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Hey everybody, hope you're all doing well.
There's very little info to share this week. Work has begun on the first weekly / beta for Episode 10 and I hope to have that out around this upcoming Friday. Though that's no hard date and it will be uploaded and released as soon as I feel it's ready. It may be a little earlier and it may be a bit later.
(Just a reminder that the betas are shorter weekly versions of the game that are usually around 100 renders long)
Also, this next beta will be titled "Episode 10 - Beta 1" and will look like "S2-C1-E10-B1"
Any release that has a B# at the end is a beta. The monthly and final version of Episode 10 will simply be titled "S2-C1-E10" with no beta indicator.
I'm going to start doing normal tier timings this month, all releases were sped up in May but I plan on doing the normal daily wait per tier in June.
The bday renders will be posted very soon, the client poll should be on Monday, character sheets should come out on time, ditlo may be a little late depending on how I decide to handle it, and sexy renders should be on time.
But yeah, super normal week. Work has been going really well and I've been having a blast working on everything. I really appreciate all of the kind words that have been shared about the recent releases. I'm glad you guys have been enjoying them.
That's all for me for this week. Time for me to get back to work on things.
As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care.
Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone!