
Jan 25, 2022
Just because the document says that he began testing over 10 days ago doesn't mean that's what he's doing. You are making an assumption that he's spending all this time testing. He could have spent two days testing. Finished testing and gone on vacation for the last 8 days. That leaked spreadsheet doesn't actually mean anything...
Yeah, remember when he claimed he was setting his alarm to wake him up several times a night (was it every 90 minutes?) because he was doing so many renders?


Sep 10, 2022
yes and no...

He is very bad at estimating release dates. After this many misses it can only be because he doesn't really mind missing them because every one, like you, has had five years to just accept it. (I too was once a supporter on Patreon)

and No.
the leaked document doesn't show what you think it does.
Your logic is flawed. Just because the document says that he began testing over 10 days ago doesn't mean that's what he's doing. You are making an assumption that he's spending all this time testing. He could have spent two days testing. Finished testing and gone on vacation for the last 8 days. That leaked spreadsheet doesn't actually mean anything...
What do you mean by "all this time"? He's not an hour-wage worker. His Patreon subscribers aren't his bosses. They're buying a product. They're paying for early access to new releases. Calling my assumption flawed and then making a pessimistic assumption yourself doesn't really help your case when you're trying to call my "logic" flawed.

I didn't make any assumptions about how many hours he spent on it each day. All I know is what that document says about the development stage of the update. You don't test until content is finished. Testing is for the purpose of quality control. I like that the content is finished, I like that they're filtering out typos and other mistakes. I also like that it's going to be a relatively large update of (at least) 750 renders.

I'm bubbling with anticipation. You're biting your nails impatiently. That's the difference between our mindsets and no criticism of my rationales is going to change that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
At the latest with the whole debacle surrounding his alleged PR manager named MacKenzie, whose user name just happened to be the same as the name of the protagonist's social media manager, who then disappeared again just as quickly as she appeared.

Next up are his uses of MS Paint: both to hide the protagonist's face, the famous black box and the scribbling over Harper's private parts before the update, where she was officially seen naked for the first time. It would have been perfectly possible to hide such things with clever angles and objects and people in the render, yes it probably would have been more elaborate, but the way it was done it just feels extremely lazy.

Then there's the changes to characters like Katie, which can definitely be seen as an worsening rather than an improvement (worseprovement?).

Then there's the fact that each of his official update posts is a long, verbose mess that contradicts itself and in some paragraphs effectively says nothing. The whole thing gives the impression that BD is nothing more than a phoney and a bag of wind at the end of the day. With regard to the filter bubble of yes-men that he has built up around himself, one could also draw a comparison with dubious feel-good gurus from YouTube and the like.

WVM is, in its current state, not much more than one of those meet & fuck games, only with slightly better graphics (or at least a different graphics engine) and a few extra steps.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
What do you mean by "all this time"? He's not an hour-wage worker. His Patreon subscribers aren't his bosses. They're buying a product. They're paying for early access to new releases. Calling my assumption flawed and then making a pessimistic assumption yourself doesn't really help your case when you're trying to call my "logic" flawed.

I didn't make any assumptions about how many hours he spent on it each day. All I know is what that document says about the development stage of the update. You don't test until content is finished. Testing is for the purpose of quality control. I like that the content is finished, I like that they're filtering out typos and other mistakes. I also like that it's going to be a relatively large update of (at least) 750 renders.

I'm bubbling with anticipation. You're biting your nails impatiently. That's the difference between our mindsets and no criticism of my rationales is going to change that.
Ok, here we go... remember you asked the question, it's not my fault if the answer makes you look foolish...

You specifically said...

"There was this leaked doc that showed he had been testing for over 10 days now."

That is an assumption. The document is not a video recording of his actions and does not in point of fact "SHOW" that he had been testing for over 10 days. It may have implied that, or alluded to it, but the document it's self was not proof of 10+ days of testing.

So I replied with...

"Just because the document says that he began testing over 10 days ago doesn't mean that's what he's doing. You are making an assumption that he's spending all this time testing."

You replied to this with the question quoted above asking...

"What do you mean by "all this time"?"

So, here's how language works... when one person responds to another, they typically respond to what the other person said.
When I said "all this time" I was directly referencing the time period stated in your prior statement "over 10 days"

So, to put it another way, what I meant was that You are making an assumption that he's spending over 10 days testing.

Now, just in case that wasn't the part you didn't understand, and that by What do you mean by "all this time"? You actually understood that I was referring to your own prior comment but had somehow confused yourself, Let me further explain...

See, a day is one of many units we use in order to measure time. it consists of approx. 24 hours (actually 23 hours and 56 minutes if you want to get technical which is where leap years and leap centuries come from)

I hope this was able to clarify what I meant when I referred directly back to your own previous words that you were somehow unable to comprehend.

