator will try any situation so weird XD.
Well, this, of course, is complete wildness. I agree, the dev will definitely not do this.:)
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The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
As to why his girlfriend decided to let the mc into the harem, and in principle not against his adventures to the left, I have a theory (wild, brain-exploding) that I am still working on.
As for the other girls, pay attention to the dialogue with Penelope. Somewhere she found information on the hero. Including quite confidential, if you go the way of transgender Shona. Consequently, they could have known quite a lot already in advance. Plus, now they see a confirmation of that information: it is reliable, it will always help, nice and charming in communication, attentive, generally perfect, why hide it:cool:. As for those girls who consider he as a "sex toy", it is unlikely that they will be greatly emphasized, purely in the background. It is also possible they will be used for drama.
None of the info Penelope has is confidential least of all the stuff about Shauna being trans and her history being bullied and the MC defending her. She even tells the MC that she got that info from an interview given by the MC himself which I assume she found online along with alll the other hype articles being written about him same reason anyone knows who he is.


Oct 21, 2017
Even putting aside if it makes sense that the girl is out of nowhere suggesting a harem or not..

I guess my problem is how there's just too many girls being thrown at you constantly, which means if you got attached to a character early on and don't care about going out and being a manwhore, your girl of choice is just going to be seeing less and less screen time and scenes devoted to them

Like I decided early on I was for shauna, so I found myself just turning people down constantly. Most of the game is about setting up relationships with new girls it seems like instead of being able to really drive down a path

I think that's why you'll see a lot of games focus on a path for a specific target, flesh that out and then go back and start on a new target love interest
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Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Overall the main point of critic isn't that Jamie accepts the harem, but how we got there, for now in the game we didn't truly do anything at all, it kind of has all the tropes that we can have on a game, horse dick, perfect MC, everyone loves the MC, everyone talks about how great the MC is...

I'm not telling you to change things, but how things develop is just surreal. A good storytelling is supposed to let us understand a character's motivation, feelings and how they act, it doesn't need drama but rather that you can feel the character is alive.

Decided to post just to understand what people find great about the storytelling, personally it's true that perhaps the game might not be for me, I believe that the MC has to earn his harem in a reasonable way and that's exactly what doesn't happen.

In the end the main problem I would say is that it gives the "illusion of choice", why did it matter that I cheated behind Jamie's back with my best friend when she won't care?, if the choice doesn't matter in the end a player that tries to stay loyal to his girlfriend will feel kind of stupid. It's based on things like this that I critic the storytelling.

Overall I'm not saying people shouldn't like the game, I just can't understand the praise on storytelling and kind of wanted to ask about it. If they said "I love the renders" you have my okay, "I love the girls" okay again "I love x..." great, but storytelling if you think rationally is the weakest point of the game, with difference.

Well as with every conspiracy theory it is full of nonsense, one possible theory would be that everything isn't as it seems, that all the free sex, situations and everything else it is mixing a part of our MC expectations with real life, like mixing dreams and reality, following this, some actions that never happened our MC would take them as if it happened and create a big mess.

A different one would be that there is a masterplan behind the scenes, why is it that you are so well known? why do all the girls seem to throw themselves at you? in fact at many points when you say no to sex and things like that the MC gives on quite a few ocassions a warning of "it's better to not do it, what if I got filmed or something?", some scenes are at peculiar places, like a basement or that office, places that could be easily a trap.

Last one would be related to how the characters act, one of the biggest truths in life is "if something seems to be too good to be true, then it's because it isn't true". For example think that we follow the game as a harem, what can your MC say if your current girlfriend ends up having sex with a girl or even more, a boy? while it may seem great to have a free pass to have sex with more girls, it kind of feels that it is becoming a polyamorous relationship.

But overall I don't think the creator will try any situation so weird XD.
Where are you playing all these games with perfect MC that everybody loves?
Give us a list,please.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Where are you playing all these games with perfect MC that everybody loves?
Give us a list,please.
All meet and fuck games, most visual novels... do I truly have to make a list?, we have 100 games in which we are a student that have a group of friends and can easily romance all the girls, or those in which the heroines are already in love with the MC from the start.

Is it truly necessary that I do a list? but well perhaps it's more appropiate average MC that everybody loves.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
All meet and fuck games, most visual novels... do I truly have to make a list?, we have 100 games in which we are a student that have a group of friends and can easily romance all the girls, or those in which the heroines are already in love with the MC from the start.

Is it truly necessary that I do a list? but well perhaps it's more appropiate average MC that everybody loves.
No but at least 5 will be awesome.Don't forget the horse dick too:)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
No but at least 5 will be awesome.Don't forget the horse dick too:)
Ok now I see you didnt read my post well, I'm saying that the game has all topics, horse dick, loved MC, perfect MC... finding games with all of them at the same time there wouldn't be so many.

If you ask individually it's easy with each of them. Right now out of my head for the loved MC I find the do you like hornie bunnies series, we love master and games like that, if it isn't enough then go find them, you can use internet, if you go to mangagamer it should be easy to find a few in which you get girls that wanna marry the MC and similar settings.
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Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Ok now I see you didnt read my post well, I'm saying that the game has all topics, horse dick, loved MC, perfect MC... finding games with all of them at the same time there wouldn't be so many.

If you ask individually it's easy with each of them. Right now out of my head for the loved MC I find the do you like hornie bunnies series, we love master and games like that, if it isn't enough then go find them, you can use internet, if you go to mangagamer it should be easy to find a few in which you get girls that wanna marry the MC and similar settings.
And I was thinking you are talking for western games:(
Sadly we realy don't have anything even close to WVM.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
And I was thinking you are talking for western games:(
Sadly we realy don't have anything even close to WVM.
In western games we liked too much the creeper ;), basically good for nothing pervert that gets girls. But well if you look in translated games you can find many that are similar, hope it helps.

P.D: if you truly need a list PM me and I can make you a tiny one within secs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
ok I've gone thought a few pages here and I seen that some people want or say this needs Drama. while The drama I see building is a Willow situation or even worse a Damian situation if MC takes Jasmine cause that creates drama within the Team or between two new friends. which if that is the drama some people want there it goes and I'm sure Braindrop has thought of that since its his story. Unless the prediction of some is correct about Damian having some fruit in his juice (Bi, Gay or being with the male couple) But that is my assumption of where Braindrop might do. He has his drawing board and We have to wait and see
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The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
ok I've gone thought a few pages here and I seen that some people want or say this needs Drama. while The drama I see building is a Willow situation or even worse a Damian situation if MC takes Jasmine cause that creates drama within the Team or between two new friends. which if that is the drama some people want there it goes and I'm sure Braindrop has thought of that since its his story. Unless the prediction of some is correct about Damian having some fruit in his juice (Bi, Gay or being with the male couple) But that is my assumption of where Braindrop might do. He has his drawing board and We have to wait and see
Plus they are kinda overlooking the fact that just because Jamie and Shauna are cool with sharing does NOT by any means mean that all of the other girls will be, we haven't done more than throw signals at most of the girls thus far so any number of negative reactions could happen from disgust to Jerry Springer level cat fighting. As far as Damian goes I LIKE the fact that he isn't the obligatory "I'm gonna steal yo girl MWHAHAHAHA" black guy and instead we steal his girl from him. It isn't like he doesn't deserve it nor do I don't expect him to just take it without causing drama so when it happen it happens.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Plus they are kinda overlooking the fact that just because Jamie and Shauna are cool with sharing does NOT by any means mean that all of the other girls will be, we haven't done more than throw signals at most of the girls thus far so any number of negative reactions could happen from disgust to Jerry Springer level cat fighting. As far as Damian goes I LIKE the fact that he isn't the obligatory "I'm gonna steal yo girl MWHAHAHAHA" black guy and instead we steal his girl from him. It isn't like he doesn't deserve it nor do I don't expect him to just take it without causing drama so when it happen it happens.
At least women don't have a problem with sharing:)
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