henry hopkin

Jan 20, 2018
I think it's just an adjustment period. The game bloomed pretty quickly and BD almost out of nowhere started to have a huge amount of followers. I mean seriously huge amounts, some of the pretty popular youtube channels with millions of subscribers have less patreons than BD. It's a hard adjustment becoming a public figure in a sense, with that many people following and listening, word choices have to be carefully chosen. For example, in BD's most recent public post on patreon he mentioned that he was going to have some news about the new release in the "upcoming days". Basically, to not displease some of the minorities he will have to learn to be more political in case anything happens and delays the creative process.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2018
i honestly played this for 3 days,not straight.
and finished a while ago,i have to say,what a total underated game this is.i literally fuckin teary eyed(tears of joy) when ethan found her sis Willow.i played mostly the famous games around here,but this is the only game that hits me deep,idk but Braindrop,hands down to u man,u should have more patrons.thank you!!!


Jan 18, 2018
i honestly played this for 3 days,not straight.
and finished a while ago,i have to say,what a total underated game this is.i literally fuckin teary eyed(tears of joy) when ethan found her sis Willow.i played mostly the famous games around here,but this is the only game that hits me deep,idk but Braindrop,hands down to u man,u should have more patrons.thank you!!!


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
It blows my mind the amount of huge money making stuff like this where the dev doesn't have any support staff. Use some of that money to take some of the burden off your back. Going at it alone will never be an optimal choice.
If you bother reading the most recent public posts on his Patreon page you'll know exactly why he's already dismissed your 'idea'

It was a post in the thread, I'm an idiot :FacePalm:
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harem - king

Feb 26, 2018
If you bother reading the most recent public posts on his Patreon page you'll know exactly why he's already dismissed your 'idea'
There's actually nothing dismissing my idea in there at all.

"When I began I told myself 80-100 renders was my goal for every week. That was a good balance but due to me feeling like I didn't deserve what I had and constantly hearing complaints about "short updates" I kept pushing myself. 120 became the new goal and I'd also have weeks where I'd hit 150+. To accomplish that it was honestly working every single day from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep.

The pressure to deliver not only quality but quantity only rose. Despite working nonstop every single day I was never happy with the amount of work I had accomplished. "

Instead of hiring some help the dude's mental health has deteriorated due to the heavy stress placed upon himself to increase the quantity/quality of the work. It's not a bad thing to want to increase the quantity/quality, but it sure as hell is if it takes a toll on the dev. Getting help/staff is the logical solution to this.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
There's actually nothing dismissing my idea in there at all.

"When I began I told myself 80-100 renders was my goal for every week. That was a good balance but due to me feeling like I didn't deserve what I had and constantly hearing complaints about "short updates" I kept pushing myself. 120 became the new goal and I'd also have weeks where I'd hit 150+. To accomplish that it was honestly working every single day from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep.

The pressure to deliver not only quality but quantity only rose. Despite working nonstop every single day I was never happy with the amount of work I had accomplished. "

Instead of hiring some help the dude's mental health has deteriorated due to the heavy stress placed upon himself to increase the quantity/quality of the work. It's not a bad thing to want to increase the quantity/quality, but it sure as hell is if it takes a toll on the dev. Getting help/staff is the logical solution to this.
He already said why he doesnt want to hire other people to help him.

No, the answer is not hire others.
This is a solo project and I have very few skills in managing others.And it's very difficult to find people that can handle my schedule.
And what if they fuck up? There's way too many ifs involved and way too many potential headaches for it to be heavily considered.


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
There's actually nothing dismissing my idea in there at all.

"When I began I told myself 80-100 renders was my goal for every week. That was a good balance but due to me feeling like I didn't deserve what I had and constantly hearing complaints about "short updates" I kept pushing myself. 120 became the new goal and I'd also have weeks where I'd hit 150+. To accomplish that it was honestly working every single day from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep.

The pressure to deliver not only quality but quantity only rose. Despite working nonstop every single day I was never happy with the amount of work I had accomplished. "

Instead of hiring some help the dude's mental health has deteriorated due to the heavy stress placed upon himself to increase the quantity/quality of the work. It's not a bad thing to want to increase the quantity/quality, but it sure as hell is if it takes a toll on the dev. Getting help/staff is the logical solution to this.
My bad, it was actually a post in this thread where he indicated that getting help would probably create as many problems as it'd solve since he'd need someone with his work ethic (impossible) and capable of matching his standards (difficult) so a stress relieving solution would make matters worse.

Sorry for the previous snarky comment, turns out I'm the idiot :FacePalm:

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
There's actually nothing dismissing my idea in there at all.
The key sentences, in the words of The Almighty Braindrop, being...

No, the answer is not hire others.
This is a solo project and I have very few skills in managing others.And it's very difficult to find people that can handle my schedule.
And what if they fuck up? There's way too many ifs involved and way too many potential headaches for it to be heavily considered.


Engaged Member
Jan 20, 2020
That's not at all a valid reason. Pay by the render, make sure each render is checked and approved to meet BD's standard before paying. If they 'fuck up' then BD does the render anyway so there's no difference.
RomanHume tired doing this. He commissioned some people to make some renders for Dr. Amana, Sexual Therapist, in the end it didn't work out for him as the time he could have spent working on his game was instead taken up by checking and correcting what they did.

WVM is a solo project and as BD has stated before it was not the time developing the game that made him want to take a break but instead other things. So please stop suggesting things that have already been said no to.

harem - king

Feb 26, 2018
RomanHume Tired this. Commissioned some people to make some renders for Dr. Amana, Sexual Therapist, in the end it didn't work out for him as the time he could have spent working on his game was instead taken up by checking and correcting what they did.
You seem to be implying that checking and correcting what they did is not spending time working on his game? Unless what he commissioned was something that wasn't going to be put into the game, I'm not seeing how that makes sense. Though granted, freelance is hit and miss. With something of the size of the money that WVM makes though, there should easily be able to attract the best of the best freelancers by offering a good rate per render/scene.
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Jan 2, 2020
BD - don't sweat the petty things. And don't pet the sweaty things.

The fans who love what you do will still be here - the malcontent whine buckets will fuck off.

Keep on keeping on man - I love the game so far and look forward to your updates. WHEN you're ready to drop them and not a moment sooner.


Engaged Member
Jan 20, 2020
You seem to be implying that checking and correcting what they did is not spending time working on his game?
So from re-reading the patreon post it seemed like it worked out for RomanHume in the end, but he had to take time out from development to check over the artwork.
romanhume said:
So, remember when I was all excited to tell you that I had hired on four new artists to help with the game?! Turns out, I bit off a lot more than I could chew. Besides having to take development time away from building the infrastructure to manage this new crew, I also had to take some time away from development to reformat my scripts and generate production notes to help steer the artists towards the vision. This has caused a bit of a delay.
Anyway the point is WVM is a solo project. Paying freelancers is not the solution to a non-existent problem
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