The fact Braindrop is not going to allow himself to let it go past June 30th, because we all know that boy will work himself to death, just moving to get this finally wrapped up considering how crazy everything has been surrounding it. If you know anything about braindrop, its that he's dedicated and puts too much pressure on himself to do what he feels is his absolute best, and he gets very down on himself when he feels he is disappointing us.
He's a sweetheart, and it doesn't matter what happens cause we care about him. I trust that this time, it will be done because he has a hard stop he wants to hit. Finish out strong and deliver on what he's been building up for all this time. He's gonna do it or die trying because he just works that damn hard on this because he loves working on it and he loves his patrons, and doens't want it disappoint them.
Not that he'd disappoint us, but he thinks he will, we'll still love him either which way. No way this stretches to Late July, you're nuts if you think that.