Not even gonna weigh in on the latest batch of excuses, but given some of the comments I've seen, I would like to point out that BD used the term "urgent care", not "emergency room". Which, here in the US, at least, are two different things. An urgent care facility is more or less like a regular primary care doctor, except they only take walk-ins with relatively urgent cases, rather than by pre-scheduled appointment like your usual PC physician. They are usually a third party practice with between three and five MD/DOs and several nurse practitioners and physician assistants in a medium-sized practice, or in some cases an adjunct of a hospital ER. They handle things that can't wait for an appointment but aren't serious enough for the ER, though in some cases they will triage you and refer you to a hospital ER or even call an ambulance for you instead, though they are commonly equipped for interim emergency lifesaving measures. They usually have extended hours, but are not open 24/7 like an ER. Based on what BD describes (again, not gonna comment on veracity), an UC facility is actually the most appropriate choice.
On another note, and as much I'll say on the matter, I'm curious: Does anyone think we might get some small update or fix as a Christmas or New Year's gift? Or will we be waiting until the middle of next year? Perhaps Christmas 2025? Since that seems to be common theme of discussion at this point, and the moderators seem to be tolerating it at present.