The point you fail to consider in this, is that hiring a team to work on a story means giving up the certainty that the project will go the way you want it to. As more voices get added, there are more steps, and thus a growing potential of something not being made the way you envisioned it.
What people are saying is that BD should
hire some help. Not bring partners on board. It is both easy and expected to retain full creative control when you hire people to do specific jobs that don't revolve around the creative side of things. Posing & rendering would be one thing that should be easy to outsource after the initial setup and brief. I would class posing as a technical skill and not creative but even if you didn't it is something that can be trained and monitored in real time.
For some people, it's a problem, as they have more or less a clear idea of where they're going, and would rather avoid deviating from their plans.
This kinda contradicts what I was just saying as requiring him to be in control of the creative aspects might just be the problem, but it should be painfully obvious by now that BD has absolutely no idea where the story is going. If you got to the surprise basement princess and thought "Yep this guy knows his shit, he has everything planned like a 4d chess grandmaster" then I don't know what to say except... no I got nothing. You're on your own at that point. The dude might have some really rough outline of the way things are supposed to go but there's definitely no master script he's working off.
Let's, for example, consider renders. If Braindrop wasto hire someone to do the posing and rendering, they're take the risk of the renders not being the way they planned them to be. And having to carefulyl detail and explain, or even sketch it, would basically take as long as doing it themselves.
Well shit you mentioned it yourself. He has thousands of renders to use as source and training material, but if he just can't bring himself to allow someone to do that then bam! He does his damn job and does the posing himself. It shouldn't even be necessary though, there's plenty of ways to check off on work in progress when it comes to something done on a PC.
People tend to just throw the "you make huge money, you're rich, just hire people to work faster", but that's not always a good solution. Mind I remind you of Breeding Season that took this path and ended up imploding, too ? All it needs is team members fighting for the whole project to collapse and dissapear totally.
There's a lot of truth in that. More hands don't scale linearly, two people working on a project is not going to take half the time or end up with twice the amount of work in the same amount of time. I have no idea what Breeding Season is, I just want to say that there's a big difference between team members or partners and employee's or contract workers. People aren't saying that he should share a slice of the pie they're saying he should hire someone on a fixed wage, a contract, whatever the fuck and get shit done because it's obvious to everyone that what he's doing now is not working. Creative differences is not something that happens when you're clear with the person you hire that they will have no creative input. If that doesn't work out then hire someone else.
Personally I think he should hire a mom so they can kick his ass into gear and manage his time for him. I mean the dude can't manage himself he definitely couldn't manage an employee.