E13-Final Release Pushed Back by One Day.
Just now
Hey guys, the new release date is March 4th 10am-5pm EST. The release will fall somewhere in that time.
In my last post I shared the release date of today at 5pm.
I'm trying to stay away from setting hard dates but due to me needing to unpause pledges I set what I thought would be a safe date at that time when factoring in the estimated times for the remaining render work.
Well in that post I mentioned unpausing pledges at midnight and just to be transparent that is because around half of my income for the month is from the overnight charges at the very beginning of the month.
When midnight came I felt bad for needing to unpause as I had been relying on that first day for a few months. I've been pausing as much as I can but the main time that has been unpaused has been the beginning of the month and that isn't fair at all even if it is just to support.
So ultimately, I decided to wait until after those were processed to unpause.
And the reason why that is relevant is simply because I've had to spend chunks of the last few days selling some of my stuff to keep my head afloat.
Everything will be fine but lost time is lost time. I've tried to make up the time to still be able to hit today but as it sits right now the remaining bits of render work should be finished late this evening. Then there's just final checks, packaging, and uploading.
I'm not trying to fuck up my sleep again, it just got back on track and I need to keep to a healthier process. I'll either get to the point of packaging or uploading before I go to sleep tonight as those are mostly tasks of waiting while the computer does the work.
If I go to sleep while uploading, the update will likely be in the 10am-2pm range. If I go to sleep while packaging, the update will likely be in the 2pm-5pm range.
I'd also like to clearly state that this is in no way me asking for anyone to up their pledge or anything like that, in fact I'd like to urge against it.
After missing so many dates, I have to be transparent about why I need another day even if it's something I'd usually not share.
Please don't feel any sort of need to support me more just because I put myself in a bad spot. I'll be fine. Also I don't want support for those reasons I want to earn it, if the next however many updates are released in a timely manner and you're enjoying the content, only then should you consider furthering or even just continuing your support.
I'll share which point I made it to in the comments here and on discord before I go to bed.
The dev report on Friday will focus on E14.
Thank you guys, see you tomorrow.