
Forum Fanatic
Aug 10, 2019
Obviously I can't speak for BD, but a lot of writers who wrote a successful story all mentioned in interviews of how they had their entire story all thought up and developed before they even put on word onto paper. My point is that the story part of the game is probably the easiest portion in the creative process, and drawing out and animating the scenes then rendering them is probably the actual bottleneck.
I think I understand, maybe.


New Member
Jan 21, 2018
View attachment 677149

But my personal favorites are:
Willing Vagina Menagerie (I came up with this one)
Women Vetoing Monogamy (I forget who came up with this one off the top of my head but it made me laugh)

Recent posts by Braindrop
Braindrop posted 2 times in the last week

So... I have no clue how to start this. I just know I want to be truthful with you guys and have an open discussion about some stuff.

As usual with these posts I have no idea what all I'm going to say and I'm just going to type.
There's some things I feel the need to talk about. I feel you all deserve to know not only what's going on with the game but what's going on with the guy making the game.

I've had some issues lately and I can't pin it down to a single thing. I think it's just everything adding up.
It's no secret I've had a lot of delays recently. And as someone who strives to be the best dev he can be each and every one of those took a real toll on me. It being for a few hours or an entire week each time I felt an immense weight of letting hundreds or even thousands of people down. Which is a feeling I really don't know how to describe. It's really fucking hard to handle. Granted they've all been for good reason but that doesn't change the fact of how immensely frustrating it all has been.
And that's no fault of you guys. You've all been so fucking supportive of me through my issues. I just hate not delivering to those that believe in me.

I've also made a ton of mistakes. Whether it be promising things that I couldn't deliver on or waiting too long to update you guys on things or just honest mistakes. I've fucked up a ton recently and a lot of it is inexcusable. I don't want to make any excuses for it and I have to do better in the future.

One of those mistakes has been increasing the length of an already packed Day 7. That decision has screwed over a ton of tier 1's and those that wait for the full day to play. It seemed a good idea at the time so I could continue working but in hindsight I could've done something different.

My mental health has been pretty trash lately.
Like I mentioned there's a ton happening in my life right now. A lot I've mentioned and a lot I haven't.
There was my aunt's passing that really rocked me loose and I've been struggling to fully recover from. I think I'm on a second wave from it.
My grandpa's condition is getting worse by the day and it's been really fucking hard witnessing it.
Our house is falling apart and has so many issues that needs fixed
There's the stress from covid and being stuck in the house
There's the stress from personal relationships
There's the stress from my imposter syndrome
There's the stress from dealing with spectrum and my internet being down for over a week
There's the stress from tons of angry dms
There's the stress from reading tons of complaints about WVM
There's the stress from all the delays
Add it all up and I'm feeling very overwhelmed. I've tried my best to just grind through it but with every issue it gets worse. With every issue that causes a delay it gets way worse.

I would be in a way worse place and would not be able to be where I am right now without you guys. I'm so fucking grateful for everything you all have given me. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I'm not someone who has dealt with mental health issues in the past. I've always been a happy guy who could power through anything. So dealing with all of this has been a challenge and I'm really not sure what to do. I'm both the happiest and saddest I've ever been in my life and they're both happening at the same time. I feel like 20,000 emotions all at the same time.

I've seen it negatively impact my personal relationships, my interactions with all of you, and just my daily life. I feel like an entirely different person.
I do not feel like I deserve what I have. And panic attacks have become a thing for me.

All of these issues have really been in my face these past few weeks. This last delay has hit me the hardest of any so far and I think it's because of everything else surrounding it. It's also tied into the mad dash to finish day 7 before the first of next month so I don't screw tier 1's further. And I'm truly not sure if I'm going to make it in time and it's just serving to make every other issue feel even larger.

I really don't know what's going on with me and why I can't shake it like I usually can. And I really, really need to.
I thought I did but then everything has came back. More problems have happened.
So, I'm going to try and take a few days off to see what it can do for me. In this time I'll be fixing some of the issues with my house. I've had delays but I've never taken time off. I've always worked.
(Day 7 final will be out before I take any time off)

But... I think I should pause pledges for the month of June.

I've never done this for the money. It's always been about making a game that makes me and others happy. I do not feel right taking money for something I haven't been delivering on time for especially during the world state with covid. Your support has been so generous and I love each and every single one of you. But I do not deserve your money right now.

I think it's the best decision for me. This way I can get day 7 out when it's ready and not feel the humongous stress from the end of the month deadline. I can take the days off I think I need without feeling super fucking guilty. I still plan to have releases and work in June but I think it's best to pause charges until I'm fully back.

I value all of you and I don't take a single dollar for granted. And I've always said I want to earn your support and not just be given it. I don't want to be viewed as a milker dev.
I wanted to let all of you know before I did it. Don't think I'm going on hiatus or anything. I'm still right here and I fully intend to still work and have releases through June. I just need a few days to fix some things around the house and hopefully fix some mental problems..

With all of this being said I don't want any of you to worry about me. I'm just going through a little funk and I'll be okay. I just need a little time.
I don't have an exact date when Day 7 final will be out. But I promise work is continuing on it and it will be out the second it is ready and it shouldn't be very long from now.
Thank you all so much for your support. I love you guys. <3

And thank you for reading this. It took a lot to write it out. I hope you understand.
It's really hard for me to explain the immense emotions of doubt and fear and panic I've been feeling. So I'm sorry if I did a shit job of that.
Sorry for getting so personal and I really hope this doesn't come off as a ton of excuses. I just wanted to be clear about what's going on with me.
And I'm sorry for not being the guy I need to be right now. I'll be back though. <3


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
The truth is that the game does have sound... a subsonic subliminal messaging track embedded in the "silent" ren'py music channel slowly indoctrinating you into one of Braindrop's ever growing army of loyal WVM drones o_Oo_Oo_O
well thats sucks i turn the sound off when i play dammit
  • Haha
Reactions: LN1982

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
Does anyone else feel like just not in the mood for posting, or is it just me? Like "No Braindrop, no diggity. No doubt."
Yeah I am with you as well, but I still come here a few times a day just to read/like posts. I really never felt the desire to post thoughts and theories about these kinds of games before. Then I posted a few comments here and felt welcomed and didn't want to stop chatting about the game. With the issues going on I just didn't feel like posting anything further until we get some new content.

I read Braindrop's post again today and just made me feel bad for the guy. I just want to hear he is ok, I hate hearing people struggling with stuff. I still can't believe how people DM'ed him complaining about updates and story lines. This guy updated the game so often and put a lot into each update. It's sad that other games update once a month or every two months and you get like 5 minutes of additional content, but not Braindrop. He added a decent amount several times a month, shame on those that felt the need to complain or that they were entitled to anything. I love this game, his writing style for it, the characters, and all the choices you get to make. The game can wait until he is ready, I am just concerned for the man himself. Wish him the best and a speedy recovery. His game got my mind off some stressful stuff, he got me to care about a story more than the lewd stuff which I didn't think was possible until I played it. I can't wait until he can do that again, best of luck getting yourself and family back in order Braindrop. I want him to read all our posts wishing him well, but part of me hopes he stays away from comments until he feels better or at least back to somewhat normal for him.

Sorry for the longer post and thanks to those that read it to the end.
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