so, this can get a little confusing, so i'm not gonna bother with screenies, just follow the story :
A) somebody posts a day or so ago that Morbil (avatar from Dis) and HoboCop (avatar from F95) are same person
B) a day or so later, HoboCop (old dude on Dis appears out of nowhere) playing identity-tag with Morbil in chat
C) now, there are plenty of ways to fake this, and i don't care either way, but let's PHD this for a second : even if whoever posted that Morbil and HoboCop being the same person was wrong, why in the hell are these people talking and meme-ing it in the official paid Discord? the only people who are going to "get" the joke are either 1) F95 haters or 2) Dis members who float both sides, and apparently that is "wrong" - - I've gotten a lot of shit from Morbil about being "out" on sharing/caring Dis-to-F95 news, and these guys are doing the same right now - - don't get me wrong, I'm not butthurt, but these fuckers need to finally admit that the Paid Discord and F95 threads are of equal value, it pisses me off that we are the "bad guys" for hating on here ((don't forget they have an "official" haters thread in the discord)) yet these guys are making jokes about the F95 thread in the Discord like it's comedy ... which it is ... but they are hypocrites
they say "not like us", but what they mean is "just like us"