He creates his own problems, giving release dates then nearly always delays them. One in a while you can understand, the frequency of his delays are not normal. This is a veteran developer at this point working on the same game now talking about creative hell like he making a well written story with that many sex friends. I put little trust to a guy running his mouth without things to show.
This is three years in to this cycle of BD's: couple of releases, stress about a big release, missed dates. Radio silence. More missed dates. Then some small releases. Then stress about a big release. More missed dates. More radio silence. After 3 years, I'd hope a developer would have some sort of work flow figured out. That just hasn't happened here. You can wait another 3 years, but I wouldn't expect anything different from what we've seen so far.
It does somewhat remind me of somebody dealing with substance abuse issues, honestly. But in fairness, it's not my money he's spending on it, so I guess I'm not really impacted by it on a relevant scale.
This is something that has really bounced around in my mind from back when his tall tales of ups and downs just got bigger and harder to believe. It really sounded like someone with an addiction issue trying to rationalize and make excuses. Seems harsh, but it's the gut instinct I got.
The Mackenzie hiring/creation also ties in with the above. You can pull up messages from BD and Mackenzie side by side and blatantly see the same writing style and use of language. I'd like to think this PR personality is helpful, but ultimately I think it's just going to cause problems for BD to maintain it.
I genuinely hope BD gets well. If the game manages to get finished in the process, great.