As for your final comment which states that I'm "biting your nails impatiently" It seems that you have again made a false assumption. I honestly don't give a rat's ass when the update comes out. I am sure that I won't play it for a while afterwards because I am focusing on my own next update which is about to go to actual testers (not just be solo tested by myself) I only come to F95 to kill time during my work day (yes I have a real job as well.)
so yeah, whatever.


Salt is a Way of Life
May 1, 2018
With all the brownnosers BD has that I know would never leak the beta build ever in a million years, there is no excuse for "testing" to take more than 24 hours. I will respect his decision not to add a coder, renderer, writer, or whatever but not having a couple people test the game is just a joke.


Oct 4, 2022
What do you mean by "all this time"? He's not an hour-wage worker. His Patreon subscribers aren't his bosses. They're buying a product. They're paying for early access to new releases. Calling my assumption flawed and then making a pessimistic assumption yourself doesn't really help your case when you're trying to call my "logic" flawed.

I didn't make any assumptions about how many hours he spent on it each day. All I know is what that document says about the development stage of the update. You don't test until content is finished. Testing is for the purpose of quality control. I like that the content is finished, I like that they're filtering out typos and other mistakes. I also like that it's going to be a relatively large update of (at least) 750 renders.

I'm bubbling with anticipation. You're biting your nails impatiently. That's the difference between our mindsets and no criticism of my rationales is going to change that.
Crazy that people like you are still around here defending Braindrop. The way you view this and your mindset is absolutely irrelevant, it has no impact on reality. You are just some guy on the internet who has an unhealthy obsession with a porn game.

The reality is that Braindrop probably lost interest in this ages ago. He's got his own life to live and undoubtedly has better things to worry about than making a porn game. He will continue to do the absolute bare minimum so that his Patreon income will keep flowing in. He's never going to finish this because he doesn't need to for it to be profitable.

Braindrop would lose money if he finishes this and makes more money the longer he takes, same goes for any other developer on this site. If he finished this, everyone would unsubscribe from his Patreon. If he were to release bigger updates, or even just more updates, he would have to work harder to earn the same amount of money he would have if he were to release one or two small updates a year.

Also, there's absolutely no shot he releases an update with 750 renders. You are on crack if you think that is even a possibility. A 400-render update would be impressive for him.
Last edited:


Jul 24, 2022
I also read your edit. I guess you like wasting your time on making yourself angry over things you've "given up on".
Personally, when I give up on something I move on to different things.
Giving up on waiting for the update =/= given up on the game.
I still play it when it comes out. I just don't sit here "bubbling with anticipation" or biting my nails... it shows up, cool. If it doesn't, "LOL look at this trainwreck with another missed date"

And where are you getting any hint of me being angry?


Jul 24, 2022
yes and no...

He is very bad at estimating release dates. After this many misses it can only be because he doesn't really mind missing them because every one, like you, has had five years to just accept it. (I too was once a supporter on Patreon)

and No.
the leaked document doesn't show what you think it does.
Your logic is flawed. Just because the document says that he began testing over 10 days ago doesn't mean that's what he's doing. You are making an assumption that he's spending all this time testing. He could have spent two days testing. Finished testing and gone on vacation for the last 8 days. That leaked spreadsheet doesn't actually mean anything...
I also wouldn't put it past him to completely BS that spread sheet, wouldn't be the first time.
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May 1, 2022
With all the brownnosers BD has that I know would never leak the beta build ever in a million years, there is no excuse for "testing" to take more than 24 hours. I will respect his decision not to add a coder, renderer, writer, or whatever but not having a couple people test the game is just a joke.
Yea that is the one thing I could never understand, I mean he has plenty of loyal fans in discord and a few pretty well known devs in his discord so he could easily get a team together to test a build but for some reason he just doesnt and does it on his own.
Now its one of 2 reason, first being there just is no build or the build is a lot smaller then he says.
Second being he has really really bad trust issues and he wants to do everything himself.
I hope its just the 2nd reason and if it is dude just needs to get a grip and let some others test the build and give their opinions already so he can release the shit already.
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Sep 10, 2022
An angry condescending rant completely missing the point, probably intentionally.
For a guy who's busy with his "real" job and making his own game you seem to have LOTS of time to waste on criticizing others. Just makes you look jealous. I get it. You don't care about when the game comes out. You're just here to fart on someone else to feel better about yourself. Kudos for being up front about it. Funny enough you also admitted it's a good game. Because you're still gonna play it despite hating the crap out of the guy making it. Soooo... cheers?
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Sep 10, 2022
Crazy that people like you are still around here defending Braindrop. The way you view this and your mindset is absolutely irrelevant, it has no impact on reality. You are just some guy on the internet who has an unhealthy obsession with a porn game.

The reality is that Braindrop probably lost interest in this ages ago. He's got his own life to live and undoubtedly has better things to worry about than making a porn game. He will continue to do the absolute bare minimum so that his Patreon income will keep flowing in. He's never going to finish this because he doesn't need to for it to be profitable.

