So, it's been exactly a year, and we got ~600 renders total, in two updates, and a >200 render censored side-story/mini-game.
Why do all the big VN projects always follow the same pattern- start off with good premise and content, updates get more ambitious, release frequency gets lower, updates get delayed because of
problems, excuses are given for said delays, and rinse and repeat? I'm not saying that all these devs are liars, but it feels like there are more cases of "excuses and delays" than there are of regularly updated VNs.
Plus, it's not even like this is a hobby/part-time or a passion project, some of these big VNs earn enough to make a decent living without having the need for any other job. At some point you have to treat it like a job, and provide consistent and regular updates to your supporters; but that's sadly, never the case. On the other hand, devs of smaller and less popular VNs, who don't earn as much, still provide consistent updates and stick to their release schedules.
What happened to having a good work ethic and taking responsibility? I mean, that's the goal right; to get to a point where you can live off of solely producing VNs? Many developers of these big and popular VNs have likely reached that goal. So, why stay consistent and be genuine, when you can make a living with minimal work.
The times when BD paused his payments, I doubt he was working any other full-time or part-time job. He was probably managing fine with the money he saved up, earning profitably from just releasing a handful of updates a year.
Maybe I'm just an asshole who assumes too much, and I could be entirely wrong; BD could be the most genuine and hard-working person with just a lot of bad luck and problems. Who knows, only you can be the judge...
PS- I'm well aware of this being a pirate site and I'm grateful for the free smut, but seeing scores of: abandoned projects, rampant delays and indefinite problems for all the good VNs, just sucks.