While I myself didn't have that much of a problem with the Mable scene, it made me raise an eyebrow when it played out.
Not because I'm male and can't handle a woman taking the lead or there being handcuffs in itself.
I'm also not saying this is the wrong way to do WVM or that every element of every scene has to be optional.w
But - I can totally understand those that say "For me, it feels somewhat unfitting for the flow of the story that the MC after being cuffed for real is directly cuffed again by Mable. I would have liked being able to turn that down at this point in time and possibly take her up on that after the MC had a day or two to settle down and heal his bruises."
Even the idea of not turning down Mable but the use of cuffs for those not into it is not that far fetched in itself - I mean, we had the option to tell Bailey not to call us daddy and others in that regard. You could say that Bailey is much more part of the core story than Mable - but then, we only saw 9 in-game days of several months at the end of development. There's no way to tell if Mable might become a much more integral part.
In my opinion, this is about when this scene happened in the story, not that it happened at all.
And with a lot of things being optional or avoidable at a specific time just to be offered again later, I think it legitimate to voice this feeling, and the wish this scene was one of those to handle yourself.
Of course, BD can do this as he wants, and most of us will play it, even if a scene or two (or..) are not perfect for our own tastes.
But without voicing our impressions, we wouldn't have anything to discuss or BD to get an idea of how things are received.
This whole discussion for me feels like most people only type like 90% of what they wanted to say and the next only reading 90% of that and in the end, we are arguing about how insecure we are that we can't handle strong women - where the original message was 'I wish Mable had done that a day later (or I had been able to tell her to wait some).'