Braindrop would lose money if he finishes this and makes more money the longer he takes, same goes for any other developer on this site. If he finished this, everyone would unsubscribe from his Patreon. If he were to release bigger updates, or even just more updates, he would have to work harder to earn the same amount of money he would have if he were to release one or two small updates a year.

Also, there's absolutely no shot he releases an update with 750 renders. You are on crack if you think that is even a possibility. A 400-render update would be impressive for him.
Okay, and you're not "just some guy on the internet"? Your views have an impact on reality? We just have a difference of opinion on a subjective matter. Also what makes you think I'm obsessed? If anything, I'm not the one worrying about when something is released. I have plenty of fun things to do in the mean time.

You're right that there are incentives for Crowd-funded projects like this to take it slow. And nothing you say will change those incentives. But it's not your money, so why are you worried about it? Why do you care about what other people spend their money on? Are you going to write a post next about how people shouldn't go to McDonalds because their burgers taste like cardboard? And if it is your money, "vote with your wallet". It's not like I think he's a great dev. But that's why I'm not paying for his work. So it's costing me nothing. Because I don't obsess over it. I just enjoy it when it comes by and there's plenty other games to play (not just talking about the adult variety) and series to watch and things to do in the mean time.

So it's weird to me that you think what I'm doing is crazy. All I'm doing is reminding people that making something takes time and effort. And that they're not obliged to pay for it if they don't have faith in its completion. It's crazy to me that you think someone who focuses on the positive is dysfunctional and someone who focuses on the negative is normal, it's actually the other way around. You'll feel better if you let go of all this unnecessary (and as you yourself pointed out) irrelevant anger. Go punch a pillow with BrainDrops logo on it or something.

Edit: Oh, and I'm not on crack. I do smoke a joint every now and then tho. I can recommend it, you seem stressed.

Darth Helmet

May The Schwartz Be With You
Respected User
Apr 7, 2017
I don't know why I expected anything less coming to this thread. I think I set myself up for disappointments every time. This feels like the Summertime Saga thread only slightly better. Which is crazy.
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Sep 10, 2022
Giving up on waiting for the update =/= given up on the game.
I still play it when it comes out. I just don't sit here "bubbling with anticipation" or biting my nails... it shows up, cool. If it doesn't, "LOL look at this trainwreck with another missed date"

And where are you getting any hint of me being angry?
The base emotion behind complaining is anger.
And taking joy in other people's (perceived*) failures is disdainful.

If it didn't matter to you you wouldn't be doing either of those things. You're negatively emotionally invested.

*sidenote: I doubt he sees WVM as a train wreck. If you sort the F95 game browser by likes, it takes the 11th spot. If that's a train wreck then 99% of all adult games are train wrecks.
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Sep 10, 2022
It takes like 2 minutes to catch up on this joke of a thread and type a forum post, how in the everloving fuck is that "LOTS of time"?
The post you just did? Sure. The rants he's been posting here for weeks, nah. I mean, you do you and he do his and all... but I don't like to spend that kind of effort on negativity. I reserve my negative emotions for non-trivial matters.

And before you try to flip it on me...I think trying to convince people to do the same is a reasonable use of some of my time but I'm probably gonna call it quits in a bit. Some people just live for that kinda negativity. But others are just stuck in a spiral. If I got through to anyone, cool. If I didn't, ahh well. I don't regret trying to help people "Awoosah" a bit. If nothing else I helped them vent some of their anger, right? :p

I'm a pretty positive thinker. Something has to be pretty severe for me to worry about it. I know what matters so I don't sweat the small stuff.


Sep 10, 2022
No it's not, it's disappointment, and if there's one word that can sum up what has happened to BD and this game, I cant think of any better.
Disappointment is not a base emotion. Disappointment is made up of surprise and either anger, disgust or sadness. Since you're complaining about someone, it's anger or disgust.

If you can sum up the entire development process of WVM with "disappointment", then you clearly haven't been correctly adjusting your expectations. Otherwise there would be no surprise, and thus no disappointment.

And as I've alluded to in other conversations, it's unhealthy (and unproductive) to waste your anger or disgust on trivial things. It doesn't make your life better, in fact, focusing on negative things in your life that you have the power to cut yourself free from makes your life worse. And by default, anyone here who is angry about WVM's development has the power to cut it out of their lives and seek out new things that do make them happy.

I once bought pre-order No Man's Sky. When the game came out, it didn't have a lot of things it promised. But rather than get angry, I decided that game was not worth the money I spent on it or me getting pissed off. Instead, I uninstalled the game. Never played it again, even when there was some PR thing about how they fixed it years later. I learned not to pre-order video games unless I had confidence in the dev. I view Patreon in the same way. I don't pay for WVM. Never have. But I do keep an eye on new releases. Because it's a good game even if the dev's professionalism is lacking.

To me, that's the healthy way to look at it. And again, anyone is free to disagree. I've always said that it's subjective, I just shared my (rather easy-going) view on the situation to help other people see that it's all about how they choose to look at it.
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